With white privilege YOU are racist because of the actions of other people. Cops don't watch you as hard, etc. With microagressions, YOU are racist because of the sensitivities of other people. So if you let a black person speak first in a meeting, your racist because you are putting him on the spot of having to start things off but if you don;t let a black person speak first you are racist because it shows you secretly don't trust him to do it. It's all about whatever random feeling they decide to attach to it. In fairness, the whole sexual harassment thing that began in the 90s set the stage for this by making every male afraid in most interactions with women in the workplace because of how they might take something you say, innocent or not, and their ability to wreck your career on the basis of those feelings. This is just the logical extension of that.
Bottom line, we're all horrible people if we're white.
I’m white and I’m privileged.
I’m privileged because the leftists in the Federal gov’t are specifically targeting me for their welfare plantations and abortion mills.
Black male lives don’t matter.
I didn’t say that. The Federal government has been saying that for 3 generations.
Black men don’t need to work. Uncle Daddy will feed their children.
Black men don’t need to be fathers. Uncle Daddy will nurture their children.
Black men have no useful purpose except to kill each other or go to jail. Tell me that’s not the designed result of the welfare system.
White privilege? Oh my, yes! As a white male, I’m incredibly privileged not to be so directly targeted as black men are by this government.
Thank God.
1984? We’ve always been at war against white privilege. Sure, we have.