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Ted Cruz, The "DARLING" Of The GOP Establishhment. (Vanity)

Posted on 04/01/2016 5:09:10 AM PDT by JLAGRAYFOX

Ted Cruz is now totally owned and controlled by the GOP Establishment, which will now use him to gain their urgent need to obtain the Republican nominee for POTUS...which, under no circumstances will ever be Ted Cruz. Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsy Graham, Jeb Bush, Glenn Beck, Mike Lee, Carly Fiorina, and probably, as of later today, Rand Paul, now control one time "OUTSIDER" Ted Cruz.

Of course both Ted Cruz and his wife were never outsiders....they are "Bushises, from head to toe. Ted Cruz is hated and repulsive to all of these GOP (E) folks, and they will destroy him, politically, as soon as they have the power & position to gain control and choice of the Republican nominee for POTUS. Ted Cruz & his wife Heidi are living in LaLa land, & have nary a clue!!! Add to that a cooperative media & hordes of "Establishment" pundits who in reality adore Hillary Clinton or, any Democrat...and even a dummie like me, can see the table of doom for Ted Cruz being set. Either Cruz gets discarded at the convention or, he gets the nomination which will be followed by a massive loss to whatever Democrat runs for POTUS in November, 2016.

I am really surprised that the good folks of Wisconsin cannot see through this weak charade put forth by the Republican Establishment. Either way, the American people lose and the Establishment, both Reppublican & Democrat goes on unabated...and the country slowly, but sueely continues its doward decline.

Maybe there is yet hope in the heart of the good folks of Wisconsin, over the next few days, and, folks will come to their senses, waking up to the fact that Ted Cruz is nothing but a simple tool in the full use by the Republican Establishment. There is only one candidate that will truly change the course for the USA and, that is Donald J. Trump!!! America is in critical, sad, sorry condition these days and, is getting worse with each passing day. Support & vote for Donald J. Trump next Tuesday in Wisconsin ro restore the greatness of America and a positive great future for all Americans here, and those yet to come!!!

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1stcanadiansenator; cruz; establishment; globalistcruz; gop; noteligiblecruz; openboarderscruz; vanity
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“Your thoughts, comment and opinions...please. “

Why do you need our thoughts and the rest? Your are pretty cemented (to put it mildly..).

41 posted on 04/01/2016 6:48:16 AM PDT by exinnj
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To: MomMcGraff

“Cruz is a proven Constitutionalist.”
No. Cruz supported and voted for the Corker Bill that reversed the two third’s vote to ratify the treaty with Iran, making it two third’s to stop it. Now we have 150 billion dollars sponsoring terrorism around the world and Nuclear bombs developed to be used against Israel and us. Cruz didn’t think the Constitution was good enough as written, so he voted to change it for Obama and the Dems.
Trump is a man of proven accomplishment. He is a businessman, not a politician. He sees himself as a Common Sense Conservative. I believe he will use his skill set to accomplish everything he is promising.
Cruz is an in the gutter, twist the truth type of sleaze politician that we need cleansed from our government.

42 posted on 04/01/2016 6:54:41 AM PDT by voltaire
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To: MomMcGraff

Yep. And that’s just for starters.

43 posted on 04/01/2016 6:58:04 AM PDT by cuban leaf (The US will not survive the obama presidency. The world may not either.)
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Here are my thoughts:

“Ted Cruz is now totally owned and controlled by the GOP Establishment, which will now use him to gain their urgent need to obtain the Republican nominee for POTUS...which, under no circumstances will ever be Ted Cruz.”

Yes, that is true beyond any doubt. Right now, the biggest threat to the GOPe is Trump - so they will use Cruz to thwart him. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” - well, for a few weeks, anyway. Once Cruz serves his purpose he, like Kasich, will be tossed aside (note how Romney endorsed Kasich, and once he won Ohio Romney discarded him and endorsed Cruz). In fact, he will not only be discarded, but the GOPe will do their damnedest to put a stake in him, to destroy him for good.

...and, meanwhile, Cruz blindly pursues the nomination at all costs, like Gollum pursuing “My precious!” in The Lord of the Rings trilogy - hopping in bed with those who will destroy him, who hate him so much that they’d literally murder him on the Senate floor and engage in a cover-up if the opportunity presented itself.

