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I can see 2016 from my house and i don't like what i'm seeing
Lauren Stephens Blog ^ | January 22, 2016 | Lauren Stephens

Posted on 01/23/2016 3:28:08 PM PST by LibFreeUSA

An Open Letter To Mark Levin

[Due to the hundreds of emails I am receiving, I have updated this letter and will continue to do so.]

January 22, 2016

Dear Mr. Levin,

My name is Lauren Stephens. I’ve been involved in politics for a long time – mostly just as a pissed off American, but I also own a campaign services company. I do not work for any of the Presidential Campaigns. I am not coordinated with any of them. I have not spoken to any of them. I am not being paid by anyone for this. I am getting absolutely nothing for writing this. I am not seeking publicity and have turned down all media requests. My name is attached to this so people will understand this isn’t some back door hit piece. I am a real person.

First off, I would like to let you know that I have been a huge fan and follower of yours since probably about 2007 or 2008. I have several, but not all, of your books. They are really good stuff. I have even downloaded the majority of your podcasts.

Mr. Levin, for years, I have had nothing but the utmost respect for you. Your word has always been your bond. If you doubt my sincerity, you can ask a former co-worker of yours from the Reagan Administration, Dixie Cassell. You could ask a real patriot, C Steven Tucker, from the Chicago area. You could ask a lot of people. They know me.

For years, you have been a champion of We The People, and maybe today, you still believe that you are. But at this point, I beg to differ. Not because I want to, but because I believe I have a little bit more inside information than you have on certain issues surrounding the Presidential race. And the GOP.

I hope you will keep in mind, my respect and admiration for you, before you respond – IF you respond. Although I am angry, I come to you without malice. I am here simply because I know of no other way to get this message to you.

A little background:

I lived in Wisconsin during the Reince Priebus reign of terror when he was the State GOP Chairman. I’ll bet not a lot of people know about his former life. Ask Former Congressman Mark Neumann, or any of the other Gubernatorial candidates, what happened when they dared to run against “The Chosen One”, Scott Walker, for Governor in 2010. Ask Michael Steele what happened when Reince Priebus decided he wanted Steele’s RNC Chairmanship. You can also ask Mark Willis the same thing, from 2013.

For that matter, you can also ask Rick Santorum, who decisively had the bulk of the primary support for the Presidential primary in 2012 in Wisconsin. Sorry Rick, you were in the way of the deal between Mitt Romney and Reince Priebus – who was desperate and willing to do ANYTHING to make sure that Wisconsin’s Golden Boy, Paul Ryan, was the Vice Presidential pick. But that could not happen unless Romney was the nominee. And I think we can all agree, Romney – as fine of a man as he is – was by far no one’s favorite. Everyone who was anyone in Wisconsin is well aware that there was a deal made with Romney which would guarantee him the nomination if Reince could get a Wisconsinite in the VP slot. Since they had already planned to run Walker for President, it could not be him.


By the way, Scott Walker, Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan have all been best buds for years. They all hail from Southeast Wisconsin. That alone speaks volumes, wouldn’t you say?


Reince Priebus is a wannabe Lee Atwater. Remember the Southern Strategy? Well, welcome to the Wisconsin Strategy. Priebus really makes me miss Atwater.

I had Paul Ryan’s number way before you did Mr. Levin. Needless to say, I was happy when you finally realized what a fraud he really is. I cannot think of any other person who has done more damage to the GOP and Conservative values than him.

By the way, there is an OFFICIAL Paul Ryan primary effort and you can find their Facebook page here. That is not my page, nor am I an admin.

As far as the Wisconsin Strategy, You could also ask my dear, sweet friend Jeanne Tarantino what happened to her when she ran for an Assembly seat in Wisconsin recently. And let me tell you, Jeanne is the most ethical, decent, caring, SMART, beautiful and faithful person I have ever had the honor of knowing. At one time, the GOP felt the same way. She worked in Walker’s administration. She was also the woman who single-handedly got Lt Governor Rebecca Kleefish elected.

But, when you are going up against one of the establishment – there will be hell to pay. And there was. Mostly led by Wisconsin’s so-called Conservative media. Conservative as in RINO, not Conservative as in you and I. Do you want to guess who gives them their rules of engagement?

That’s just how the GOP Cartel rolls.

