Now you're just repeating yourself.
That was a lie the first time you posted it, and repeating your lies -- contrary to what your hero Goebbels taught you -- repeating lies does not magically make them true, FRiend.
Vehmgericht: " 'Germany itself needed to be utterly destroyed' this involved the starving to death of infants and young children."
See, here's the point which your buddy Goebbels never taught you: if you are going to score WWII only by counting up the numbers killed, then Nazi Germany WON World War Two, hands down, no contest, not even close.
Germans lost around 7 million killed, roughly two thirds of them military.
But Nazis killed around 40 million in countries they invaded of whom roughly 25 million were civilians.
So, if we go by body counts, the Nazis WON WWII in military deaths about 4 to one and in civilian deaths roughly 10 to one!
So, FRiend, what exactly is your argument for why Nazi Germany did not need, need, need to be utterly destroyed?
Vehmgericht: "That was a Satanic policy you advocate.
Are you any better than a Nazi?"
Any sane court of justice would issue death penalties for the massive war crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germans.
War is h*ll, and Germany suffered terribly, but for every German civilian killed, Nazi armies killed 10 civilians in the countries they conquered.
So Germany did not receive justice from the Allies, even those brutish Soviets -- Germany received infinitely kind mercy for the infinite brutal crimes they committed.
Vehmgericht: "Read The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy."
The Morgenthau Plan was not even remotely close to fair justice for the mass-murder war-crimes committed by Nazi Germans, and Morgenthau's plan was never fully carried out (except in East Germany) before it was utterly reversed by the Cold War Marshall Plan.
It turned out that we needed Germans as allies against the Soviet Communists, and, once their Nazi masters were removed and their Prussian arrogance wiped away, Germans were/are nice people, somewhat conservative, relatively hard working, friendly even, strong enough to become the economic backbone of Europe.
So, the Western Allies' policy of infinite mercy towards former Nazi Germany paid off for us, though the absence of justice for the tens of millions Nazi's murdered must be a bitter pill to swallow for those surviving families & countrymen.
I guess you contend that Hollywood and the government education system have not influenced your opinion. You formed your beliefs through independent research. Goebbels is not my hero. You write this in an attempt to discredit me.
You do not dispute the murder of children. Your argument that the Nazis killed more people sounds like one made by an adolescent. We would like to be remembered as the people who fought for justice not imitators of barbarians. One of the arguments for the Soviets is that they lost 25 million people. How many of those 25 million were killed by the Soviets themselves. Nearly 1 millions Soviets fought for the Nazis.
Your original statement was “Germany itself needed to be utterly destroyed” not Nazi Germany. Unconditional surrender prolonged the war and was just what Stalin ordered.
The Morgenthau Plan was designed to destroy the economy of Europe which would push it into the Soviet camp. It was never “fully” carried out. Neither was the Marshall Plan. By 1947 Europe was on the verge of going communist. The Morgentthau Plan and the Yalta Agreement had provisions for slavery in violation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.