To: peacebaby
Bag of Doritos
Container of Crisco
One large Zucchini
89 posted on
03/03/2006 6:33:36 AM PST by
(Attention RNC...we're the party of Reagan, not FDR...)
To: RockinRight
ok, I must not be understanding this game...I was being practical.
What's the zucini got to do with the bag of Doritos anyway?
94 posted on
03/03/2006 6:36:00 AM PST by
(The wicked games people play.)
To: RockinRight
2 cats
short rope
Bottle of Nair
12 pack of beer
97 posted on
03/03/2006 6:36:23 AM PST by
Xenophobic Alien
(At a higher altitude with flag unfurled We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world)
To: RockinRight
1 lb flour
1 large watermelon
1 package of lighters
1 big bag of super balls
237 posted on
03/03/2006 7:47:36 AM PST by
(Often, it's wiser to wait until u know the beat, before dancing 2 tunes the media & politicians play) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson