So the bad guys wanted the airport terrorists dead and the card key handed off? It was part of the plot? How does walt being involved with the guys that were trying to flush jack out figure into it? They wanted jack out of the way so they could proceed with the nerve gas. Who knew about jack being alive? Did mike know?
I don't know.....
It was my son's whack theory...LOL!
I think that the "hostage" (YTG) was supposed to "disappear" during the excitement... they did know that there would be an attempt to save...I don't think they expected to lose the battle- but the YTG did meet up with other I think he was supposed to just disappear during the attempt- and he would be free to carry out the REAL mission no metter what went down...
after all- I think the bad guys expected to actually kill Jack before they got to the airport....
or have Jack on the run from CTU anyway....
fun trying to figure it out though! LOL!