1 posted on
03/23/2017 8:18:20 PM PDT by
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To: Morgana
Who needs another blond bimbo who believe killing babies is “a woman’s choice.”
2 posted on
03/23/2017 8:21:52 PM PDT by
( Native Sunflower)
To: Morgana
There are two issues on which I have totally closed my mind on. One is abortion and the other is gun control.
I don’t think any honest and informed person could support either.
3 posted on
03/23/2017 8:22:19 PM PDT by
(Romans 8:38-39, For I am persuaded.)
To: Morgana
But Beck’s pro-Hillary stance is ok.
4 posted on
03/23/2017 8:24:14 PM PDT by
( Frank Isola‏ @FisolaNYDN LaVar can be over the top but saying it's tough for kids of all ti)
To: Morgana
Cinemax Late Night is hiring. She has the hair and brains for it.
To: Morgana
Does the author feel we should be surprised that the Blaze would take a stand against the murder of innocents?
6 posted on
03/23/2017 8:24:38 PM PDT by
( "The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.")
To: Morgana
This is a lie. She was fired for calling pro lifers “hypocrites.”
And I hate Beck.
9 posted on
03/23/2017 8:25:59 PM PDT by
(Trump Pence 16 - Blow Up DC)
To: Morgana
Beck found a good excuse to save some money in his failing media non-empire
12 posted on
03/23/2017 8:27:52 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
So Blaze is anti-genocide? Who knew?
14 posted on
03/23/2017 8:28:20 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
Shouldn’t Megyn have immunized us from “beautiful blondes”?
To: Morgana
To: Morgana
she advocates killing babies . She is no conservative.
17 posted on
03/23/2017 8:31:16 PM PDT by
( If they want so called marriage equality then they should support polygamy too.)
To: Morgana
Her 15 minutes are up. Time for her to step aside.
19 posted on
03/23/2017 8:32:46 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
She’s done went off and got herself Miloed
20 posted on
03/23/2017 8:33:55 PM PDT by
To: Morgana
At least, according to Glen’s transcripts, she was mistaking herself as deserving the diva treatment. That’s justifiable, imo.
He probably did her a favour, before she became another Me again Kelly.
24 posted on
03/23/2017 8:43:24 PM PDT by
(What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults)
To: Morgana
Not much of a conservative if she believes in infant murder.
Nothing says liberal more than “pro choice”.
26 posted on
03/23/2017 8:53:35 PM PDT by
(May as well just rename Hollywood---> Hypocrite city)
To: Morgana
I like her... she's 90% right on all the issues and a very persuasive spokesperson for conservative thought.
I saw her comments on The View, live (Blame my wife). I was very disappointed. But, she's young.. and female. I had similar opinions when I was her age. Life experiences, and a good logical friend changed my mind.
Don't throw her overboard. Respect her opinion. Try to change it.
27 posted on
03/23/2017 8:54:24 PM PDT by
( The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them!)
To: Morgana
Who cares? Beck and his weird act are ancient history, who pays any attention to it?
To: Morgana
Let’s see if she ends up on the View.
31 posted on
03/23/2017 9:01:52 PM PDT by
(To hold with the #MSM description used by @POTUS, I am using #OppoMedia to refer to our biased media)
To: Morgana
“Tomi Lahren Fired From The Blaze For Her Pro Choice Stance”
I think it was more for her having a pro-life stance one month and suddenly deciding she was pro-abort a few months later. She was against it before she was for it, ya know,
To: Morgana
Not so beautiful with that large forehead. And being liberal on this one is an admission of being insincere about other stated conservative positions.
33 posted on
03/23/2017 9:03:11 PM PDT by
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