Welcome to FreeRepublic.com.The Libs hate FOX News because they DO give both sides of the issue.
That exposes them and the truth hurts!
Here's a little pic I put together last year.
How to Make a Guerrilla Documentary
(Liberal Campaign to smear FOX News)''Outfoxed'' has been made in secret. The film is an obsessively researched expose of the ways in which Fox News, as Greenwald sees it, distorts its coverage to serve the conservative political agenda of its owner, the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch. It features interviews with former Fox employees, leaked policy memos written by Fox executives and extensive footage from Fox News, which Greenwald is using without the network's permission. The result is an unwavering argument against Fox News that combines the leftist partisan vigor of a Michael Moore film with the sober tone and delivery of a PBS special. A large portion of the film's $300,000 budget came in the form of contributions in the range of $80,000 from both MoveOn and the Center for American Progress, the liberal policy organization founded by John Podesta, the former chief of staff for Bill Clinton; Greenwald, who is not looking to earn any money from the project, provided the rest.
Would anyone claim that the programming (Simpsons, slutty reality shows, nighttime soaps...) on Fox is "conservaive"?