Fast forward to 2015: Cruz was the first out of the gate and I was on board right away. Who wouldn’t be, right? He talks the talk, he says what we all want to hear. But… what did I really KNOW about him? What did anyone really KNOW about him? Did anyone bother to do a little deeper digging?

Apparently not, because if they had, and if you had, you would know what I know.

But before I get to all that…

Here is what I can say: Admittedly, I have been a huge fan of Trump’s since the 80’s (remember the Reagan days?!), when I bought “Art of the Deal”.

Over the years, I have watched him. I have read many of his books. I have seen him on TV. I have seen him in Congressional hearings. I have seen his commercials. I have seen him on the front page of the Enquirer (Marla Maples). I have seen the good and the bad of Donald Trump.

One thing I know for certain and without any reservation whatsoever – Mr. Trump LOVES this country, and dare I say, he is IN LOVE with this country. And, he has always said that he loves the working man, and it is obvious from what we are seeing now, that love goes both ways.

When Mr. Trump says he wants to “Make America Great Again” I believe him. I believe him with everything in me. As do millions of other folks. I believe with the right people on board with him, this nation will prosper like never before. Trump is wise to seek the counsel of others. It is something he has done for decades. I don’t recall a time when Senator Cruz ever did any such thing.

Is it possible that Trump is not like you and I? Most definitely. However, I welcome his newer and more conservative positions than he has held in the past. We should always welcome this from anyone. Just as we did from former Democrat Ronald Reagan, and yes, just as we did from former Democrat Mitt Romney.

Mr. Trump has been a VERY, VERY generous donor to the GOP, the RNC, the RNCC, and most every other Republican committee in this country. I did the research. And this isn’t new. He has been a major donor to GOP causes since at least the 80’s. And when I say donate, I mean he has given hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Let’s all just click right here and take a look, shall we?

That search is just a search by name and the word “Republican” it is not very detailed, but still, it PROVES without a doubt that he isn’t new around here.

Mr. Trump’s generosity, kindness and loyalty to the GOP didn’t end there. He has been a major supporter of MANY Republican candidates. You may like to cherry pick those donations a little and make it sound like he has only donated to Mitch McConnell, but the truth is, he has donated to MANY many wonderful incumbents and candidates. Let’s see what he donated in the 2014 election cycle, shall we? Did he donate to RINOs too? Sure. But isn’t it you who always tells us that in the end, a RINO is better than a Democrat?

Make no mistake about it: If not for the generosity of Mr. Trump, not only would the GOP not be who they are today, but there would be MANY Republicans who would have never been elected at all. Imagine that.

I do not suggest that this should buy him any favors. No. Not at all. My point is, the GOP and MANY Republicans are WELL AWARE that Trump has been on our side for a long time, and yet, they knowingly and fraudulently choose to perpetuate these lies. The lies that he just joined the party. The lies that he isn’t Conservative. Lie after lie after lie.

I would like everyone who is reading this to please watch this video of Donald Trump, from 1988… at the GOP convention. After watching that, you will know that Trump is not a new to the party. You will know you have been lied to. Over and over again.

Now, before I get to the Cruz thing (which is going to be really bad!), there is something that has been bugging the shit out of me…

Why do I keep hearing about this ethanol thing? Why?

Do I favor subsidies? Hell no! Am I an ethanol fan? No!

But I do not believe the general public understands that ethanol has been around for a very long time and has numerous uses, which can be read about here.

Mr. Levin – it is absurd to go to Iowa, a state that obviously depends on the industry (thanks to Congress), an industry that employs what – 50,000 people supposedly – and announce, “The GOP says I am a jerk unless I come here and say we must get rid of ethanol”! I mean, who DOES that? Someone who is pandering to the GOP without any real consideration of the immediate consequences.

Does the President of the United States of America have the constitutional authority to end all subsidies? Without a pen and a phone of course. You know damn good and well that there is not one sitting Congressman who is going to allow that to happen.

So, Trump is “pandering” to Iowa, while Cruz is “pandering” to someone more evil, the GOP. Please tell us Senator Cruz, just how many jobs have you created in your entire life? Campaign staff not included.

I admit, I believe Mr. Trump is not on the right side of this issue, but I also believe it is possible that he clearly doesn’t understand why that is. And that is okay, he can be educated. He is a reasonable and intelligent man. I believe that in his heart of hearts, he just wants Iowa to prosper. After all, if you take away all those “subsidized” jobs, we will end up subsidizing those folks in the welfare system.

