Failarina's biggest problem is her abysmal business track record. She has the destruction of HP hung around her neck and many will never forgive her for it. HP was on the downswing anyways, but her brutal, shortsighted incompetence running them the rest of the way into the ground has labelled her forever. And we aren't even talking about the rest of her career.
An incompetent CEO can ruin people's lives and Failarina did just that at HP for employees and shareholders alike.
“Carly Fiorinas political future depends on whether she can defend her record as CEO of Hewlett-Packard.
The likely GOP presidential candidate is aiming to do just that in her new book Rising to the Challenge, set to be released May 5, a day after the expected launch of her 2016 campaign. Fiorina now claims the companys decision to fire her in 2005, after a turbulent six-year tenure, was a result of a dysfunctional board of directors and not her leadership...............”