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Here are this week's topics, links only, by order of addition to the list:

Gods, Graves, Glyphs
Weekly Digest #435
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's Have Jerusalem

 8,500-Year-Old Well Unearthed in Israel, Mystery Surrounds Two Human Skeletons

· 11/17/2012 1:11:55 PM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 1 replies ·
· Science News ·
· Thursday, November 8th, 2012 ·
· Sergio Prostak ·

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority have unearthed an ancient well dating to the Neolithic period some 8,500 years ago in the Jezreel Valley. "The impressive well that was revealed was connected to an ancient farming settlement and it seems the inhabitants used it for their subsistence and living. The upper part of the well was built of stones and its lower part was hewn in the bedrock. Two capstones, which narrowed the opening, were set in place at the top of the well. It is about 8 m deep and its upper part measures about 1.3 m in diameter,"...

Helix, Make Mine a Double

 Life Drains Away From Lost Tribe Of Mountain Jews

· 04/27/2003 4:47:57 PM PDT ·
· Posted by blam ·
· 7 replies ·
· The Telegraph (UK) ·
· 4-27-2003 ·
· Tom Parfitt ·

Life drains away from lost tribe of Mountain Jews By Tom Parfitt in Azerbaijan (Filed: 27/04/2003) One of the most isolated Jewish communities in the world is struggling for survival as its young people leave in droves seeking a better life in the West. The population of Krasnaya Sloboda in northern Azerbaijan has fallen to 4,000 from the 18,000 who lived here during the Communist era. Lured by the prospect of better wages and an easier life, young Jews are fleeing abroad, raising fears that the community could dwindle and die. "Soon there may be no one left," said God...

Religion of Pieces

 Arabs Burning First Temple Pillars

· 11/04/2012 10:57:46 PM PST ·
· Posted by Dogbert41 ·
· 46 replies ·
· Israel National News ·
· 11/04/2012 ·
· David Lev ·

A group of Jews that ascended the Temple Mount Sunday were shocked to see that ancient beams of wood that had apparently been used during the period of the Holy Temple were being used as firewood by Arabs on the Mount, and off it. Archaeologists have dated the wood as far back as the First Temple period, and appear to be among the celebrated "Cedars of Lebanon" mentioned in the Tanach.

Epigraphy & Language

 Dead Sea Scrolls and Masada Scrolls Written by Same Scribe

· 11/16/2012 8:22:25 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 17 replies ·
· Popular Archaeology ·
· 11-7-2012 ·

Israeli paleographer Ada Yardeni has recently identified 50 Dead Sea scrolls found near Qumran in Israel as having been penned by the same scribe, a scribe who also penned scrolls that have been found at the Herodian mountain-top fortress of Masada, where Jewish rebel zealots made their last suicidal stand against the Romans in 73 A.D.The subject scrolls were previously discovered in six different caves in the area of the Qumran site. In an article authored by Sidnie White Crawford and published in the November/December 2012 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Crawford writes that documents penned by the same scribe and found...


 "Destroy the idols,' Egyptian jihadist calls for removal of Sphinx, Pyramids

· 11/12/2012 7:52:09 AM PST ·
· Posted by Nachum ·
· 68 replies ·
· Al Arabiya ·
· 11/12/2012 ·

An Egyptian jihad leader, with self-professed links to the Taliban, called for the "destruction of the Sphinx and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt," drawing ties between the Egyptian relics and Buddha statues, local media reported this week. Murgan Salem al-Gohary, an Islamist leader twice-sentenced under former President Hosni Mubarak for advocating violence, called on Muslims to remove such "idols." "All Muslims are charged with applying the teachings of Islam to remove such idols, as we did in Afghanistan when we destroyed the Buddha statues," he said on Saturday during a television interview on an Egyptian private channel, widely watched by...

Ancient Autopsies

 Who stabbed Ginger in the back? Scan reveals 5,500-year-old murder mystery...

