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Thursday News Roundup: The Entire Biden Family is Utterly Corrupt
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

Posted on 10/15/2020 5:03:11 AM PDT by EyesOfTX

Since Twitter and Facebook are censoring the New York Post’s bombshell stories on Hunter and Joe Biden and their corrupt activities in Ukraine and China, we will focus today’s Roundup on the Post’s new story detailing the Bidens’ looting of China for personal gain.

Here is an excerpt from today’s Post headliner:

Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show.

One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

Biden was identified as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent reference to the former Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co.

His pay was pegged at “850” and the email also noted that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.”

In addition, the email outlined a “provisional agreement” under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

Enlarge Image Email showing 'great expectations.'

The deal also listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Neither Jim nor the “big guy” was identified further.


Now, who do you suppose the “big guy” in this deal is? It isn’t hard to figure out.

Two Former Army Officers Telegraph the Democrat Plan for Post-Election Chaos VDO.AI It’s interesting to note that the Chinese energy company partnering with the Bidens in this scam went bankrupt earlier this year, and its chairman has conveniently disappeared. Funny how that happens, huh? Also interesting is the fact that this scheme resulted in the formation of a shell firm called “Hudson West” under which the Chinese interests created a large slush fund that allowed not just Hunter and Joe Biden access, but also Hunter’s uncle James Biden and his wife Sara.

It’s all in the family time in this deal. The whole. Damn. Family. is utterly corrupt. If Biden is elected, China wins without firing a shot. It’s that simple.

If you have missed out on the details surrounding the Bidens’ activities related to Ukraine and China, Tucker Carlson provided a fantastic overview of the entire story to open his show last night:

Watch it – it will be the best 10 minutes of time you invest today.

For those who prefer to read, here is a transcript:

Most of us never imagined it could happen in this country, and yet Wednesday, it did happen.

A major American newspaper published a story, apparently an entirely accurate story, about a presidential candidate. The tech monopolies that control American media feared this story might hurt that candidate, whom they favor. So three weeks before a national election, they shut the whole thing down.

They prevented the public from reading the news. They didn’t apologize for doing this. They didn’t bother to make up reasonable-sounding justifications for it. They just did it, exactly as the Chinese government does. These are monopolies. They have all the power, you have none. They don’t have to care about what you think and they don’t.

This was mass censorship on a scale that America has never experienced in 245 years, and it’s a threat to all of us. Democracies only function when there is a free exchange of information between citizens. We no longer have that.

This is a dark moment. Here are the details:

Wednesday morning, the New York Post published a series of emails that describe Hunter Biden’s lucrative relationship with a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma, and then describe how his father, then the vice president of the United States, intervened to help his son peddle influence.

Now, we’ve known the outlines of this story for quite some time. But these emails add damning detail. No one appears to dispute that they’re real, not even the Joe Biden campaign. There are whispers that it’s all part of a Russian disinformation campaign. If this is a hoax, it is the most complex, sophisticated hoax ever perpetrated. It doesn’t seem possible. There’s too much detail.

These e-mails came from an Apple laptop that was dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop last year and then abandoned there. After a certain number of days with no payment, the shop’s owner took legal possession of the laptop. When he looked inside, he found tens of thousands of emails, including exchanges with representatives of foreign companies and foreign governments. The laptop apparently belonged to Hunter Biden.

The shop owner was stunned by this, by the appearance of corruption, and he was afraid for his family. So late last year, he gave the laptop to the FBI and kept a copy of the hard drive for himself. He never heard back from the FBI. By May, he was anxious. So he made overtures to Senator Mike Lee’s office and at least one conservative nonprofit, but no one responded. Finally, the man contacted Rudy Giuliani’s office. And Wednesday’s story is the result of that. The tech monopolies crushed the story the moment it appeared. An executive at Facebook called Andy Stone, a former Democratic staffer, announced that his company would censor the New York Post story. As he put it, Facebook would be “reducing its distribution on our platform.”

