The above article no longer exists on the www.
From interviews with neighbors in Jakarta. Most didn’t remember a black kid or Lolo, but one did. “Mamiati claimed thought that he had indeed seen a black negro child who had curly hair that live in No. 2 Dempo Street sometime around the 1970’s. However, he said the negroid child was claimed to have been from Papua. “Indeed there was a negroid child, but they claimed that the child was from Irian.” said Mamiati.”
I can’t find it right now, but isn’t that the correct address for Lolo? Or at least the same street?
So, where is Irian? Why, at the time it was called West Irian Jaya but is now known as West Papua, New Guinea which just happens to be a hop, skip, and a jump from Jakarta. And that’s where the Obama of New Guinea comes in at.
Ok, so I just fell further down the conspiracy hole. I didn’t want to believe the New Guinea story but this guy is getting less and less transparent every day.
But keeping a copy just in case.