Cruz needs to wake up, to understand that he cannot win on the first ballot, and that once the GOPe finishes with Trump that they will take him down. The ONLY solution is to combine forces with Trump, to have 2/3 or 3/4 of the delegates between them in a unified front, so as to destroy the GOPe. THEY are the real enemy, as Cicero knew 2,100 years ago:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Substitute “party” for “nation” in this quote, and you’ll have an accurate reading about the GOPe. Cruz needs to understand this, and to take action with Trump to prevent the GOPe from running over both of them. Per Unitatem Vis “through unity, strength” - Motto of Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets.

44 posted on 04/01/2016 7:01:26 AM PDT by Ancesthntr ("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." A. E. van Vogt)
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To: manc

Probably didn’t have to, but I did because this is what he has been saying all along and people just aren’t listening. I hear what you are saying about a vote for Cruz is a vote for a contested convention. It really is irrelevant though because a vote for Trump doesn’t matter because GOPe leadership won’t let him be the candidate anyway.

If the expectation is Trump wins the delegates , is replaced by an establishment candidate and in response we will stay home, do you really think they care? No one seems to comprehend that that is exactly what the establishment wants, they want us to fight and then they will stick the knife in by taking the nomination away.

Cruz can drop out, pledge his delegates to Trump and with a unified front take on the establishment, and win. Or vice versa. Doesn’t matter as long as conservatives stay as one.

45 posted on 04/01/2016 7:06:24 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (United we stand, divided we fall. I think the establishment has divided us enough.)
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Very well said, Grayfox. I totally agree.

46 posted on 04/01/2016 7:07:17 AM PDT by Mollypitcher1 (I have not yet begun to fight....John Paul Jones)
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To: EQAndyBuzz

he has been saying what?

if Trump gets the delegates then there is no way for the GOP to try and block him,. but if they use cruz to strip away at Trump and get their contested convention then do not be surprised when they stab cruz in the back and appoint their own guy like Rubio.

47 posted on 04/01/2016 7:09:57 AM PDT by manc (Marriage =1 man + 1 woman,when they say marriage equality then they should support polygamy)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
They “hate” him but he’s a part of them? Does that really make sense to you?

Propaganda doesn't have to make sense.....

48 posted on 04/01/2016 7:11:36 AM PDT by TXSearcher (The anti-RINO rebellion is being won by a NY RINO.......truth IS stranger than fiction.)
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To: Rational Thought; MomMcGraff

“What accomplishments does Cruz have to be a “proven Constitutionalist”? “

I could post a dozen articles, but this one should give you an idea...

“Pratt, the GOA executive director, shared that sentiment regarding Cruz’s support for his group’s agenda.

“We’ve got a real hero that’s ridden into town from Texas,” Pratt said shortly after Cruz’s election to the Senate in 2012.

“I’m so happy that we made a major effort to support his campaign,” Pratt continued. “I’m certain that he’s not going to disappoint us. This guy is the real deal.”

Pratt echoed that in a recent telephone interview with CNN. “What we saw is what we got,” Pratt said. “He keeps his word.” “

49 posted on 04/01/2016 7:11:46 AM PDT by Beagle8U
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I’m thinking they will offer Cr-ooze the VP slot as a consolation prize knowing that they won’t win the election anyway.

50 posted on 04/01/2016 7:14:48 AM PDT by Fresh Wind (Falcon 105)
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To: don-o

Trump has nearly achieved his goal of destroying the Republican party in general and conservatives in particular, but it was for the purpose of electing his friend Hillary Clinton, not to build a better and more conservative party.

Trump has no way to bring a coalition of people together. His way of doing business is to intimidate, bribe, boast, and threaten to sue when he doesn’t get his way. It’s the way of the crony capitalists and the Washington insiders, but it will never work to make a popular conservative revolution of the likes of Ronald Reagan.

I have no idea how Trump thinks he will build a conservative movement when he and his followers continually attack proven conservative warriors in politics and the media.

How does he expect to build a conservative coalition with idiotic positions like: two of the top three functions of the Federal government are education and healthcare? And, what conservative thinks we should take money from defense so we can fund more programs for the inner city?

Trump is not a conservative nor is he for limited governnment. He doesn’t speak our language or share our core beliefs. It’s painful to watch him pretend to be a conservative and the resulting gaffes are just fodder for liberals to attack conservatism.

51 posted on 04/01/2016 7:19:54 AM PDT by BigBobber
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To: MomMcGraff

A proven Constitutionalist does NOT vote for the Corker Bill. Does not vote to curtail powers assigned to the Senate by the Constitution, giving Obama what he wants, more power. A proven constitutionalist does NOT vote for Treatys which diminish American Sovereignty, but assists Globalization instead.
Trump HAS stated he will reduce the size of the Federal Government by the actions he will take. Common Core, for example, will be gone and our children’s education will go back to the decisions of states and local governments as it was in the Constitution. He will curtail the EPA! He will rebuild the military which is one of the assigned duties of the federal government according to the Constitution.
I think you need to examine the issues for yourself and not listen to the Cruz rhetoric. You are misinformed.