In the end, no one has the balls to eliminate ethanol subsidies, and we must blame Congress for that.

Now, what is so ridiculous here is that all this subsidy bashing seems to be limited to ethanol for some reason! Why?

Do we expect our candidates to go to Wisconsin and say “I am here to take away dairy and farms because you are subsidized”! How absurd would that be? I don’t hear anyone railing on and on about that. Why not?

Senator Cruz sure is taking in a lot of money from “big oil”, so I am going to challenge him to get his butt down to Texas as soon as possible and proclaim to all those donors that he will be immediately working to END ALL OIL SUBSIDIES (which are far bigger than ethanol subsidies). Mr. Cruz, please, show us what a real conservative you are – tell your donors you are going to cut them off if they elect you. By an Executive Order if need be. If you are not willing to do that, then you are a hypocrite and by your own standards, not a real Conservative.

The sad fact is, nearly everyone and every thing is subsidized. And we are just going to have to give Congress the blame for this because, as you know, they are the ones with the power of the purse.

Now, I am going to tell you, and anyone else reading this, why I dropped my support of Senator Cruz.

First of all, the way I see it, Mr. Trump was truly kind to Cruz. I believe the bromance was genuine, on Mr. Trump’s behalf. So let us not forget it was Cruz who fired the first shot by speaking so horribly of Trump in the undercover audio, which was later released to the public. It proved, without a doubt, that Cruz saw Trump as nothing more than another vehicle to take him where he wanted to go. You can click here to hear it.

Just from that, we learned how disingenuous and manipulative Senator Cruz really is. He is no victim here.

Having said that, I believe someone in the establishment purposely set that up. I know they wanted those two to fight so it would clear the field for their chosen one, Marco Rubio. Sadly, Cruz fell for it. He just couldn’t help himself.

I will not address the birther issue, mainly because it isn’t valid, and if we really wanted to talk about birthers, we MUST look to Cruz’s own father. He is the most egregious birther I have ever seen. Let’s not go there.

When I first heard about the campaign finance issue, where Cruz claimed that he simply “forgot” to report those loans, I knew it wasn’t true because it was impossible. It is impossible because Cruz is a very smart man. He also has a legal and compliance team. He also has a treasurer. Ted Cruz lied to the American people. And I am very sorry that some people still refuse to accept this.

I immediately started doing my own research. What I found was pretty unsettling Mr. Levin. I believe if you happen to be reading this, you will agree that the prima facie evidence is strong. I have also verified this with the Enforcement Division of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Let us all remember what Ted Cruz and his wife first told us when they said they cashed out everything they had. Was there any mention of a bank loan?

If you go to this story from 2013, you will see that not only was he on the record as making that claim (as he has made numerous times before), but there is also an audio clip of them (on the left side of the page).

“Ted Cruz recalled saying to his wife in the weeks before his Senate primary, when he was still behind in the polls, “Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth, liquid net worth, and put it into the campaign.”

“What astonished me, then and now, was Heidi within 60 seconds said, ‘Absolutely,’ with no hesitation,” said Mr. Cruz, who invested about $1.2 million — “which is all we had saved,” he added — into his campaign.”

Ironically, even Mrs. Cruz seemed uncomfortable with such a story, as she tried on several occasions to change it. The only reason to even bring this up on the campaign trail was to make people believe that not only did they have the money, but that they were so confident of Cruz, that they were willing to risk it all! This is one of the best fundraising strategies there is. And his campaign finance reports indicate that it worked.

Now, about the “forgotten” loans. Were they really forgotten? No. Here they are:


As you can see, he reported loans. He reported them back then. He reported them on time. So that Sir, is another lie that he continues to tell to this day. He didn’t forget anything. What he did was lie to the FEC, claiming they were personal loans from his personal money. He had no choice. That is what he told the public he did. Additionally, he never filed ANY loan documentation, which is a requirement no matter WHAT the loan source is.

Now, he wants us to believe that he is “forgetful”? That his legal and compliance team are inept? That his Treasurer might be crooked? INCONCEIVABLE!

If this is the case, then he has NO business seeking the Presidency of the United States.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more ridiculous and irresponsible it is for someone to take a loan for over a million dollars just to run for office that pays less than $200,000.00 a year. Is this part of our new conservative principles? Nah, it is just politics and it is acceptable if Cruz does it, but no one else.