Twitter quickly followed suit by locking the New York Post’s entire Twitter account. One of the biggest newspapers in the world was banned from Twitter, which then prevented its users from sharing the story, both privately and publicly. Those who tried to share it got this message: “Your tweet couldn’t be sent because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful.”

In a separate explanation, Twitter wrote this: “We don’t permit the use of our services to directly distribute content obtained through hacking that contains private information, may put people in physical harm or danger, or contains trade secrets.”

That’s the same Twitter that just promoted a New York Times story about the president’s private tax returns, obviously obtained illegally. And who, by the way, was hacked here? No one was hacked. Twitter never addressed that. As for “trade secrets,” there were none. We already knew that Hunter Biden was trading on his father’s office to make $50,000 a month from the Ukrainians. In October, he admitted it.

So we knew the outlines. What we didn’t know until Wednesday was how brazen this was. Hunter Biden didn’t simply sell access to his father, the vice president, or take cash to influence American foreign policy. It’s weirder than that.

As he schemed to extract more money from Burisma, Biden didn’t refer to his father as his father. He referred to Joe Biden, the vice president, as “my guy.” On April 13, 2014, for example, Hunter Biden wrote to his business partner, “The announcement of my guy’s upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking.” Hunter Biden added that he needed to be “protected financially” and wanted a long term role with Burisma: “The contract should begin now – not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k”.

It’s not clear if Biden got that retainer. But we know he did get a high-paying job at Burisma. Then in May 2014, just weeks after Hunter Biden joined the board of that company, a top executive there let him know explicitly why he was being paid: “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message/signal, etc., to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions.”

What message does that mean? Well, another e-mail from the same executive obtained by The New York Post and dated April 17, 2015, explains in very clear terms what it means.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC [sic] and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

That’s what you’re not allowed to read. And you can see why Facebook and Twitter don’t want to allow you to read it. If Joe Biden met with Burisma executives at the request of his son for the profit of his own family, it becomes very clear that Joe Biden’s previous denials were lies. Just last year, Joe Biden was telling us he had no idea what his son was doing it for Burisma.

You’ll remember that back in 2018, Joe Biden explained that he got the top prosecutor in Ukraine fired. That prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, said he was planning to investigate Burisma when he was stripped of his job. Here’s how Joe Biden explained/bragged about how he canned Viktor Shokin. BIDEN, speaking in January 2018: I had gotten a commitment from [then-Ukraine President Petro] Poroshenko and from [then-Prime Minister Arseniy] Yatseniuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn’t … They were walking out to the press conference and I said … ‘We’re not going to give you the billion dollars.’ They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president, the president said –‘ I said, ‘Call him.’ I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here’ — I think it was what, six hours? … I said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours and if the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.

Why is the vice president of the United States firing prosecutors in Ukraine? Pause for a moment and ask yourself that. That’s bizarre behavior. It doesn’t help the United States in any way. Why was he doing that at the time?

Biden’s handlers deny there’s anything wrong with this. They just said Shokin was corrupt and somehow the world was benefitting by Shokin getting fired. Biden didn’t explain how he’d benefit from that. But, of course, Joe Biden didn’t do it for his son. He didn’t know anything about Burisma. He didn’t know what Hunter Biden was up to.

Then last October, we showed you a photograph of Joe and Hunter Biden golfing with a man called Devon Archer, a board member of Burisma and Hunter Biden’s business partner. The Biden campaign never explained that photograph. Rather than following up, our media rushed to Joe Biden’s defense in the same way they’re now rushing to bury the New York Post story.

In December, a voter in Iowa tried to ask Joe Biden about Burisma and his fitness for office. Joe Biden lost control of himself. He called the man “fat” and then challenged him to a push-up contest.

You might be wondering what Joe Biden thinks of all this. Unfortunately, his campaign called a lid before noon Wednesday. That meant reporters couldn’t ask him about the New York Post story, not that they wanted to.

We have some questions, and here’s the first one: Did any money from Burisma or any other foreign company or foreign government wind up in Joe Biden’s pockets or in the account of any entity he benefits from?

