I don’t know why America prefers to play body-padded pansyball.
What’s the big deal?
We play with pads because in the old days, without pads, dozens of people would die every year playing football, a truly barbaric and warlike game. Europeans don't wear pads because they are not warriors going into battle, they're just playing soccer.
There is no full contact, as in NFL football. in soccer there is no need for padding. Except for the feigned injuries ...and the occasional stubbed toe, soccer injuries are laughable. And feigned injuries all to common.
USA style football is a mans game. And is eclipsed in roughness only by rugby and possibly hockey. But those games are not regimented..... USA Football is War as strategized by generals and fought by roughneck armies. No other ‘goal’ driven sports is as exciting.
you’re kidding, right?
you get out there and take a hit from a defensive end.
The only thing that will beat you to the hospital are the lights on the ambulance.