Just messin’ with you... here’s your question and my honest response:
Please expain why you disagree with the following statements you posted. Thank you.
“Thank you for your kind reply.
Because I havent resigned myself to believing there is no difference between animal and man. Man has a different and greater worth than animal in Gods creation so, even though what Darwin said may be true of animals it is not relatable to mankind... Why?
Because man has a soul that is worth saving and, as a believer in the God of Creation, I believe life was created as a sacred thing and that the weak are not obstacles to overcome.
Because I believe we are all in a fallen state... that there is no life less worthy than my own... or yours.
Because Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost and to redeem the sins of anyone who believes, to heal the sick and infirmed and make the blind man see.
Jesus didnt tell the blind or the lame to go away and die because they were a blight on humanity and a stumbling block to the able. He offered hope and healing. It is in no way injurious to the state of man to attend to the weak. With man it seems to make the weak strong and encourage the one who lifts up the other... to make them stronger men themselves. Stephen Hawkings would have been left to die if Darwins premise were followed to its ultimate conclusion. There are countless others who would have perished; Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, Franklin Roosevelt, Christopher Reeve, Michael J. Fox... All of these would be left to die so that the strong might survive.
The conclusion most evolutionists draw when confronted with Darwins statements is that he meant them in a different context than how we take them. Darwin, however spent some time lamenting the fact he could not be as harsh as he would have liked because of social dictates, ie. the feelings of his family. He would have, by his own admission attacked religion if he felt unfettered from the chains of society opinion.”
I reiterate, I cannot and will not change my answer because you either do not like it or do not understand it. This answer is directly related to the statements and assumptions made by Darwin about our relationship with one another and our ancestors. And my answer is in direct response to the quotes in the article.