We’re not accusing Joe Biden of a crime. We’re saying it has long been a mystery how a man who took a government salary for almost 50 years has lived like a rich man since the 1970s. (Ever seen Joe Biden’s houses? Look them up. “Opulent” doesn’t begin to describe the way he lives.) Can you do that? No, you can’t. So how did Joe Biden do that?

No one seems especially interested in finding out. But we are, and we may. There were a lot of emails on that laptop in Delaware, tens of thousands of emails. The New York Post is not the only news organization that has copies of those emails.

They are out there. So stay tuned.

As Rudy Giuliani told Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business this morning, there is indeed much, much more to come on this story.

Not that it will do much good, but the New York Post reports that the Senate Homeland Security Committee has opened an investigation into all of this:

WASHINGTON — A Senate committee is investigating a bombshell cache of documents about Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings that was acquired by a Delaware computer repairman and exposed Wednesday by The Post.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed it is working with the repairman, whose identity was confirmed by The Post, to verify documents from the hard drive.

“There are so many red flags about the Biden family trying to cash in on the Vice President’s position that it can be hard to keep them straight,” Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told The Post.

“Today’s report raises more questions that must be resolved,” Johnson said.


God bless Senator Johnson for at least trying.

Hilariously, Mike Allen, editor at Axios, has a story today discussing how Biden is the “luckiest and least-scrutinized frontrunner” in modern times:

Eight months ago, Joe Biden was in danger of losing the Democratic nomination. Now he’s a prohibitive favorite for president — who got there with lots of luck and shockingly little scrutiny.

Why it matters: The media’s obsession with Trump — and Trump’s compulsion to dominate the news — allowed Biden to purposely and persistently minimize public appearances and tough questions.

Since Aug. 31, Biden has answered less than half as many questions from the press as Trump — 365 compared with 753 — according to a tally by the Trump campaign, which the Biden campaign didn’t dispute.

In that time, Biden has done approximately 35 local TV interviews, three national interviews and two town halls. Biden went almost three months without taking questions from beat reporters. Biden aides say one reason there’s less scrutiny of Biden in the general election is that he already was examined thoroughly in the primary election and over decades in public life. Andrew Bates, a Biden spokesperson, said: “Who’s ‘scrutinizing’ Trump more, Maria Bartiromo or Sean Hannity?” Biden has yet to be pinned down on an array of legitimate questions, including:

His blunt view of adding new justices to the Supreme Court, which will be a priority for progressives if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed. Biden, who had criticized the idea in the past, finally said he’s “not a fan of court packing.” Biden also has mostly gotten off easy on Medicare for All, police funding, Pentagon spending, fracking, reparations for African Americans, the Green New Deal and his support for the 1994 crime bill. Per Trump campaign spokesperson Andrew Clark: “Biden has been the least-scrutinized presidential candidate in modern history at great disservice to the voters, but the press still has time to rectify that.” [End]

Why is this story unintentionally hilarious? Because Axios is basically the daily summarizer of the topline talking points for the Democrat/Media Axis of Propaganda, one of the most reliable mouthpieces for the Democrat Party in existence today.

And note what Allen and Axios leave completely out: The story makes no mention whatsoever of the bombshell stories about the Biden family corruption.

If Joe Biden has been “lucky” and not properly vetted by the corrupt news media, Allen has been one of the leading players in that intentional effort. It’s a role he and Axios will continue to play right through Election Day and beyond.

That is all.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Humor; Politics; Society
KEYWORDS: fakenews; mediabias; trump; trumpwinsagain

1 posted on 10/15/2020 5:03:11 AM PDT by EyesOfTX
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To: EyesOfTX’s the whole Left and 90% of the republicans.

2 posted on 10/15/2020 5:09:21 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (2020: Broken glass election : Republic or no Republic.)
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To: EyesOfTX

Give these jerks hell. After what the Rats put Trump through and us on a fake accusation concerning a phone call with Ukrainian President they are deserving to be raked through the coals on this Hunter revelation.