By the way, the public needs to understand that the money was paid back, however, it was paid for with campaign donations, not his own personal money. The Cruz’s were out nothing.

Later on, his Senate campaign transferred a LOT of Senate campaign funds to his Presidential campaign account. There is no presumption that just because someone donates money to you for one office, means that they support you to run for a different office. I think Sarah Palin can back me up on this one. See this here?


In addition to that, I allege Ted Cruz violated other campaign finance laws, such as the ones that pertain to declaring a candidacy and filing appropriate documents when you plan to run for office. We require candidates to do this because we deserve transparency.

When you look thru Cruz’s Senate campaign account, you will see that, at least since December 2014, Ted Cruz started spending a LOT of money in preparation of his Presidential run. He spent a lot of money in “early states”. He certainly exceeded the $5,000.00 threshold reporting requirement. He had 15 days to report. He waited at least THREE months. Although he started spending at least by December 2014 (and probably a lot earlier), he did not file his candidacy until March 23, 2015.

According to the FEC (VIA a phone conversation), these violations are:

11 CFR 100.72

11 CFR 110.3C5 (Permissible Transfers)

11 CFR 110.8D2 (2) No funds, goods, or services, including loans and loan guarantees, may be transferred between or used by the separate campaigns, except as provided in 11 CFR 110.3(c)(5)

11 CFR 100.3

There is also another issue where the very forgetful Senator Cruz forgot to disclose another one of his financial connections.

It would appear, that Senator Cruz believes that he is above the law and that the laws do not apply to him.

The issues that I discovered with Ted Cruz run way deeper than this. While you and others continue to slam Trump for donations to RINOs, Ted Cruz has been a major donor to RINOs himself. We certainly don’t hear about that, now do we?

Ted Cruz’s Leadership PAC, the Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, which he is directly in control of, has been handing out RINO money since he took office. For this cycle though, despite the fact that he has plenty of money in it, the only money he has been handing out is to… you guessed it – Iowa lawmakers. Click here for that. No pandering to see here folks! Move along!

Let’s take a look and see whose palms he was greasing in the 2014 election cycle shall we? Click here to see the list.

Hmmm, is that John Cornyn’s name I see on that list? Joni Ernst? Dan Sullivan? Yep. And once again, he greased every Republican palm in Iowa, didn’t he. That is what career politicians do.

Do I need to remind people that for the majority of his adult life, Ted Cruz has had one government or political job after another?

The deeper I dig, the more I don’t like.

Although Ted Cruz runs on a social conservative, evangelical platform, this is yet another deception. When Ted Cruz had the opportunity, THE opportunity, to nip gay marriage in the bud – did he? Nope, he turned and walked away. And what he chose NOT to fight for, is the exact case that led directly to gay marriage. You can read more about Lawrence vs Texas right here. You can read Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s response, right here. It sums it all up.

I am very disappointed by all the people who now own Ted Cruz, including his Super PACs. From the get-go, Donald Trump made it clear to others that he was adamantly opposed to Super PACs, and in fact, he sent letters to them, demanding they cease and desist.

Why won’t Ted Cruz stand up against this? Why does Ted Cruz allow these PACs to exist on his behalf? Is it because he received a lot of money from Citizens United, the organization responsible for the existence of Super PACs? If I am not mistaken, I believe there are more Super PACS and corporate money backing Cruz than any other candidate.

While Donald Trump is willing to fight his own battles and not hide behind Super PACs, Ted Cruz has been a coward, cowering in the corner, letting everyone else fight his battles for him. So he can then pretend to be a victim. It is repulsive and it doesn’t show strength or leadership.

One great example of this is how the OFFICIAL Ted Cruz campaign just put out a video implying that Donald Trump bulldozed an old lady’s house in New Jersey to make a parking lot out of it. Not only did he not buy the house, but the house is STILL THERE.

I repeat, the house is STILL there.

Furthermore, the one who created the problem in the first place was Bob Guccione, who first bought the surrounding property and actually built a construction cage around her home. Trump came in years later and tried to save the day – yes, even if it benefited him. The house finally ended up selling in 2014. To someone else.

I am very upset that people affiliated with Cruz are now fraudulently claiming that Trump is now a favorite of the establishment. How does anyone believe such nonsense? Trump is leading by a long shot, he certainly does not need favors from the GOP.