· 11/17/2012 6:45:28 AM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 23 replies ·
· Daily Mail ·
· Friday, November 16, 2012 ·
· Mark Prigg and Damien Gayle ·

Daniel Antoine, the museum's expert on human remains, told The Times: ..."The force is such that the blade would have penetrated through his lung." ...Examinations also showed he was a young man, aged between just 18 and 20 when he was killed, and impressively muscled. Mr Antoine said he believes a lack of defensive wounds suggest Ginger was the victim of a surprise attack. A blade of copper or sharpened flint at least 5in long and 0.7in wide made the injury, he said... Professor Anders Persson of the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV), a Forensic Radiology expert,...

The Iceman

 Iceman Mummy Finds His Closest Relatives

· 11/11/2012 12:44:27 PM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 37 replies ·
· Live Science ·
· 11-9-2012 ·
· Tia Ghose ·

SAN FRANCISCO --- ÷tzi the Iceman, an astonishingly well-preserved Neolithic mummy found in the Italian Alps in 1991, was a native of Central Europe, not a first-generation ÈmigrÈ from Sardinia, new research shows. And genetically, he looked a lot like other Stone Age farmers throughout Europe. he new findings, reported Thursday (Nov. 8) here at the American Society of Human Genetics conference, support the theory that farmers, and not just the technology of farming, spread during prehistoric times from the Middle East all the way to Finland. "The idea is that the spread of farming and agriculture, right now we...

Oh So Mysteriouso

 "Vampire" Skeleton Rediscovered in Britain
  (Skeleton from 550-700 A.D. Was Unearthed in 1959)

· 11/14/2012 3:25:38 PM PST ·
· Posted by DogByte6RER ·
· 10 replies ·
· Discovery ·
· November 8, 2012 ·
· Rossella Lorenzi ·

Vampire Skeleton Rediscovered in Britain Photo: The Southwell deviant burial (left) as it was found in 1959 alongside further disarticulated human remains. Credit: Charles Daniels. Details of one of the few "vampire" burials in Britain have emerged as a new archaeological report details the long forgotten discovery of a skeleton found buried with metal spikes through shoulders, heart area and ankles. Dating from 550-700 A.D., the skeleton was unearthed in 1959 in the minster town of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, during excavations in preparation for a new school. The dig also turned up Roman remains. Archaeologist Charles Daniels immediately recognized the skeletal...

Prehistory & Origins

 Anthropologist suggests Mediterranean islands inhabited much earlier than thought

· 11/16/2012 8:16:41 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 3 replies ·
· PhysOrg ·
· 11-16-2012 ·
· Bob Yirka ·

Modern science has held that islands such as Cypress and Crete were first inhabited by seafaring humans approximately 9,000 years ago by agriculturists from the late Neolithic period. Simmons writes that research over the past 20 years has cast doubt on that assumption however and suggests that it might be time to rewrite the history books. He cites evidence such as pieces of obsidian found in a cave in mainland Greece that were found to have come from Melos, an island in the Aegean Sea and were dated at 11,000 years ago as well as artifacts from recent digs on...


 Archaeologists identify spear tips used in hunting a half-million years ago

· 11/15/2012 12:05:23 PM PST ·
· Posted by Red Badger ·
· 42 replies ·
· Phys.Org ·
· U of Toronto ·

A University of Toronto-led team of anthropologists has found evidence that human ancestors used stone-tipped weapons for hunting 500,000 years ago -- 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. "This changes the way we think about early human adaptations and capacities before the origin of our own species," says Jayne Wilkins, a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto and lead author of a new study in Science. "Although both Neandertals and humans used stone-tipped spears, this is the first evidence that the technology originated prior to or near the divergence of these two species," says...

