Posted on 03/25/2012 5:24:43 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Blacks have a civil right to form lynch mobs and string up Whitey.
Isn’t Incitement To Murder Across State Lines a FEDERAL FELONY???
Or does that, like so many of our other laws now, not apply if DONE-WHILE-DEMOCRAT?
Agree. If we had responsible journalists instead of political activists who behave like Tabloid reporters, we'd be spared much of this crap.
Guess I should have added a ‘sarc’ tag. Not surprised at all nor are all the folks who are arming themselves - they aren’t buying guns because sporting clays suddenly became more popular than football. So Louis .... go ahead and “pull!”
Uhh...Farrakook, you may not want to go there.
Two British tourists were murdered in Newtown, a minority neighborhood in Sarasota FL, last year by one or more black youths about the same age as Treyvon. Funny thing, I didn’t hear any outcry from Zerobama, Sharpton or Calypso Louie about that. I believe that black perps murdering white victims far outnumber white perps murdering black victims.
They want another Kent State. What they’re going to end up with is another Skidmore.
Every time i hear this clown i wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed. What if Farakkhan was the Grand poo bah of the KKK and he said this after a black man killed a white man. We all know this is hypothetical, as anyone who has watched the MSM knows, blacks never consider race as they murder us at a rate 7 to 1 that we murder them. But just suppose.
Would the white President call the family commiserating that if he had a son, he would look like (Gilbert Smith) and promise to find justice? Would race haters like the white version of Farakkhan have Yahoo! front page?
When it comes to race I have to agree with Morgan Freeman. “the end of the race problem is for me to see you as a man, and for you to see me as a man. Not for you to see me as a black man and for me to see you as a white man”
Or if a couple of white guys caught, raped, tortured and brutally murdered young, innocent "Tray" and his girlfriend, pouring chemicals down her throat and wrapping her in trash bags to suffocate to death in a dumpster, this hole thing would be a "non-issue" to Faggotkhan?
Being shot by a latino named Zimmerman after smashing the back of his head and pummeling his face makes this all about the oppression of whitey.
Race baiters Sharpton and Farrakhan have been handed this by Soros and told to run with it and run effin' hard.
Where is/was Calypso Louis’ outrage with the death of Donald Young - did I miss it? Talk about “no justice, no peace”! Eeesh!
There are no white race hate and blame studies but if there were, I would bet blacks have murdered more whites in the US than have blacks been murdered by whites.
Back in the late eighties a study of FBI stats came out showing that from the 60’s to the 80’s Blacks had murdered more whites than Americans who were killed in the Viet Nam war. The title of the article was “America’s silent civil war.” Rape statistics were not included.
It is a big deal when the NOI and president start race baiting and calling for racial revenge like this. I imagine whites have already been murdered from this incident.
Wonder how they're going rationalize the democrat pro-nobama Hispanic guy into a white conservative Republican? By name only ain't going to hold up real well, especially when the shites begin to encounter the rotary air moving device.
Justice, justice, justice!!! We hear this word all day every day, but has anyone yet honestly defined it? What is justice? And what does an evil someone like Farrakhan know about it?
The entitlement community needs to watch a few ESPN outdoor shows and see Whitey pick off a mule deer with a .300 Winchester Mag cross-canyon shot at four hundred yards like he does it every day of the week.
My word for Screwy Louie is “Fallujah”.
Can’t figure out why someone hasn’t put a bullet in him yet (Farrakan) after all it is Chicago and the dead and walking wounded are increasing with every weekend shoot-up fest.
Wonder what the body count will be this weekend (3/23-3/25)
The fact that there is even a 50/50 chance of Obama being reelected proves that your statement, although factual when it comes to FR Posters, is wishful thinking at best.
I am not criticizing, just stating the reality of the situation we face in today's America. The POTUS goes out and makes incendiary racial comments about this case and there is ZERO outrage expressed outside of Conservative groups.
It appears the Country had a collective Frontal Lobotomy the moment Obama appeared on the scene. Since his Election, they have gone back for additional treatments, over and over again.
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