If the establishment is indeed warming up to Trump, you can believe it isn’t sincere. I can only imagine that it is either because they are hoping Trump will line their pockets or because Trump has put the fear of God into them and they are terrified that Trump will jump ship and run third party. I also believe it is entirely possible that, as I predicted months ago, they realize the only way to take Trump down is by trying to make the public believe he is aligned with them.

If we want to talk about establishment connections, we really need to look to what Cruz is doing now.

A couple of weeks ago, Cruz bragged on Twitter that he was helping failed candidate Scott Walker raise money to pay off his disastrous campaign debts. This is about as insider as you can get. Walker, Preibus and Omnibus Driver Paul Ryan have been tight for a real long time.

And recently, Ted Cruz has been attending events with party insiders, as can be read here, which tells the story of a recent fundraiser in the home of Mary Matalin and Democratic Strategist James Carville, which was attended by none other than S. Scott Sewell, a Bush insider.

Typically, I would just write off this sort of behavior to being “just politics” but it just doesn’t set well with a lot of people when you have someone like Ted Cruz out on the campaign trail, trying to pretend he is some perfect little angel and that he is being bullied by the big, bad Donald Trump.

And what about this? A real swell Wall Street Journal piece by none other than – Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan. Yes, Ted Cruz teamed up with none other than Paul Ryan. And this was less than a year ago.

I am also bothered by Ted Cruz taking in so much money from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, who is affiliated with Heinz, which of course is related to John Kerry. What the hell is that all about? Just politics, right? What about all that railroad money? Will we ever see the Keystone Pipeline under a Ted Cruz presidency? Probably not if his donors have anything to say about it and why wouldn’t they? He owes them now. That’s just politics and Ted Cruz is a career politician.

Another thing I feel compelled to inform people of is Ted Cruz’s new support of the Convention of States, which certainly does not coincide with his wife’s views on sovereignty, which you can read about here on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) website article, Building A North American Community. I couldn’t help but notice that right after Ted Cruz’s long time buddy and mentor, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (Who is labeled a 2016 Kingmaker) came out in favor of the Convention of States – you changed your tune on Donald Trump. Did Cruz persuade Abbott to take up this issue as a favor to you or vice versa? The timing is pretty crazy.

Mr. Levin, this open letter is not meant to be disrespectful or to suggest that you are being dishonest. I believe that you have simply been too busy to do a lot of deep digging. I hope I don’t have to face your wrath, but I am willing to, because 2016 is important.

I also call on both candidates to knock this shit off. It is childish and unproductive. I appreciate that Trump is willing to take the heat for his past and ongoing positions. Mr. Cruz, I wish you would do the same, but the lies about Trump will only harm your candidacy. You can make it stop.

Think of it like this Senator, if Trump wins and you are VP, you’ll potentially have EIGHT years as VP and then guess what…. you’ll likely get EIGHT more as his successor. You win.

At the end of the day, I will vote for any Republican who is on the ballot in November, even if that happens to be Ted Cruz, but I believe that only Donald J. Trump can Make America Great Again.

Best Regards,

Lauren Stephens

PS Yes, I am a real person and yes this is my real name. Everything above links to a legitimate reference or news story. You can check the website yourself.

PSS No I am not interested in doing any interviews, feel free to use the resources I have cited above. I am not doing this for publicity, which is why I removed the link to my business, which was only there to “prove” I am a real person.

TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: canadian; cruz; ineligible; laurenstephens; tedcruz
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To: Ancesthntr

Ronald Reagan spent decades in the trenches fighting for Conservative principles and against the Establishment. Trump well, he says a little bit of establishment is great!

61 posted on 01/23/2016 5:14:18 PM PST by RginTN (Donald J Trump- why would the people of Ky want a rookie senator when they have Sen Mitch Mcconnell)
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To: duffee

Anthony Weeneee? Mercy me!
Just say I am a little bit more suspicious than the starry eyed!

NEW YORK, NY 10019
Clinton, Hillary (D)

NEW YORK, NY 10022
Clinton, Hillary (D)

NEW YORK, NY 10022
Clinton, Hillary (D)

NEW YORK, NY 10022
Weiner, Anthony D (D)

NEW YORK, NY 10022
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte (D)

NEW YORK, NY 10022
Rangel, Charles B (D)

62 posted on 01/23/2016 5:15:48 PM PST by Rock N Jones (s)
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To: Zionist Conspirator
"She attacks the Republican party.."

Where have you been?

