I think you are equating conservatism with just social issues. It’s much more than that - Trump is conservative on immigration, the military, wanting to pay off our debt, the vets, doing away with Obamacare and common Core - trade deals that benefit America, big 2nd Amendment guy, as well as 1st Amendment. What isn’t conservative about that? Cruzbots look through such a narrow tunnel - you could call it tunnel vision.
Immigration... send them home, then let them come back
Military... Not sure what the nuclear triad is but he likes it.
Obamacare... we're going to insure people. We have to. Something bigger and better than Obammycare.
Trade deals.... we'll raise taxes on people (that consumers ultimately pay)
2nd Ammendment ... I agree, he says he carries, but then so do half the gang members in Detroit.
1st amendment... he wants to make it easier to sue the press.
Yeah... Trumpy is a conservative allright.... lol
I support Cruz but agree with your statement. However, social issues (character) counts and - Trump is big government when it comes to education and health care.
Trump is a very recent convert to conservatism in some areas - and that concerns me.
I very much like Trumps outspokenness on illegals and muslims.
However, statements like the one above that Trump is more conservative than Cruz are seriously ignorant.
Trump’s lack of a track record concerns me and lack of morals concerns me (Casino’s are probably the sleaziest legal businesses in most states). His lack of emotional maturity bothers me. I don’t think he is particularly bright. Oddly, on the flip side, he is very good at dealing with people and manipulating opinion. So while he makes me cringe at times he has strong leadership skills.
Cruz’ wife concerns me a bit. Cruz is a rock solid constitution conservative. He is generally brilliant in debate. However, he doesn’t smile enough and he strikes many people as false. Based on conversations I have had with people who know him that appears to be more the camera than reality - but in an election - perception is reality.
I think Trump has a better chance of winning the general than Cruz.
I think Cruz has a better chance of winning the nomination than Trump because Cruz understands that most states do not pick delegates based on popular vote - a crappy system but a pre-existing reality. How could Trump not pay attention to that?
But - it is refreshing to actually share information on the candidates with someone as apposed to shallow posts going back and forth that sound like something out of first grade.