I think for one thing is to stop pandering to these minorities who claim that forcing them to get an ID with a picture from a government source is ‘ooga booga - discrimination.” Horsepucky. And they should be told that. They should be directly told “You don’t want to show a picture ID because you can’t cheat then.” Stop legitimizing this complaint by addressing it in how easy it is to get, and all that horsecrap. Tell them. Accuse them directly.
The truth of the matter is even if the state agencies were to send mobile vans around to their homes with all the needed paraphernalia to create a valid ID (given proof of status), they would yell racism because they’ve been singled out.
Stop walking around on eggshells and working through the courts with their BS claims acting like the claims are legitimate. If they find one judge, you find another. Above all, stop giving the media the tools with which this farce can be perpetuated. Don’t talk to them.
Agreed in full
We need FIGHTERS- we’re being out-hustled
” Accuse them directly”
Time for the little boy to declare “the dude’s nude!”
Too many fear being marginalized for directly accusing the left of what they are and what they do.