PreColumbian, Clovis & PreClovis

 Authorities: vandals buried objects at Ohio mound (A real tin-foil alert)

· 11/15/2012 5:52:16 AM PST ·
· Posted by xzins ·
· 22 replies ·
· WKBN Radio ·
· 11/06 10:22 am ·

Authorities are seeking people they say vandalized an ancient snake-shaped Serpent Mound by burying what may be hundreds of small muffin-like resin objects at the southern Ohio earthworks. The Columbus Dispatch reports that the objects buried at the 63-acre Native American site in Peebles were embedded with aluminum foil and quartz crystal. Three have been found so far. The Ohio Historical Society says a YouTube video posted by a group calling itself Unite the Collective shows people running across the earthworks. It includes comments by individuals describing themselves as "light warriors" who say they planted the objects to "help lift...

Biology & Cryptobiology

 5 Reasons Mars May Have Never Seen Life

· 11/17/2012 11:13:21 AM PST ·
· Posted by LibWhacker ·
· 29 replies ·
· Forbes ·
· 11/15/12 ·
· Bruce Dorminey ·

On Aug. 28, 2012, during the 22nd Martian day, or sol, after landing on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover drove about 52 feet (16 meters) eastward. The drive imprinted the wheel tracks visible in this image. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech After decades of following the water, the reality that "life as we know it" may never have gotten a foothold on Mars' surface, at least, has arguably taken root within the planetary science community. If life ever was or is lurking on the Red planet, it's been extremely coy about revealing itself. The recent news that the Mars Curiosity rover has thus far...

 Droughts steady since 1950s

· 11/17/2012 5:39:34 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 13 replies ·
· Daily Telegraph (UK) ·
· 11-14-2012 ·
· Nic, Collins ·

According to a commonly used model of drought patterns, researchers had previously assumed that higher global temperatures were causing greater evaporation of water, and therefore more droughts. But a more detailed analysis of weather data, including wind speed, humidity and radiation levels, found that in fact there has been "little change" in drought over the past 60 years. Researchers from Princeton University and the Australian National University said drought was "expected to increase in frequency and severity" in the future, but added that currently used prediction methods are inaccurate.....

Australia & the Pacific

 New Study Reveals First Polynesians Arrived in Tonga around 826 BC

· 11/16/2012 9:18:49 AM PST ·
· Posted by Theoria ·
· 5 replies ·
· Sci-News ·
· 09 Nov 2012 ·
· Sergio Prostak ·

Archaeologists, using new high-precision techniques, have come to the conclusion that first settlers arrived in Polynesia almost 2,900 years ago.This is a view on an island in Tonga ( Polynesia was one of the last places on our planet to be settled by humans. In 2008, Prof David Burley of Simon Fraser University in Canada and his team claimed that Tonga was the first group of islands in the region to be settled by migrants -- the Lapita people -- some 3,000 years ago, and that Nukuleka, a small village on the coast of the Tonga's Tongatapu Island, was their...


 30,000-year-old DNA preserved in poo a window into the past

· 11/16/2012 8:08:30 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 18 replies ·
· Murdoch University (Australia) ·
· 11-16-2012 ·

Murdoch University DNA scientists have used 30,000-year-old faecal matter known as middens to ascertain which plants and animals existed at that time in the hot, arid Pilbara region of North Western Australia.To date, this is the oldest environmental sample from which DNA has been obtained in Australia. It had previously been considered unrealistic to extract DNA from hot, arid zone samples due to the extreme heat.PhD candidate D·ithÌ Murray from Murdoch's Ancient DNA Lab said that comparing the genetic signatures obtained from old material such as middens to present day plant and animal surveys would allow for an exploration...


 Is the Harappan civilisation 2000 years older?

· 11/14/2012 12:03:35 PM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 8 replies ·
· Past Horizons ·
· 11/14/2012 ·

The recent International Conference on Harappan Archaeology produced an unexpected announcement from archaeologists BR Mani and KN Dikshit, both of the Archaeological Survey of India, who claim that new dates from excavations show the Harappan culture began around 2000 years earlier than previously thought.The ruins of the Harrapan city of Mohenjo-daro remained undocumented for over 3,700 years, until their discovery in 1922 by Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay, an officer of the Archaeological Survey of India. He was led to the mound by a Buddhist monk, who reportedly believed it to be a stupa. Image: Wikimedia commons Redating of Harappan culture Based on...


