Well, why did Sarah Palin endorse him?
Tea Party Leader Resigns Over Rand Paul’s Pal Adam Kokesh
The Tea Party has leaders?
Well, fooling the public by purporting to be what you aren't worked well for Obama, why not Rand Paul? As far as "fundamentally transforming" the Republican Party, look how well Obama is doing it to America. I'm thinking that the Republicans in Kentucky need to take a good hard look at Mr. Rand Paul or they may fall victim, twice, to the same political ploy.
Oh, the horror.
Let's just field Republicans who'll promise to work with Dems and reach across the aisle then.
How can anybody trust libertarians when their favorite
son loads up legislation that he knows will pass and
gives the pork while giggling I voted against it.?
Shrimp boats Is Acomin
Their Sails are in sight.
Shrimp Boats is acomin
there will be dancing tonight.
** Ron Paul version.
Shrimp Boats is acomin
Their pork is in sight.
Shrimp Boats is acomin
They will be drugged up tonight.
I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer, just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals...The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom, and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is. -President Ronald Reagan
Give me a break. I could never support Adam Kokesh but Rand Paul represents one thing we lack in many of our Republicans. And that is conviction and principle. Paul is going to win in Kentucky because he can articulate the message of liberty and we can count on him to vote against big spending, big government, and assail it at every turn. Rand is not his father and as for associations plenty GOPers associate with liberals of all stripes and even support them. Look at Mark Kirk in Illinois. He is further to the left than any of our current elected GOP Senators yet their are plenty here that would vote for him when there are good alternatives like conservative prolife libertarian Mike Labno. I personally believe we need a few more conservative libertarians who really believe in cutting government to complement our often weak willed Gopers.
As one of the most dedicated followers of Mitt Romney at freerepublic, it shouldn’t surprise us that you are supporting the milquetoast Romney man, Trey Grayson regardless of how many points he is behind Rand Paul in this Senate race.
Rand Paul has a commanding lead over the Romney favorite.
According to the Johnson supporters before he dropped out, “Trey Grayson, a Republican candidate for US Senate, was the keynote speaker on the issue of global warming last year at Eastern Kentucky University as part of the National Focus the Nation event.
Now, why is that such a big deal? Well, the Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for Focus the Nation is none other than Van Jones. Yes, that’s right, the self-proclaimed communist Obama hired to be the Green Jobs Czar that had to tuck tail and resign at midnight.
Anybody in Connecticut who supports worthless douchebags like Rob Simmons and Linda McMahon over Peter Schiff, over something as paltry as this, is a total buffoon.
I watched the debate those three had the other week, and unless he was lying, then Schiff is not as ‘out there’ on national security as Ron Paul and Kokesh. Linking Kokesh to everyone just reeks of desperation.
Spot on!
I didn’t know that there ever was a tea party leader.
I’ll not break bread with the losertarians. 10% of their ideology is conservative...80% is wackadoo and 10% is liberal.