3 posted on 10/15/2020 5:11:16 AM PDT by HighSierra5
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To: CincyRichieRich

“all the Left and 90% of the Republicans” is exactly why nothing will happen to the bidens. They don’t want to open that can of worms.

4 posted on 10/15/2020 5:17:48 AM PDT by oldasrocks
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To: CincyRichieRich
it’s the whole Left and 90% of the republicans.

You know who has been real quiet about this particular story? mittens. He's up to his sleazy eyeballs in the Burisma corruption.

5 posted on 10/15/2020 5:18:09 AM PDT by Sirius Lee (They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
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To: EyesOfTX

Welcome to the World of CRAP tha that the main networks refuse to discuss, question or investigate. The real folks involved in this crime, IS THE USA NATIONAL PRESS, they cover up. Starting with the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN. THIS is the October surprise. Yesterday on the porch my son in law asked when I thought the October Surprise would spring. Well here it is.. NO THANKS to major networks.

6 posted on 10/15/2020 5:24:44 AM PDT by rovenstinez
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To: EyesOfTX

Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Rudy W. Giuliani @RudyGiuliani - 10/7/20

Biden can’t stand up to China.

They own him.

His son,brother and sister-in-law are,and have been, partners with businesses owned by Communist China and high level members of the CCP.

Records I have seen show over $30 million paid to the #BidenCrimeFamily and a lot more to go.

7 posted on 10/15/2020 5:26:16 AM PDT by NKP_Vet
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To: Sirius Lee

The GOP is useless...If Trump wins will they do anything if they keep the senate?....

8 posted on 10/15/2020 5:27:54 AM PDT by Hojczyk
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To: Hojczyk

Wikipedia: CEFC China Energy
The company was among the 10 largest private companies in China in 2014...
In March 2020 the company was declared bankrupt as well as its subsidiaries CEFC Shanghai International and CEFC Hainan International. The company used complex web of affiliated companies to facilitate fake deals, inflate trade figures and obtain bank loans to fuel its aggressive expansion...
The controlling shareholder is Shanghai Energy Fund Investment Ltd (SEFI), which is registered under Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC...
The South China Morning Post in a 2017 piece on Ye repeated rumors that had appeared in Czech news media that Ye is linked to the People’s Liberation Army and noted “speculation runs wild”.
In March 2018, the company’s chairman Ye Jianming was detained for questioning on suspicion of economic crimes...
In September 2017 CEFC announced the purchase of a 14.16% stake in Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil producer, for about $9 billion.
However, CEFC was unable complete the acquisition and paid a break fee of about $257 million to the sellers, a consortium of Qatar Investment Authority and Glencore...

2016: CEFC: Hopes of Limiting Global Warming? China and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
by Anthony H. F., LI, research assistant at the CEFC
Download this PDF

9 posted on 10/15/2020 5:47:50 AM PDT by MAGAthon
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To: EyesOfTX
The fact that the shop owner turned the laptop over to the FBI and then nothing happened tells us what we already knew: the FBI is corrupt as hell and is a tool of the establishment. Furthermore, this explains why none of the ringleaders of the Russia hoax are facing accountability for their crimes.

One of the top priorities of the second Trump term is to get the DOJ/FBI cleaned out. That smarmy bastard Christopher Wray needs to be fired immediately and replaced with someone like Ric Grennell.
10 posted on 10/15/2020 5:54:30 AM PDT by Dan in Wichita
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To: Sirius Lee


11 posted on 10/15/2020 5:57:53 AM PDT by OKSooner (We are not allowed to criticize George Soros or BurnLootMurder.)
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To: OKSooner

18 Jan: NY Post: How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
by Peter Schweizer
Frank Biden
In late March 2009, Vice President Joe Biden landed in Costa Rica aboard Air Force Two, and went to the Costa Rican presidential palace for a one-on-one with President Oscar Arias. The Biden visit had symbolic significance. The last time a high-ranking American official had visited the country was back in 1997, when Bill Clinton had come.

