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WebToday ^ | 10-28-10 | WebToday

Posted on 10/28/2010 4:08:36 PM PDT by geraldmcg

With vicory within their grasp, the GOP may have their dirty little secret exposed. And just what is that secret? Virtually no suupport of Black Conservative Candidates!

Patriot PAC is conducting a news conference on Friday, Oct 29 at 1PM ET at the National Press Club to discuss the GOP support (or lack thereof) of their black Congressional candidates. They will also discuss the impact of the TEA Party movement on congressional races through Operation Black Storm.

Supporters of Operation Black Storm believe that the election of minority candidates should be at the forefront of Republican politics, particularly as after the election of 2010, there will likely be more conservative black candidates serving in Congress since Reconstruction.

Spokesperson for Operation Black Storm, Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere, who is available to be your Talk show Guest, commented, “Republicans can be proud that JC Watts carried the torch in the U.S. House alone for some years; however it is a new day. The socialist blacks in Congress—the Congressional Black Caucus—are about to have to contend with a black peer group constituted of Frederick Douglass Republicans, who see America as the land of opportunity, and not the land of handouts.”

Asked why this news conference was scheduled, Jackson explained that most in the mainstream media are not covering what is about to occur, though it is as historically significant as Obama’s election, a transformative time in American politics, and a day Democrats have dreaded to confront.

The hope of Operation Black Storm is to get the rest of America to see the importance of what is happening, and to support these candidates in the final surge to Nov 2 by donating to the candidates directly or through Patriot PAC.

Patriot PAC is providing endorsements and financial support for the whole slate of candidates under Operation Black Storm, with the assistance of Frederick Douglass Foundation PAC and Declaration Alliance PAC, and the national Tea Party and Patriot movement.

Marvin Scott - IN-7, Chuck Smith - VA-3, Bill Randall - NC-13, Tim Scott - SC-3, Bill Marcy - MS-2, Charlotte Bergman - TN-9, Michael Faulkner - NY-15, Robert Broadus - MD-4, Charles Lollar - MD-5, Stephen Broden - TX-9, Star Parker - CA-37, Ryan Frazier - CO-7, Allen West - FL-22, Isaac Hayes - IL-2, and Vince Danet - US Virgin Islands are Operation Black Storm candidates.

K. Carl Smith, President of ConservativeMESSENGER, and Field Director for the Operation Black Storm coalition stated, “We want to reignite America’s passion for liberty and create an atmosphere for political dialogue where Frederick Douglass Republicans can engage in conversation in every community, and show black America an open path of integrity to voting their core values.”


Kevin Jackson, author of the critically acclaimed book The Big Black Lie, has made it his mission to expose the left's ignorance and racist political escapades. Propelled by like-minded patriots, Kevin has been featured on the Glenn Beck Program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, the John Gibson Radio show, and even smacked down David Shuster on MSNBC!


If you think the election of a half-black president was historical, consider the history America is about to make in the upcoming election of 2010 -- or what conservatives are calling Eviction 2010.

Laura Ingraham touched on it recently in an interview with Carly Fiorina, where Ingraham called 2010 "The Year of the Woman" for Republicans. I can't totally agree with Ingraham on this, because I think this election is much more than the year of the woman. We are in the midst of a Republican Renaissance.

Along with the many Republican women running all around the country in congressional and gubernatorial races, there are fourteen remaining black Republicans running for the House (one more if you include the Virgin Islands). There exists the potential to get more black Republicans elected to Congress than ever since Reconstruction.

There are also nine Latinos House candidates, with the strong likelihood of getting at least four of them elected. The one Latino Senate candidate, Marco Rubio, is all but assured election to the Senate. Finally, there are two Asians running on the Republican ticket.

In New Mexico, Susana Martinez, the first Hispanic woman to win a major party gubernatorial nomination, is ahead in her race. In Nevada, Brian Sandoval, a former U.S. District Court judge, leads in that state's gubernatorial race.

Republicans in recent years bolstered their minority ranks by electing Louisiana's Bobby Jindal as the first Indian-American governor in 2007 and, in 2008, New Orleans' Anh "Joseph" Cao as the first Vietnamese-American member of Congress.

It must perplex the Democrats that in the post-racial, "all things being equal society," both women andminorities are finding their safe landing zone in the Republican Party!