 Flying Dino Too Weak to Lift Off?

· 11/10/2012 11:58:31 AM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 41 replies ·
· Discovery News ·
· Thursday, November 8, 2012 ·
· Larry O'Hanlon ·

A new analysis of the largest of pterodactyls suggests they were too big and their muscles too weak to vault into the air and fly. Instead, they were right at the upper limit of animal flight and needed a hill or stiff breeze so they could soar like hang gliders. The new analysis was done on the enormous pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus from Late Cretaceous rocks of Big Bend, Texas. Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of about 35 feet (10.6 meters), or about the wingspan of a F-16 fighter. It was among the last pterodactyls to look down on dinosaurs 65 million years...

Thoroughly Modern Miscellany

 Right-wing group's theft of Palestinian heritage outlined in new study (Smell the bias)

· 11/16/2012 6:45:30 PM PST ·
· Posted by 2ndDivisionVet ·
· 7 replies ·
· The Electronic Intifada ·
· November 12, 2012 ·
· Charlotte Silver ·

Yesterday, the alternative archaeology group Emek Shaveh published its most recent report on the extent to which Elad, the ultra-nationalist settler organization, has control over the presentation, excavation and development of archeology in Jerusalem, specifically in occupied East Jerusalem. The report outlines each of Elad's six sites, emphasizing that "visitors are told an exclusive story of Jewish heritage and Israeli connection to the site, whilst other periods and cultures are almost entirely ignored." The report is welcome, as this time last month Israeli and Zionist media spun itself into a frenzy when a French consul general, FrÈdÈric Desagneaux, dared to...

end of digest #435 20121117

1,481 posted on 11/17/2012 1:53:35 PM PST by SunkenCiv (
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To: 240B; 75thOVI; Adder; albertp; asgardshill; At the Window; bitt; blu; BradyLS; cajungirl; ...

Gods, Graves, Glyphs
Weekly Digest #435 · v 9 · n 18
Saturday, November 17, 2012
18 topics
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· Gods, Graves, Glyphs Gods, Graves, Glyphs · Gods, Graves, Glyphs ·
The FR software duplicates most of my pings (so far, the record is three). It does this about 80 percent of the time. Anyway, not my fault, but you have my apologies. This issue is smallish, but has a nice selection of mostly unrelated topics that fit together nicely.
· view this issue ·
Stuff that doesn't necessarily make it to GGG here on FR sometimes gets shared here, that's my story and I'm sticking with it: Regarding the recent election, its results, its controversies, and its aftermath, and (IMHO) the future of FR, I've updated my profile page. If its content troubles you, let me know, I'll be happy to drop you from all the lists I manage.
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1,482 posted on 11/17/2012 1:57:50 PM PST by SunkenCiv (
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To: 240B; 75thOVI; Adder; albertp; asgardshill; At the Window; bitt; blu; BradyLS; cajungirl; ...

Gods, Graves, Glyphs
Weekly Digest #435 · v 9 · n 18
Saturday, November 17, 2012
18 topics
901427 to 2958030
818 members
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 Antiquity Journal
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 Archaeology Channel
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· Gods, Graves, Glyphs Gods, Graves, Glyphs · Gods, Graves, Glyphs ·
The FR software duplicates most of my pings (so far, the record is three). It does this about 80 percent of the time. Anyway, not my fault, but you have my apologies. This issue is smallish, but has a nice selection of mostly unrelated topics that fit together nicely.
· view this issue ·
Stuff that doesn't necessarily make it to GGG here on FR sometimes gets shared here, that's my story and I'm sticking with it: Regarding the recent election, its results, its controversies, and its aftermath, and (IMHO) the future of FR, I've updated my profile page. If its content troubles you, let me know, I'll be happy to drop you from all the lists I manage.
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1,483 posted on 11/17/2012 1:58:48 PM PST by SunkenCiv (
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Here are this week's topics, links only, by order of addition to the list:

Gods, Graves, Glyphs
Weekly Digest #436
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Early America

 Squanto, the Worldly Indian Who Dazzled the Pilgrims.
  A 17th Century American Henry Kissinger.