Joe Biden’s trip to Costa Rica came at a fortuitous time for his brother Frank, who was busy working deals in the country. Just months after Vice President Biden’s visit, in August, Costa Rica News announced a new multilateral partnership “to reform Real Estate in Latin America” among Frank Biden, a developer named Craig Williamson, and the Guanacaste Country Club, a newly planned resort. The partnership, which appears to be ongoing, was wrapped in a beautiful package as a “call on resources available to the companies and individuals to reform the social, economic and environmental practices of real estate developers across the world by example.”

In real terms, Frank’s dream was to build in the jungles of Costa Rica thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center. The Costa Rican government was eager to cooperate with the vice president’s brother.
As it happened, Joe Biden had been asked by President Obama to act as the administration’s point man in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Frank’s vision for a country club in Costa Rica received support from the highest levels of the Costa Rican government — despite his lack of experience in building such developments. He met with the Costa Rican ministers of education and energy and environment, as well as the president of the country.

On Oct. 4, 2016, the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education signed a letter of intent with Frank’s company, Sun Fund Americas. The project involved allowing a company called GoSolar to operate solar power facilities in Costa Rica. The previous year, the Obama-Biden administration’s OPIC had authorized a $6.5 million taxpayer-backed loan for the project.

In June 2014, Vice President Biden announced the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI). The program called for increasing access to financing for Caribbean energy projects that he strongly supported. American taxpayer dollars were dedicated to facilitating deals that matched US government financing with local energy projects in Caribbean countries, including Jamaica. In January 2015, USAID announced that it would be spending $10 million to boost renewable energy projects in Jamaica over the next five years.

After Joe Biden brought together leaders for CESI, brother Frank’s firm Sun Fund Americas announced that it was “engaged in projects and is in negotiations with governments of other countries in the [Caribbean] region for both its Solar and Waste to Energy development services.” As if to push the idea along, the Obama administration’s OPIC provided a $47.5 million loan to support the construction of a 20-megawatt solar facility in Clarendon, Jamaica.
Frank Biden’s Sun Fund Americas later announced that it had signed a power purchase agreement to build a 20-megawatt solar facility in Jamaica.

27 Feb 2016: Costa Rica Star: Renewable Energy Fund Based in Costa Rica Expands to Jamaica
By Jaime Lopez
Palm Beach, FL, February 25, 2016 –(— Sun Fund Americas, SRL, a renewable energy development company headquartered in Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, and concentrating on the Caribbean and Central American markets has signed a 20mw Solar Power Purchase Agreement in the island nation of Jamaica. The project represents an investment of $50 million.

Sun Fund Americas identifies, invests in and develops utility scale renewable energy projects throughout the Central American and Caribbean region. These projects are executed in tandem with development partner Serenfusion Americas (, a US based Resort/Hospitality and Residential development company carrying top class brand names...

“Our goal is to contribute to the planet’s clean energy initiatives, while creating multi-generational, highly amenitized, zero carbon footprint resort and residential destinations and communities with the finest brands on the planet,” says ***FRANK BIDEN, President of Sun Fund Americas.

Sun Fund Americas is engaged in projects, and is in negotiations with governments of other countries in the region for both, its Solar and Waste to Energy development services. “We have strong partners in both PV Solar and Waste to Energy, and our resort development partner has crafted the best possible development model for green resort and residential communities,” adds Biden. “From our base in Costa Rica, we are working with several other countries to bring this combined development array in the near term. These countries will benefit from our solutions providing clean energy, and eliminating solid waste, medical waste and water treatment sludge with zero toxic byproduct while creating thousands of jobs locally...

FRANK BIDEN’s leadership in the channeling of US renewable energy companies into Latin America provides the opportunity for these countries to participate and benefit from cutting edge green energy technology.
Most recently, Mr. Biden has worked as the director of a major philanthropy in Central America providing pediatric aids relief, building homes and providing scholarships for the poorest of the poor.

In past years, Mr. Biden worked in the Clinton Administration as a director of Legislative and Congressional Affairs, and has been involved in the election campaigns of his brother, Joe Biden, and nephew, Joseph R. Biden III, as an advisor and unpaid campaign coordinator over many years...

