These people are mentally ill. It does no one any good to feed their fantasy.
“”” But the media is trying hard notto acknowledge Monday’s historic First Openly Transgender (female to male) mass school shooter.”””
Finally, the biological sex of the shooter is clarified.
I guessed everybody missed “the signs.” Red flags everywhere and nobody did a thing.
This is where we are.
I’m wondering if she did this to retaliate against her anti-2A mom....or if she did it to support her anti-2A mom.
Surber wrote a good tag line:
The left and the media wanted it to be a White Christian male Trump supporter. It wasn’t. Im sure the left will find a way to forgive this individual for her crime since it calls itself “trans,” I.E. a member of the latest fad group that can do no wrong.
A synonym for journalist has become propagandist.
How long was the FBI grooming this delusional person to go out and commit this crime??
How many Taxpayer dollars were expended on this grooming project ran by the FBI?
The crime was perpetrated by an ultra-liberal transexual terrorist. The ideologies of marxism and liberalism have no respect for human life, religion, rule of law, individual rights.
It’s the second mass shooting by a tranny
Anderson Lee Aldrich, who is non-binary homosexual, shot up Club Q in Colorado Springs CO in November because they rejected him for being too fat.
The MSM memory-holed it immediately upon leaning the shooter was part of the Rainbow 🌈 Coalition.
You know that stupid show “The Bachelor”? The one that they pimp the women out on? I asked “how gone there are no trans women in the show?” on the shows Facebook page. That question was not well received. lol.
“The most insidious power the media has, is the power to ignore.” — Chris Plante, WMAL, DC
These troubled youth are being coached to convert. Their psychiatrists, counselors and medical doctors should be held liable.