· 11/21/2012 7:15:47 AM PST ·
· Posted by SeekAndFind ·
· 21 replies ·
· National Review ·
· 11/21/2012 ·
· Deroy Murdock ·

As you gobble your Thanksgiving turkey, imagine being a Pilgrim in March 1621. Hardly four months after the Mayflower reached Plymouth Rock the previous November, you still struggle for food, shelter, and survival in the state of nature.Suddenly, an Indian reaches your outpost. Friend or foe? What brought him here? How would you ever communicate with him?And then he opens his mouth. He speaks English! More amazing, he does so with a British accent and the demeanor of someone who had lived and worked among England's elite.Who on Earth is this incredible man? Squanto, a.k.a. Tisquantum, was born about 1580...

The Pilgrims

 How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims

· 11/22/2012 4:13:44 PM PST ·
· Posted by Founding Father ·
· 21 replies ·
· Hoover Institution StanfordU ·
· January 30, 1999 ·
· Tom Bethell ·

When the Pilgrims landed in 1620, they established a system of communal property. Within three years they had scrapped it, instituting private property instead. Hoover media fellow Tom Bethell tells the story. There are three configurations of property rights: state, communal, and private property. Within a family, many goods are in effect communally owned. But when the number of communal members exceeds normal family size, as happens in tribes and communes, serious and intractable problems arise. It becomes costly to police the activities of the members, all of whom are entitled to their share of the total product of the...


 Proclamation -- Day of National Thanksgiving October 3, 1789

· 11/22/2012 8:10:06 AM PST ·
· Posted by TaxPayer2000 ·
· 11 replies ·
· American Presidency Project ·
· October 3, 1789 ·
· George Washington ·

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:" Now, therefore, I do...

The Revolution

 NBC may give George Washington the dramatic treatment

· 11/17/2012 1:35:38 PM PST ·
· Posted by Pharmboy ·
· 29 replies ·
· Washington Post ·
· Nov 15, 2012 ·
· Lisa de Moraes ·

NBC is developing a drama series about George Washington, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography "Washington: A Life." In that book, author Ron Chernow wrote that the country's first president "ranks as the most famously elusive figure in American history, a remote, enigmatic personage more revered than truly loved."... The network has ordered a script from David Seidler... "There's George Washington the national icon, starting from the dollar bill with his supposed mouthful of wooden teeth, and then there's the George Washington who had an adulterous affair with his best friend's wife. The George Washington obsessed with social status, finely...

The Mayans

 Mayan Bones Reveal Painful End

· 11/23/2012 6:27:19 PM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 23 replies ·
· Discovery News ·
· Wednesday, November 14, 2012 ·
· Rossella Lorenzi ·

Evidence of the miserable life lived by the Maya during the Spanish conquest of the 16th century has emerged in an ancient settlement of Mexico's east coast, as archaeologists unearthed dozens of infant skeletons with signs of malnutrition and acute anemia. Found in the recently opened archaeological site of San Miguelito, in the middle of the hotel chain area of Quintana Roo, near Cancun, the human burials were excavated within 11 housing buildings dating to the Late Postclassic Mayan Period (1200-1550). Archaeologists of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) estimate that at least 30 burials belong...

PreColumbian, Clovis & PreClovis

 How the West Was Lost by Native Americans

· 11/21/2012 5:24:18 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 91 replies ·
· Frontiers of Anthropology ·
· 11-20-2012 ·
· Dale Drinnon ·

Everybody knows that Europeans took a lot of land from Native Americans, but this animated GIF by Tumblr user sunisup gives a great sense of just how fast the people living in North America were pushed west after Christopher Columbus "discovered" the continent. She turned an old graphic by Louisiana State professor Sam B. Hillard into a mini-movie that viscerally demonstrates the gradual chopping away of Native American land through cessions, or a surrender of territory to another entity. The green represents Native American land, and any part that turns white was ceded. She writes: "Made because I was having...