12 posted on 10/15/2020 6:23:00 AM PDT by MAGAthon
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To: EyesOfTX

WE have all heard about this stuff for a few YEARS now...

If WE knew about it, so did our Republican representatives in DC.

They obviously don’t care about criminal activity- just so they can use it come election time...

THAT is what’s wrong with our government; the Bidens are surrounded by HUNDREDS of other corrupt people who are enriching themselves rather than doing the job they were hired to do

13 posted on 10/15/2020 6:39:59 AM PDT by joethedrummer
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To: Hojczyk
If Trump wins will they do anything if they keep the senate?.

When Trump won in 2016, they had the White House, the House, AND the Senate. Did they do anything useful then? I think we all know the answer to your question.

14 posted on 10/15/2020 6:40:44 AM PDT by Sicon ("All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - G. Orwell)
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To: EyesOfTX

Did someone think that Biden ever got anything based on *merit*?

15 posted on 10/15/2020 7:41:42 AM PDT by jazminerose (Adderall, people. It was adderall.)
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To: jazminerose

20 Jul: Real Clear Energy: Joe Biden’s Climate and Energy Plan Is a Gift for China
By Daniel Turner
If there were any doubt before the coronavirus pandemic, there’s little now: China is not America’s ally; it’s not a “strategic competitor;” and it’s not an adversary. Simply put, China is an enemy...

Unfortunately, China’s materials dominance extends beyond the coronavirus. In a new study my group Power The Future documents (LINK) China’s virtual monopoly of rare earth elements (REEs) – integral components of more than 200 products across a wide range of industries especially “green energy” technology like wind turbines and solar panels. The communist nation control 95% of these elements, so let’s connect the dots: American leadership pushes a “green” agenda and American power transitions from domestic fossils to Chinese technology. Just as they did during the Covid crisis, China will gladly, aggressively exploit this position...

Last year, the Trump Administration released a strategy to promote critical minerals development in the U.S. The plan is sensible and intended to break America’s dependence on China for REEs. Yet, sadly, the eco-left would rather allow America’s current vulnerability to China than support President Trump. The radical Sierra Club attacked the strategy as “dangerous” because, they claim, it comes “at the cost of some of our most important landscapes.”...

In the past few years America has liberated our energy out from under OPEC, the Saudis, and the Russians. As the world’s number one producer of oil and gas, we are not threatened by Iranian actions in the Straits of Hormuz or Islamic terrorism in the Gulf Region. This is what “energy independence” means. I call it “energy dominance”. The left used to call it “no blood for oil”...

Are we going to, in the name of “climate change” or “saving the planet” put energy, the very lifeblood of our economy and existence, into the hands of communists?
Biden claims we have nine years to fix climate change and promises a green future to save us. In reality green energy markets are owned and dominated by China, and if we “go green” we will go red. With our electric grid, our cars, our very power controlled by Xi Jinping it will be impossible for America to be energy independent again.

16 posted on 10/15/2020 8:06:55 AM PDT by MAGAthon
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To: MAGAthon


17 posted on 10/15/2020 8:17:27 AM PDT by OKSooner (We are not allowed to criticize George Soros or BurnLootMurder.)
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To: EyesOfTX

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY’S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani’s EXCLUSIVE Reaction

18 posted on 10/15/2020 12:04:41 PM PDT by minnesota_bound (homeless guy. He just has more money....He the master will plant more cotton for the democrat party)
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To: Hojczyk

The GOP is useless...If Trump wins will they do anything if they keep the senate?....
Today I recalled a conclusion I came to several years ago, namely that a Trump victory in November will merely mean a four year hiatus of the left’s dismantling of our Constitutional Republic.

Khrushchev was quite prescient, wasn’t he: “Your children’s children will live under communism, you Americans are so gullible.”

19 posted on 10/15/2020 1:40:43 PM PDT by fortes fortuna juvat (President Harris vs. CHI-COM Regime? Don't worry folks, she can handle it!)
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