It's been so long that I cannot remember the source, but I've been aware of National Geographic's political orientation for years and have acted accordingly.
Damn near all of these science and nature doc producers are liberals and lefties.
74. National Geographic and paleontologists, (1999). Fell for hoax. Announced the discovery of Archaeoraptor at a press conference at the National Geographic Society. At the time, they called it a missing link between birds and dinosaurs. Later, the specimen was found to be a made-in-China fake combining the tail of a dinosaur with the body of a bird.
I grew up reading National Geographic Magazine and later watching their wonderful nature shows on TV. After noticing a Liberal bent in the magazine and TV programs about 18 years ago, I cancelled the magazine and quit watching their programs. Now, almost 20 years later, I still get notices in the mail from Nat’l Geo begging me to restart my subscription!
I agree...but hope you and everybody else on this site will let them know if they run this piece before the election, they are toast as far as subscriptions...go to their website...plenty of email addresses under CONTACT!