The Vikings

 Seal diet provides clue to disappearance of Norse from Greenland

· 11/21/2012 5:18:33 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 29 replies ·
· Past Horizons ·
· 11-2012 ·

Greenland's Viking settlers, the Norse, disappeared suddenly and mysteriously from Greenland about 500 years ago. Natural disasters, climate change and the inability to adapt have all been proposed as theories to explain their disappearance. But now a Danish-Canadian research team has demonstrated the Norse society did not die out due to an inability to adapt to the Greenlandic diet: an isotopic analysis of their bones shows they ate plenty of seals."Our analysis shows that the Norse in Greenland ate lots of food from the sea, especially seals," says Jan Heinemeier, Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University. "Our analysis shows...

Prehistory & Origins

 Ancient Mariners: Did Neanderthals Sail to Mediterranean?

· 11/24/2012 8:17:46 AM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· LiveScience ·
· Thursday, November 15, 2012 ·
· Charles Choi ·

Neanderthals and other extinct human lineages might have been ancient mariners, venturing to the Mediterranean islands thousands of years earlier than previously thought. This prehistoric seafaring could shed light on the mental capabilities of these lost relatives of modern humans, researchers say. Scientists had thought the Mediterranean islands were first settled about 9,000 years ago by Neolithic or New Stone Age farmers and shepherds... For instance, obsidian from the Aegean island of Melos was uncovered at the mainland Greek coastal site of Franchthi cave in layers that were about 11,000 years old, while excavations on the southern coast of Cyprus...

Ancient Autopsies

 Scythian warriors show genetic blending between Europeans and Asians

· 11/23/2012 6:00:06 PM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 35 replies ·
· Past Horizons Archaeology ·
· November 2012 ·
· Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ·

Evidence of the potential genetic blending between Europeans and Asians has been discovered by a team of researchers led by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) within the remains of Scythian warriors living over 2,000 years ago in the Altai region of Mongolia. The Scythians were already documented as the first large Eurasian culture, but were believed to be the product of migration from Europe. The researchers now suggest that the genetic blending is actually a result of the expansion of Scythian culture over the mountains. Studies on ancient mitochondrial DNA of this region suggest that the Altai Mountains played...

Alexander the Great

 Macedonia's 'Indiana Jones' Won't Rest Until He Finds Alexander's Tomb

· 11/23/2012 4:40:59 PM PST ·
· Posted by nickcarraway ·
· 12 replies ·
· Radio Free Europe ·
· November 20, 2012 ·

With his flowing white locks and extravagant manner, Macedonian archaeologist Pasko Kuzman has become something of a celebrity in his native country. Aside from some notable finds in his native Ohrid region, as head of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office he has had a major role in the Macedonian government's controversial, if not provocative, use of ancient historical figures to adorn the capital, Skopje. He's also seen as the force behind the latest beautification effort: the multimillion-dollar project called Skopje 2014. Most contentious is the massive bronze statue of Alexander the Great, erected in 2011. At the time, Greece objected...

Let's Have Jerusalem

 Desecrated Ancient Temple Sheds Light on Early Power Struggles at Tel Beth-Shemesh

· 11/19/2012 5:00:25 AM PST ·
· Posted by Renfield ·
· 6 replies ·
· ·
· 11-12-2012 ·

Tel Aviv University researchers have uncovered a unique 11th-century BCE sacred compound at the site of Tel Beth-Shemesh, an ancient village that resisted the aggressive expansion of neighboring Philistines. The newly discovered sacred complex is comprised of an elevated, massive circular stone structure and an intricately constructed building characterized by a row of three flat, large round stones. Co-directors of the dig Prof. Shlomo Bunimovitz and Dr. Zvi Lederman of TAU's Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology say that this temple complex is unparalleled, possibly connected to an early Israelite cult -- and provides remarkable new evidence of the...

