Or - it's a hoax.
BECK has been talking about the planned communist astro-riots. Stock up on pepper spray to douse them with.
Wow this would be weird if it was true I was just speculating as to whether we could expect riots if we had a version of austerity.
Honestly, this is hardly a news source. They don’t seem to be able to even get ACORN funding.
Shoot on sight is the best solution for these rioting vermin.
almost spreading their propaganda for them, here.
M-1 Garand w/ 30-06 BRING IT ON PUNKS!
International socialists in solidarity with the oppressed workers everywhere. (Snork!) Morons.
Anarchists have a news service ...who knew???!!!
I thought they were just getting ready for the Yankee’s eventual loss to the Rangers in the ALCS
IIRC some years ago a poster here said that welfare first began in Germany as a way to keep the poor from rioting and initiating a violent communist revolt. Not much has changed.
It’s time to load and load !!!!! If not now, it will be soon.
Read an article today stating Social Security had to borrow money to meet this Mo. obligation ?????
Did you see they are threatening riots in the UK now too?
Unions threaten French-style riots as the axe falls on 500,000 public sector jobs
More on France it’s a disaster there now
France in turmoil as nationwide strike over pension reform stretches on
Nicolas Sarkozy orders break-up of blockades as French protests continue
French strikes: panic-buying at petrol pumps
A quarter of petrol stations run dry ahead of half-term break
All 12 refineries and some fuel depots are blockaded
Several residents said the groups of youth were handing out copies of "The Coming Insurrection," an anonymously-written book from France made famous when its supposed authors were arrested on terrorism charges in France and became known as the Tarnac 9. When the book was released in English last year, an impromptu book party was held in a New York Barnes & Nobles, which was reported in the New York Times.
Profiles in (liberal) courage...
Brooklyn youths shouting "From Paris to Brooklyn, Nous Sommes Tous Des Casseurs"?
“I can find ZERO news stories backing this up. Could’ve been just a Halloween prank for all I know. “
That crap won’t fly here. The Guard would be out thumping heads before it got anywhere near what they have in France.
One word: Kent State
People who riot because the government is shrinking are not “anarchists.”