They know that to maximize the damage you absolutely positively do NOT waste a perfectly fine sizable nuke 300 miles above the planet. The EMP “threat” is a lie. Period. Pure and simple. Foisted on us every 6 months by fear mongers.
“The EMP âthreatâ is a lie. Period. Pure and simple.”
No it isn’t a lie. It’s proven physics. What is unknown is to what extent it will impact modern infrastructure and electronics. There will be some significant impact, how bad, and how difficult to recover from is simply not known.
Yup, that’s why I said what I did. However, the desired results will be attained much more cheaply.
If the fear mongering gets somebody to prep I’m OK with it.
It’s also OK to point out technical BS.
Look up the Starfish Prime testing.
It’s a very good read....