Helix, Make Mine a Double

 Scientists Reveal Single Gene Is the Difference Between Humans and Apes

· 11/22/2012 12:40:23 PM PST ·
· Posted by Fractal Trader ·
· 58 replies ·
· Medical Daily ·
· 21 November 2012 ·

What makes us human? Some say that it is the development of language, though others argue that animals have language as well. Some say that it is our ability to use tools, though many animals are able to use rocks and other objects as primitive tools. Some say that it is our ability to see death coming. Now, researchers believe that they have found the definitive difference between humans and other primates, and they think that the difference all comes down to a single gene. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland attribute the split of humanity from apes...

Catastrophism & Astronomy

 Rare Fossil Points to Toxic Oceans in Devonian Period

· 11/23/2012 5:37:08 PM PST ·
· Posted by SunkenCiv ·
· 11 replies ·
· Sci-News ·
· Friday, November 16th, 2012 ·
· Natali Anderson ·

A well-preserved crab-like fossil that was found by scientists from Curtin University, Australia, has provided evidence of a toxic ocean environment in the Devonian Period, potentially responsible for the mass extinction 380 million years ago. A study, published in the journal Geology, shows that hydrogen sulphide dependant organisms -- known as Chlorobi -- and sulphate-reducing bacteria had preserved the shell and the muscles of the crab-like creature. "The research presents organic geochemistry as a new tool for paleontologists, enabling them to identify invertebrate fossils and reconstruct their environments from a molecular point of view," explained lead author Ines Melendez, a...

Biology & Cryptobiology

 Weird-Looking, Meat-Eating Sponge Found In Deep Sea

· 11/23/2012 4:23:48 PM PST ·
· Posted by nickcarraway ·
· 13 replies ·
· Yahoo News ·
· Fri, Nov 9, 2012 ·
· Betty Oskin ·

A new carnivore shaped like a candelabra has been spotted in deep ocean waters off California's Monterey Bay. The meat-eating species was dubbed the "harp sponge," so-called because its structure resembles a harp or lyre turned on its side. A team from the Monterey Bay Research Aquarium Institute in Moss Landing, Calif., discovered the sponge in 2000 while exploring with a remotely operated vehicle. The sponges live nearly 2 miles (3.5 kilometers) beneath the ocean's surface. "We were just amazed. No one had ever seen this animal with their own eyes before," said Lonny Lundsten, an invertebrate biologist at the...

 Weird-Looking, Meat-Eating Sponge Found In Deep Sea

· 11/23/2012 4:23:48 PM PST ·
· Posted by nickcarraway ·
· 13 replies ·
· Yahoo News ·
· Fri, Nov 9, 2012 ·
· Betty Oskin ·

A new carnivore shaped like a candelabra has been spotted in deep ocean waters off California's Monterey Bay. The meat-eating species was dubbed the "harp sponge," so-called because its structure resembles a harp or lyre turned on its side. A team from the Monterey Bay Research Aquarium Institute in Moss Landing, Calif., discovered the sponge in 2000 while exploring with a remotely operated vehicle. The sponges live nearly 2 miles (3.5 kilometers) beneath the ocean's surface. "We were just amazed. No one had ever seen this animal with their own eyes before," said Lonny Lundsten, an invertebrate biologist at the...

Oh So Mysteriouso

 Bizarre Muppet-Like Beast Discovered in Namibia

· 11/20/2012 2:46:41 PM PST ·
· Posted by DogByte6RER ·
· 69 replies ·
· Inquisitr ·
· November 20, 2012 ·
· Inquisitr ·

In the south African nation of Namibia, a bizarre muppet-like beast has been shot and killed. Unlike its distant relatives -- the abominable snowman, bigfoot, and the chupacabra -- this one has been caught on film. Locals in Namibia were escorting a shooting party through the country when they found the body of the strange muppet-like beast, and they picked it up and brought it back to the town with them, according to the Telegraph. Witnesses to the event said that locals saw the creature scavenging for food. One member of the shooting party shot and wounded the beast, and...

end of digest #436 20121124

1,486 posted on 11/24/2012 4:15:05 PM PST by SunkenCiv (
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