Everyone should cancel and not support the evil Facebook.
I wonder how many Facebook pages display a hammer and sickle?
I do not and don’t have any plans to set up a facebook site soon. But I will say this is not beyond the realm of possibility. We’ll see.
Interesting, but false. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/search/?post_form_id=248869c42fbb0944e7aa3e569ba7682f&q=gadsen%20flag&init=quick&sid=0.08371119853109121
No sympathy for Alex Jones, the jack-@ss who threatened Michelle Malkin.
I use the Gadsden flag as my profile pic because I heard that it pi$$es off some people.
So create a FreeFacebook which keeps the don’t tread on me flag and deletes pages with commie flags.
Isn’t Alex Jones one of those “the Jews run Communism” people? Doesn’t he support Arab Commies as “the white man’s friend?”
Seems like a good time to scour random Facebook users to see what apparently is acceptable. Chairman Mao? Hammer and Sickle? Black Power? Surely a yup, yup and yup.
The Gadsen is on my FB page...just checked and my account is fine and the flag is still there.
Don’t have a Gadsden on my page, but I will now.
For Facebook’s sake they’d better not — if these guys are on FB — mess with that biker bunch who passed me yesterday on the LA freeway - all with the American flag and the Gadsden flag on their motorcycles! As for me I deactivated my account after it was hacked.
I have posted the Gadsden flag with the header “Facebook bans patriots for displaying Gadsden flag! We shall see!
I wonder if Facebook's getting rid of the Culpepper Minute Men and Gonzales flags, too.
I just checked and that page is still there, at that, I use it often to help identify and weed out the nuts off my friends list (any mutual friends with Jones are gone unless they are family).
..another confirmation this is a bogus rumor, I just checked my friends list and at least a dozen have the Gadsden as their profile pic.
These type of rumors about Facebook pop up all the time and so far none seem to have been true. I think they are just ploys to drive attention to another page (such as spreading a rumor about Alex Jones’ page being removed there to drive up searches for his page.)