Sadly, the practice of weeding out the unfit goes back to ancient times. One thinks of the Greeks exposing their children, or of Spartan military training, where only the fittest survived boyhood.
And sadly, the practice of exterminating whole families, tribes, nations & races goes back to the beginnings of history, if not before. Technologies & ideologies change, but the results were the same.
Mankind didn't need Darwin to practice evil.
On the other hand:
"The influence primarily responsible for the modern eugenics movement was the establishment of the doctrine of organic evolution following the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859."- Samuel J. Holmes, Human Genetics, 1936, chapter 25.
Not to practice it, to justify it.
“Sadly, the practice of weeding out the unfit goes back to ancient times. One thinks of the Greeks exposing their children, or of Spartan military training, where only the fittest survived boyhood. And sadly, the practice of exterminating whole families, tribes, nations & races goes back to the beginnings of history, if not before. Technologies & ideologies change, but the results were the same. Mankind didn’t need Darwin to practice evil.” ~ BroJoeK can surely be no coincidence that the most humane place in all of the Middle East is surrounded by barbarians who wish to extinguish it in the exact degree to which they systematically abuse their own children.
As a matter of fact, a couple of days ago a reader sent me this link to a piece in the Claremont Review on child sacrifice. In it, the author recalls Golda Meirs famous remark about how peace with the Palestinians will be possible when they love their own children more than they hate the Israelis. In saying so, she touched upon a fundamental difference between pagan and biblical religion: the presence or absence of child sacrifice.... Many ancient peoples believed in sacrificing a child to an angry god like Moloch or Baal in order to avert misfortune. Today, thousands of Muslims believe that sacrificing their children as suicide bombers in a crowd of people pleases their God Allah. More, Islamic terrorists invite the death of children by placing their military and political headquarters in residential areas which they know their enemies will strike.
Folks, is this not an obvious, if horrid and therefore denied truth about mankind in general and the Islamic world in particular? The author concludes his piece on a pessimistic note, speculating that if the current intellectuals project of undermining the Biblical traditions of the Western world continues unabated..., rather than embracing some new, enlightened philosophy which previous generations were supposedly too dull to conceive or practice, likely we will wind up with ancient paganism instead. ....