52 posted on 04/01/2016 7:24:40 AM PDT by Mollypitcher1 (I have not yet begun to fight....John Paul Jones)
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I don’t think he’s their darling

He’s not likable and they fear his Glenn Beck side will turn off voters

But he’s far preferable to Trump in their eyes

At least Cruz bothered to join their club and Cruz is a professional politician

Watch how he bobs and weaves and evades

It’s what they do

Trump is no politician

He fights and takes punches as well as he throws them

I’d love to see Cruz have the whole system arrayed against him for just a week to see how well he does

53 posted on 04/01/2016 7:26:13 AM PDT by wardaddy (is Cruz last name a coincidence or a blessing or is he the anti Christ)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

He is disliked personally by just about everyone that knows him. A personal dislike does not translate to ideological differences. On the big issues like trade, immigration and neocons wars Cruz is a GOPe globalist team player.

54 posted on 04/01/2016 7:37:43 AM PDT by jpsb (Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied. Otto von Bismark)
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“There is only one candidate that will truly change the course for the USA and, that is Donald J. Trump!!!”

Of course that is true if you think that the top three responsibilities of the federal government are, “Security, Security, security. And Health Care and Education.”

We start with a large portion of Nationalism and follow it with some good ole Socialism! Naturally I agree with Security being a top priority, but I heartily disagree with the progressives that Health Care and Education are proper roles of the Federal Government.

But, hey Trump will really change things.

55 posted on 04/01/2016 7:38:43 AM PDT by CSM (White wine sipping, caviar munching, Georgetown cocktail circuit circulating, Perrier conservative.)
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To: MomMcGraff
Cruz is a proven Constitutionalist.

If the above were true then Cruz would not be running because he would know that under original intent there is no freakin way the son of a Cuban born in Canada is a natural born citizen of these United States.

56 posted on 04/01/2016 7:43:47 AM PDT by jpsb (Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied. Otto von Bismark)
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To: manc

“if Trump gets the delegates then there is no way for the GOP to try and block him,. “

Sure there is. Change the rules. That’s what they did in 2012 to prevent Paul from getting a platform. 1237 is irrelevant. He will not get the nomination unless a deal is struck between Trump and the RNC. In that case, doesn’t Trump become part of the establishment?

57 posted on 04/01/2016 7:47:01 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (United we stand, divided we fall. I think the establishment has divided us enough.)
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To: Mollypitcher1

“Trump HAS stated he will reduce the size of the Federal Government by the actions he will take. Common Core, for example, will be gone and our children’s education will go back to the decisions of states and local governments as it was in the Constitution.”

While Common Core is worth discussing at the Federal level, it is not and has never been part of the Federal monster. It was originally proposed by some “Association of Governors” and is now being instituted in State Legislatures. The most recent fight was in Oklahoma, sadly Conservatism lost again.

To use your language, I think you need to examine the issues for yourself and not listen to the Trump rhetoric. You are misinformed.

The fact of the matter is that if any candidate is not willing to defund Planned Parenthood, or eliminate Ethanol Subsidies, then they have no true intention of reducing the federal monster. Quite frankly, those 2 issues are the easiest possible reductions to make.

58 posted on 04/01/2016 7:52:12 AM PDT by CSM (White wine sipping, caviar munching, Georgetown cocktail circuit circulating, Perrier conservative.)
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To: EQAndyBuzz
The GOP might have that elitist attitude, but they are not that stupid.

Why cruz can't see he is being used and now has got into bed with them is beyond me, but saying that maybe that elitist ego of his is getting in the way too.

He knew it was over after FL and there I no way he can get the nomination unless he helps the GOP get their contested convention.
Even then they will not give it to him.

59 posted on 04/01/2016 7:53:13 AM PDT by manc (Marriage =1 man + 1 woman,when they say marriage equality then they should support polygamy)
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To: newfreep

Ooooh....every time I see, or hear, that sleazy cRUz....I think about how he stole IA.

Thanks for posting that vid. It perfectly lays out exactly how cRuz’s slimy tricks ‘team’ stole IA.

60 posted on 04/01/2016 7:59:29 AM PDT by Jane Long (Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
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