What should be most disturbing to Democrats is that black conservative candidates are for the most part not running in gerrymandered districts with heavy black populations. The same is not true for the Democrats, as 37 of the 39 members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are running in majority black districts.

Despite this very racist trend in the Democrat Party, don't expect the state-run media to hold Democrats to task. They have been corralling black people into "black neighborhoods," then assigning black Democrat politicians to control black people.

The obvious message by Democrats is that they will allow black "leaders" to hold dominion over other black people in black neighborhoods, but these black politicians shouldn't even think about venturing out to white neighborhoods. This is true of most Latino Democrats as well. If you are a minority, the Democrats expect you to know your place!

And black Democrats certainly do know their place.

The Congressional Black Caucus is actually campaigning against Allen West, the black candidate in Florida. They are actually campaigning for his opponent...a white man! Where is the NAACP to denounce the CBC for not supporting a decorated black military man and great American patriot?

It appears that Colonel Allen West has the right color, but the wrong political party affiliation in order to get either the Congressional Black Caucus to endorse him or the NAACP to cry "racism" against the CBC, all of whom are members of the NAACP!

And don't expect La Raza to support any of the Republican Latino candidates.

Not getting the full support of the GOP across the board may disappoint a few of these minority and female conservative candidates; however, they are not dismayed. They support the history of the Republican Party, and know that it will be they who put the GOP back on the path to constitutional conservatism.

This Republican Renaissance is a throwback to politics the way the Founding Fathers intended it. Most of these conservative candidates have entered politics for the first time in their lives and are not institutional politicians. Institutional politicians call their seats by name, e.g. Ted Kennedy's seat, Joe Biden's old seat, Barack Obama's Senate seat. These candidates know that these are the people's seats.

This group of black conservatives have also rejected the party "machine," opting instead for the support of the grassroots -- the people. They don't owe the Republican Party any favors, nor do they owe any lobbyists or big-money PACs. They are free to legislate without prejudice.

The Left can attempt to set the narrative that the Republican Party is not supporting these black congressional candidates due to racism. Well, that's not the case. The Republican Party didn't support a lot of candidates, including whites. It's mostly just stupid politics by the Republicans, many of whom are just part of the machine. Shame on the Republican Party for not recognizing the importance of electing this new brand of politician, particularly those who could put the Left on their heels.

However, there is a much bigger shame on the Left for their very real racist policies of using minority Democrat politicians to keep their assigned minority neighborhoods in check.

Americans understand that the Left is using racism for their nefarious needs, which is simply to make Americans more dependent on government. This is why so many blacks, Latinos, Asians, and women are entering Republicans.

The Republican Renaissance will usher in a new era: Emancipation II -- This time, Republicans will free everybody! ###

Kevin Jackson is author of The Black Sphere blog and author of the Amazon best-selling book The BIG Black Lie.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Politics; Religion
KEYWORDS: blackconservatives; gop; kevinjackson; republican
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To: liberlog
Yeah, a democrat troll, that's it. I didn't agree with you so that proves it.
41 posted on 10/28/2010 4:53:52 PM PDT by Rashputin (Obama is already insane and sequestered on golf courses or vacations so you won't know it)
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To: geraldmcg

This deserves a BARF ALERT!

42 posted on 10/28/2010 4:56:40 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Obamacare is America's kristallnacht !!)
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To: Osage Orange

> “JC Watts...turned into a liberal.”

No, he turned into a racist.

43 posted on 10/28/2010 4:57:52 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Obamacare is America's kristallnacht !!)
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To: geraldmcg

Very confusing headline

44 posted on 10/28/2010 5:00:38 PM PDT by listenhillary (A very simple fix to our dilemma - We need to reward the makers instead of the takers)
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To: TigersEye

Clear your cache and then look at your post.

45 posted on 10/28/2010 5:02:48 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Obamacare is America's kristallnacht !!)
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To: FrankR
Democrats and liberals not only don't support black conservatives, they also call them "Uncle Toms" and "traitors".

You forgot "lawn jockeys" and "house niggers".

46 posted on 10/28/2010 5:03:26 PM PDT by Eddie01 (The white zone is for loading and unloading only)
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To: Rashputin

Actually, your comments were racist. The sort of thing a Democrat troll would try to insert into the dialogue

47 posted on 10/28/2010 5:04:39 PM PDT by liberlog
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To: geraldmcg

liberals and quotas. What about the content of a man’s character? Oh wait, it’s better if he’s black.

