You said it, brother.
Having been a SW fan since I was 9 years old, I was willing to forgive the clunkers that were Eps. I & II. But if GL is going to even indirectly compare our President to an evil emperor, he can forget my support.
Great, now I need a new screen name.
I think they head downhill from the second movie. I got my son into StarWars and he loves it! He is a Chewy fan!
I am not much of a movie goer to begin with and I don't care for most of hollywood's product.
But I say keep the name.
Jawas are so cool. Beside that they are not 100% George's creation. There are tons of people who have to be spot on to make a great movie. Some other guy made those little Jawas....Lucas just came up with the idea.
how about AngryJarJar? LOL.
My problems with Lucas began with the Ewoks...then evolved with Jar Jar, and then the ever ridiculous death of Darth Maul at the hands of a near-death apprentice Jedi...give me a break.
But now he's crossed the more money for him.