Years ago, a national medical journal would publish that year’s unusual emergency room statistics. After some years of doing this, they noticed something peculiar. For two years running, one dozen men in the United States had been showering, when they slipped and fell, and landed on a lemon.
One dozen, no more, no less. An amusing coincidence. However, in the third year, when one dozen men had the same accident, suddenly it became very interesting. Soon, the word had leaked out, and by the end of the year when the statistics were compiled, some under-over bets started to be laid.
Such enough, one dozen lemon rectal foreign bodies. Suddenly, shower slip and fall accidents became a reporting priority, and the magazine staff went to some lengths to get confirmation when the reports started coming in.
Nope, only 10 the following year. The streak was broken.
How far up did it go? Did he finally see the light?
I notice that the link to the original AOL news story at the end doesn’t work. I wonder if they were pressured into removing it by CAIR? Or, of course, it could just be a bad link.
“We’re sorry, but the page you have requested is not available. The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”
“Islam is the light!”