Have you seen ANYTHING worthwhile that the "Republican Party" has accomplished the past 6 years??????????????????????

63 posted on 01/23/2016 5:18:15 PM PST by LibFreeUSA
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To: MamaTexan
The Federal Government of Jan 2016  photo image_zpsrad95fyo.jpeg
64 posted on 01/23/2016 5:19:57 PM PST by bushpilot2
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To: MamaTexan
 photo image_zpsgskvqonk.png
65 posted on 01/23/2016 5:24:18 PM PST by bushpilot2
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To: bolobaby

The Trump Doctrine of Abrogation makes all past positions, statements, actions and donations null & void. What was revealed to The Donald in Medina supersedes that which was revealed in Mecca.

66 posted on 01/23/2016 5:35:55 PM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard (The greatest trick the Soviets ever pulled was convincing the world they didn't exist.)
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To: Smokin' Joe

What really sealed it for me was when Businessman deal maker Trump who also owns Goldman Sachs stock
Sided with the GOPES and even advocates expanded use Ethanol because he thinks it will help him carry IOWA . Which also begs the question of Just how heavily invested is he in Ethanol

67 posted on 01/23/2016 5:37:45 PM PST by mosesdapoet (My best insights get lost in FR's because of meaningless venting no one reads.)
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To: JoSixChip
I am pointing out what appear to be seminal differences in the apparent principles of the two candidates. We could get into a lifelong argument about what you think I think, and what I think of your mind reading abilities, but that has no relevance to the question of which prospective candidate will best represent Conservative values after they are elected, should that be the case.

I have expressed my concerns about Donald Trump in contrast to the candidate who is closest to him in the polls.

If that comes across as "support", so be it. Maybe there is something there worth supporting.

I am trying to be dispassionate in this process. I have no emotional attachment to any candidate, just a profound hope we can find someone who will be an appropriate candidate for the United Stated President, and who will embrace and support Conservative values in that office.

68 posted on 01/23/2016 6:01:01 PM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: Smokin' Joe

My apologies, I got you confused with SmokingJoe who has been particularly nasty to me in recent days.

69 posted on 01/23/2016 6:16:29 PM PST by JoSixChip (Ted Cruz (R-Goldman Sachs) - losers are not winners)
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To: LibFreeUSA

She sure does a pretty good defense of Trump and makes some of my points. I think Trump is great. But I like Cruz as well. I’m favoring Trump now. I feel the conservative establishment is bullying Trump. They wanted Cruz to go after Trump to win. The TDS is showing. I am considering voting for whoever wins. I don’t think Rubio can win nor anybody else running. This food fight is a problem because it will anger people on both sides and I was trying to support Trump and Cruz. If I have to choose then I am going with Trump.

70 posted on 01/23/2016 6:18:14 PM PST by Mozilla
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To: Mozilla

Your sentiments pretty much sums up mine as well. I like Cruz, but my discomfort with him are not any of his positions, but on his complete lack of any executive experience to demonstrate how ADEPT he would be to effectively IMPLEMENT his policies through the Congress, but also how ‘SUCCESSFUL’ he would be in getting the results.

71 posted on 01/23/2016 6:25:51 PM PST by LibFreeUSA
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To: LibFreeUSA

Damn Cruz. Filthy Canadian who works with banks. And he looks like Grandpa Munster. So damn him.

All hail messiah Trump, beholden to none, benevolent to all. All hail our king, The Donald.

72 posted on 01/23/2016 6:42:33 PM PST by Theo (Trump = French Revolution. Cruz = American Revolution. Choose wisely.)
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To: Theo
All hail messiah Trump, beholden to none, benevolent to all.

Well, of these appellations, he is in fact "beholden to none", and that's the nub of it.

73 posted on 01/23/2016 7:04:52 PM PST by dr_lew
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To: bolobaby

***3. “Would ANY of us prefer the Obama family over the Trump family?” Wait - which family? His first, second, or third family? Obama may be an asshat, but at least he’s maintained a core family. So, bad play on this line.***

You criticize her and you went there? You gotta be freaking kidding me. Obama and his wife are evil incarnate, “core” family excluded.

The insanity coming out of people to defend “their” candidate on here has reached a level I never thought I’d see on FR.

74 posted on 01/23/2016 7:34:52 PM PST by Lil Flower (American by birth. Southern by the Grace of God. ROLL TIDE!!)
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To: garjog

***Trump has no record of keeping promises to voters.***

How can he have a record when he’s never held any elected office?

