I don’t know if these professors are saying idiotic things for publicity or if they are really idiots or both.
It’s the result of Government funding. It’s causing the price to skyrocket and the bias to move towards pro government control. The cure is to turn off the money spigot.
Shoot the messengers, not us.
It’s as if Conservatives think profs are a bunch of American hating Marxists or something.
Indoctrinate U profs enslaving your mind. Opposing points of view not welcome, not allowed. FAKE education.
DEFUND/DISMANTLE National Education Association.
There’s media to spread the message but even before El Rushbo and all of today’s “Conservative Media” was around there was always a disdain for elites that considered themselves “better” than us “peons”.
I was at the family reunion listening to a story about my steelworker uncle who I knew as an NRA member and viewer of “Firing Line” with William F. Buckley back in the 1970’s.
He retired to a rural setting with lots of rocks around which he treated in creek water for years, then dried out.
College professors came around and thought my uncle’s rocks were some serious find of “artifacts”.
He allowed them to bring students to view this stuff for the satisfaction of knowing what fools these college professors were.
It was college professors who helped spread the message about how “acid rain” was harming nature all over the NE United States which my uncle said was a bunch of nonsense.
Whole “disciplines” are overrun with cultural Marxists and it’s the media’s fault people have a low opinion of them?
Today’s colleges and universities are to marxist groupthink what hot-houses are to orchids.
Inmates lecturing us how armed robbery has gotten a bad rap.
Stop being state funding and student loan entitled and maybe you will get some respect
Sick and tired of elites taxing my speech because they cannot keep their speech up on their own
Normal people now view “academia” as @$$holemania. Because that’s what it is.
Profs blame-——everyone but themselves on the low regard many have for them.
same not-my-fault excuses as with climate change.
If the populace keep believing that imminent climate doom is the lowest priority of all priorities (despite years of consensus brainwashing, alarmism, coertion, taxation...), it’s not because the science is all junk, no no, it’s because scientist fail to explain. So think the leftists.
36% favorable is too high
Half of the so-called institutions of higher education in the US could close and the nation would be better off for it.
And make that ALL of the Ivy League.
Typical liberal response: If you don’t like what people think about you, blame the ones who told the truth.
Those who work evil in darkness hate the light of day. But like Hillery it’s not those who expose their deeds wherein the blame lies.
Academia constructed their dismal view. Outsiders finally see it for what it is.