Posted on 06/19/2021 7:00:04 PM PDT by raptor22
Or should his title be chief of navel-gazing operations? Someone should tell Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday that he has just one job – to manage and deploy the ships of the United States Navy in such a way to guarantee our freedom of the seas and to deny the enemy the use of those seas to attack the United States, sending enemy fleets to the bottom of those seas if necessary in time of war.
He is a military warrior. He is not a social justice warrior. Diversity to him, if I may be so bold as to use a gender pronoun, should be the proper mix of aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and submarines needed to fight America’s naval battles and project American power to defend our homeland and our allies. China and Russia don’t fear the diversity of our crews or the ethnicity and gender of the finger that launches that Tomahawk missile only their ability to fight and win battles.
But no, instead of preparing our fleets for battle, Admiral Gilday is damning the torpedoes and going full speed ahead on pushing critical race theory on the Navy by putting a book espousing critical race theory on the Navy’s reading list for sailors. His recent testimony before Congress shows us the trouble we’re in”
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The only flag officers we have left are those who saluted the transgenderizing of the military.
It’s gone off the deep end folks.
Damn him and all the Courtney Massengale Perfumed Princes like him.
At the level of CNO the individual in question is an amalgamation of the donkey party president’s policy priorities molded vaguely into the shape of a human body with no capacity to speak for itself or hatch an independent thought or it would never hold or be promoted to the job it holds.
Don’t shoot till you see the WOKNESS in their eyes.
I wonder if it’s a coincidence that Chief Of Naval Operations could also form the acronym “CONO”, which means something entirely different in Spanish, if you put a tilde above the “N”...
“… The only flag officers we have left…”
We gots lots of fag officers, don’t need no flag officers.
This guy needs to be gotten .. out.
“Our warships will soon run on pure gender fluid, the most inclusive of all carbon-neutral fuels.”
How long before another collision with a freighter?
What a frggin POS. NOT my Navy
Sodomites are mentally ill.
You forgot taking (attempting to) our guns away while letting terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers and other barbarian hordes to flood the country.
Biden and Pelousi are fiddling while America burns down.
“When Obama became president, I remember reading about how he was hollowing out the ranks of the military. He purged the warrior Generals and kept the lefties. He also made it difficult for officer in the middle ranks to be promoted, so they would retire. This left the young, woke and left leaning officers to rise up and assume command. I think this is a big reason why we have the military we do today.”
You are EXACTLY correct. This happened in his second year. He directed a questionnaire be sent to ALL officers 05 and above. All who answered with patriotism, loyalty to God, and country were retired or their promotions to the next higher ranks in the case of 05’s and 06’s were denied. Only those officers who answered with appropriate levels of Leftism were retained and promoted. This message was received loud and clear by those JO’s and mid-rank officers as well as Senior Enlisted who wished to be promoted into the top 3 enlisted ranks.
This Obama purge has cemented Leftist military officer ranks that will take years to rectify IF we ever elect a President aware enough of this issue to tackle it.
Unfortunately, President Trump was so busy defending himself against 24/7 attacks from Dems and RINOs, the Media, etc...he never realized just how leftist our officer ranks had become until it was too late in his presidency.
He is from an era where he had the utmost respect for them. His view of senior officers was Patton, MacArthur, Halsey, Jackson, etc...he didn’t realize until too late there aren’t any like them in today’s senior military officer ranks.
As a former naval officer myself, I try to be reserved when talking about superior rank members.
This guy is a POS and needs to be cashiered immediately.
But no, instead of preparing our fleets for battle, Admiral Gilday is damning the torpedoes and going full speed ahead on pushing critical race theory on the Navy by putting a book espousing critical race theory on the Navy’s reading list for sailors.
Seams that based on the past few years of the Navy having repeated incidents of running into slow moving giant cargo ships, the admiral should focus on basics.
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