Professor Cody Pogue, properly pronounced Professor Cody Pig, needs to be taken out and horse whipped.
Ummm, ‘cause what he calls white privilege is really the result of human experience.
By the time we’re done it will be,
Cops in Baltimore be Bruthas. Including da chief.
Next excuse.
In general, they have earned it.
...but black people rarely ever do.
In general, they have earned it.
Why not? According to some, everything else that happens is.
More privileged in this day and age? Are you kidding me?
We pay taxes. We work an extra 2 - 3 hours a day just so others can receive benefits we will never have access to. Its a well known fact that if one applies himself, takes responsibily for his own actions and his future, andworks hard the chances of them becoming successful increases greatly.
...more Black cops than White.
I’m privileged to own a gross of COSTCO TP and I’m not giving it up. Come and Take It!
White Privilege is the new Global Warming, the bogeyman that everything can be blamed on.
Doing what used to be known as “right”... like getting an education, not doing drugs, not having babies out of wedlock and getting and keeping a job... ALL is now dismissed as “white privilege”. So we get Baltimore.
Getting away with rioting in Baltimore is the result of Black Privilege.
No one, including POTUS, approves of the riots in Baltimore. So why are they happening? Surely SOMEONE(s) is approving of the rioting besides the rioters, or the riots would have been stopped before they started, or very soon afterward.
I am tired of dissembling and mendacity. There are numerous people in positions of authority who WANT these riots to happen, seeing them as something akin to the storming of the Bastille, without realizing that they are more akin to the Goths in 5th century Rome, or to Benghazi.
Is “white privilege” the reason they’re like they are in most of Africa, Haiti, and most other places around the world?
Is it whitey’s fault they haven’t succeeded in those areas either?
Excuses are for losers.
The "professor" can kiss my shiny white hiney. It's called "experience". And yes, sometimes it is wrong. Such is life. Get over it and enjoy your own self made "privilege".
Of COURSE the riots are the result of “white privilege”!!!
Why, I should’ve seen that from the beginning!
My myopia must also be the result of “white privilege”.
(hoping I don’t need this, but just in case ...