You’re a real genius, aren’t you!

75 posted on 01/23/2016 7:37:34 PM PST by Lil Flower (American by birth. Southern by the Grace of God. ROLL TIDE!!)
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To: JoSixChip
Accepted, thanks. I would hope supporters of various candidates could tone down the vitriol aimed at each other, emotionally detach from their candidate of choice at the moment and more rationally examine the actions and records of the prospective nominees.

I have concerns about all the candidates, some more than others.

I won't live long enough to see one who is perfect, and despite everyone's slightly different view of that, I doubt any of us will.

We are left with the process of figuring out which Candidate has the credibility, Conservative stance, and character most likely to produce the desired results.

The desired results I have embraced for decades include a smaller Federal Government which is less invasive, is more Constitutionally constrained, and which does the fundamental job of providing for the common defense of these United States.

That's a lot of work to be done in a few words, and would involve the disbanding of a few Federal agencies, the significant reduction of others, and the refocusing of still more. There is a lot of pork in the pen, there, and many pet oxen to be gored in the process. It is not a job for the faint of heart. Whoever does it will be better loved by our posterity than their contemporaries, if it gets done.

If it doesn't, I'm not sure what language the history will be written in or flag it will be written under, but it will likely end up being a different banner than the one we revere.

This nation is in worse shape than ever, and it will take a lot of work to refit it.

76 posted on 01/23/2016 9:53:34 PM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: Smokin' Joe
This nation is in worse shape than ever, and it will take a lot of work to refit it.

From my perspective, that starts with serious leaders that have a vision that can draw others to their cause. We productive class voters have been relegated to second class status underneath our political betters. For me that was never more obvious then in December of 2014. We sent a wave of "conservatives" to Washington, all having swore to stop obumber from implementing his spending, emigration, obamacare and foreign policies. Then in December it became clear they intended to do just the opposite, and they have done just the oposite in a in your face fashion. This country was never meant to be ruled by a political class, but we currently are and that is our fault. If we do not stop voting for career politicians, that will never change. This is where we start, then we impose term-limits and start holing our leaders accountable to the same laws they force us to live under.
77 posted on 01/23/2016 10:19:47 PM PST by JoSixChip (Ted Cruz (R-Goldman Sachs) - losers are not winners)
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To: bushpilot2
The second document doesn't discuss the status of those born abroad to citizen parents, except possibly the last two paragraph of section 93, which seem to indicate congress can by statute "prevent the alienage of children born abroad." .

The first document doesn't make citizens of those in Cruz' situation, it merely recognizes that they are citizens at birth (unless you think it also makes citizens of those who are "born in the US and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," since they are listed in a parallel paragraph under the same heading: "The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth."

78 posted on 01/24/2016 12:25:19 AM PST by Gil4 (And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax and saw)
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To: JoSixChip
The problem with that is that no one just out of the box is ready to function in DC. It does take someone with stones and principle to stand up to that crowd, especially from the 'inside'. That means whoever does will not be well liked, they won't be one of the 'good ol' boys' club.

An outsider on the inside will be a pariah, and we find out Cruz is not well liked by the GOPe for sticking to principle. He has been in the arena and is still standing on principle.

That's important. He doesn't need to be loved there, that isn't what he was sent there to do.

Upholding the Constitution in DC isn't popular, doesn't fit well with the backroom deal gang, and won't line you up for a K street lobbying job.

That strikes me as a different sort of interaction with government than Trump's, in that Trump has been making deals, to achieve his own ends, and that does not have to adhere to any principle but that of favoring Mr. Trump.

While I will be the first to admit Trump will be able to get things done, what will be on the table in those negotiations? Remember not all things legal are right.

79 posted on 01/24/2016 12:43:32 AM PST by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: bushpilot2

I’m pretty sure Mrs. Cruz was a citizen of a state after the union had commenced, and not of a colony (and not in a territory before it came under the jurisdiction of the U.S., etc.) I do see the plural “parents” in there, but there was another act of congress passed in 1952 ...

I’m not sure what you were trying to show by posting this, since your case against Cruz is based on the claim that an act of Congress can’t have anything to do with determining who is or is not a natural born citizen.

80 posted on 01/24/2016 12:44:18 AM PST by Gil4 (And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax and saw)
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