Whitney was never a good girl. They tried to give her this proper image in her early career, but she always leaned to the dark side of life with her mouth and choices.
She was a stunning young lady with a really gifted voice.
There were probably several hundred million men in the world who would have loved to hook up with her to be good husbands and family with her, but true to Hollywood form, she picked a freak show to marry.
Not untypical for Hollywood types.
They tend to be irrational, often dishonest, not stable in relationships and as we all know, rather far left in politics.
Children almost often associated with these types of parents leave their teens already dealing with addiction or a criminal record.
They are a mess cyborg.
Thought of another show title... "Get a piece of the rock!"
Thought of another show title... "Get a piece of the rock!"
** best one yet! LOL