Europe is losing it.
Americans would send their butts back home by way of a stay in prison IMO.
..and what type of Government runs these countries?
Was the kid shot in Greece a muslim or a lefty Greek?
So sick of Muslims.
Wow! Listen up, America. Spain tries to PAY unemployed workers(immigrants) to go home but few seem to haven taken them up on it.
Kinda makes you understand that once they get here, they are NOT leaving. Period.
Build the fence. Tighten immigration. Save us from the riots to come.
And Obama wants to close Gitmo now.
Napalm, followed by machine guns from helicopters.
I’m just saying...
Islam is incompatible with: democracy, republics, peace, and the 21st century.
ping. thank god we don’t have 10 million molems here.
Cue renewed nationalist fervor and an even harder swing to the right all across Continental Europe right about now.
I’ve checked both leftist (El Pais) and conservative (El Mundo) Spanish newspapers. Not a word about muslim riots.
Look at the symbols, flags, colors, etc. the rioters are decked out in black, they are symbols of ANACRISTS, black and red flags, the symbol "A", the people rioting look nothing like N. Africans, Asians, etc. they are not muslim immigrants as the article falsely is claiming. This kind of rioting is home grown in Greece and has been around since the 1970s, again muslims immigrants have nothing to do with this, its anarchist Greek students. They are full of communist signs in Greek, not green banners and signs in Arabic or proof of Islamic involvement.
Ok check out the irony of this picture: they are anti-capitalist but look at the shirt that the kid in this picture has on. LOL!!
Here you go, their idiotic German anti-capitalist anti-authoritarian anarchists brethren shouting slogans outside the Greek consulate in Berlin, December 8, 2008, after others forcibly entered the building
These are not 'muslim youths', European anarchist youths are common through out Europe and they are very violent when they 'protest'.
I know that mussie article wants to make it seem like 'muzzies' are taking over Europe but those weren't 'muslim youths' rioting in Greece the last few days. They were ethnic GREEKS and most come from families who are well off. The kid who was killed is Andreas Alexis Grigoropoulos, you can't get anymore Greek then that name and he was Greek, he wasn't a muslim, he wasn't an immigrant and he came from a well off family and he went to one of the most prestigious and private schools in Greece.
oh god i wish this would happen here. these people wouldn’t get past the first line.