48 posted on 10/28/2010 5:07:46 PM PDT by King Moonracer (Bad lighting and cheap fabric, that's how you sell clothing.....)
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To: editor-surveyor

I saw that so I re-posted it from another source in #27.

49 posted on 10/28/2010 5:08:57 PM PDT by TigersEye (Who crashed the markets on 9/28/08 and why?)
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To: King Moonracer
It's not racist to say that the Republican machine supported and advanced both Watts and Powell and that they betrayed us any more than it is to say Specter did. If you want to call others racist I say you're doing exactly what you accuse others of, trolling. People I know only trust those they know who are out in the street supporting the Tea Party, not someone who is blessed by the GOP no matter what their color. They're twice as shy of those who the think may turn RINO or base their votes on something other than principal, like race.

That's a fact whether you like it or not and pretending that there is no impact and no fallout from the last Republicans who voted their race first and their avowed principals second isn't going to change anything. Voting for people who you know will stand on their principals is what it's going to take and voting race first isn't the only thing that has a lot of those the GOP says should be supported distrusted but it's one of them for sure.

50 posted on 10/28/2010 5:17:30 PM PDT by Rashputin (Obama is already insane and sequestered on golf courses or vacations so you won't know it)
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To: Rashputin

I replied to the wrong post there, sorry.

51 posted on 10/28/2010 5:18:56 PM PDT by Rashputin (Obama is already insane and sequestered on golf courses or vacations so you won't know it)
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To: Rashputin

Huh? IMHO, the quota concept is racist liberal paradigm. Is that trolling?

52 posted on 10/28/2010 5:32:14 PM PDT by King Moonracer (Bad lighting and cheap fabric, that's how you sell clothing.....)
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To: King Moonracer

see #51

53 posted on 10/28/2010 5:36:25 PM PDT by Rashputin (Obama is already insane and sequestered on golf courses or vacations so you won't know it)
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To: Osage Orange

Did Watts actually vote for “zero”? I know he was talking about it.

54 posted on 10/28/2010 5:40:12 PM PDT by Eagles6
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To: geraldmcg

Kevin’s response.

I’m not exactly sure what you are saying, Fred. What is the surprise?

I appreciate whatever you donated to help the cause, and I assure you I used the funds for very good endeavors. Considering I have received less than $7K of donations and spent over $300K of my own money, I’m not sure what you are implying.

I have run billboards, created radio shows, TV shows, spoken at over 100 events most of them pro bono.

As for the GOP’s “dirty little secret,” it’s no secret that the GOP has not supported many candidates that they should have, but I’m not complaining. In fact, the reason for the press conference is to call out Democrats!

Thanks for the message.

End of his response.

Unlike the title, he doesn’t say they have given NO help, he says the GOP has not supported many...

p.s. the Tea party have.

55 posted on 10/28/2010 6:07:23 PM PDT by Freddd (CNN is down to Three Hundred Thousand viewers. But they worked for it.)
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To: editor-surveyor

I suppose one could say that..........yes.

56 posted on 10/28/2010 6:08:02 PM PDT by Osage Orange (MOLON LABE)
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To: Eagles6

Pretty sure he did...yeah.

57 posted on 10/28/2010 6:11:11 PM PDT by Osage Orange (MOLON LABE)
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To: Freddd

Fred, I think the headline, and the whole first part of the article is confusing. To me it appears that Kevin Jackson (a conservative and freeper) is chastising the GOP for not supporting some grassroots candidates (black or white).

It seems to me that he’s referring to establishment types, not the tea party Republicans.

Hopefully, he will stop by and clarify :)

58 posted on 10/28/2010 6:12:24 PM PDT by justsaynomore (We've got some altering and abolishing to do! - Herman Cain)
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To: justsaynomore

Yeah, Kevin says the press conference is to call out the Democrats...which confused me, if he’s running Republican why call out the Democrats, when the article says it’s to discuss support (or lack thereof) of the GOP.

59 posted on 10/28/2010 6:17:02 PM PDT by Freddd (CNN is down to Three Hundred Thousand viewers. But they worked for it.)
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To: Osage Orange
Watts never seemed stupid, knowing about Obama’s connections and past he voted for Obama according to JC?

Didn't hear that, for me if true that would disqualify him from the party later as far as a leader.

60 posted on 10/28/2010 6:21:50 PM PDT by A CA Guy ( God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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