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1 posted on 04/26/2009 1:33:34 AM PDT by St. Louis Conservative
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To: St. Louis Conservative

The Republican party can come back in a big way, if they’ll just return to first principles.

2 posted on 04/26/2009 1:35:35 AM PDT by Oberon (What does it take to make government shrink?)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Our country has been so girlyfied, I don’t recognize it. Good luck.

3 posted on 04/26/2009 1:38:15 AM PDT by qwertypie
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Now St Louis excellent vanity...but I have to disagree with you on some of your listed reasons: Yes in this country we have more minorities and immigrants then before, not saying it is wrong...just that it's a to will see how the population is changing..

It is true about college and universities, not all but a good portion have people like Bill Ayers as professors..the ciriculum is definately slanted liberal in most schools, been that way for years.

I admire your optimistic attitude and tenacity...keep up the good work.

6 posted on 04/26/2009 1:42:06 AM PDT by KLT (A damn Yankee, from the great state of Mississippi....Go Freepers Go!)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
From one of the cynical old nellies out here, I am glad to see a 20 something like you. If there are several million of you maybe you can pull it off. God Bless.

Μολὼν λάβε

16 posted on 04/26/2009 2:09:51 AM PDT by wastoute (translation of tag "Come and get them (bastards)" and the Scout Motto)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
A: Hogwash. Another baby-boomer argument.

If I had his mother's permission, I'd put a high schooler online with you who HAS fallen for it all. Hook. Line. Sinker.

And it's not my Brad I'm talking about.

I admire your enthusiasm and PATRIOTISM...please continue to fight the good fight as we're all going to need the youth. (you)

I'd also suggest you DO reach high schoolers, if possible in your life...cuz those kids have NOT been totally indoctrinated. Yet. But time IS running out.

17 posted on 04/26/2009 2:21:22 AM PDT by Brad’s Gramma (Life is but a big granola bar.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

I have a mission for you. FRmail coming....

18 posted on 04/26/2009 2:23:20 AM PDT by Brad’s Gramma (Life is but a big granola bar.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

OK. FRmail there awaiting your action.

Going to take out my false teeth and go to bed. LOL! ;)

God bless you, St. Louis Conservative...

19 posted on 04/26/2009 2:29:41 AM PDT by Brad’s Gramma (Life is but a big granola bar.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
St. Louis, I'm encouraged by your post. I will not live under Tyranny, either, and would choose death instead. This is all the more striking because, frankly, I do value my life and have a vested interest in civilization.

I hope you have already, or will soon, read and study Levin's Liberty & Tyranny.

I am convinced, with the help of the God of Abraham, the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the present situation can be turned around. Millions are being made Wide-Awake with truth that makes them free.

(The translation does say "makes" free, not just "sets" free, BTW)

And, in the words of VonRysbrook, "the eye the light of God has clarified remains open, and we may close it nevermore."

We should prepare to use all tactics, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the strength of the Socialists is a greater testimony to the shallow understanding and weakness of the Conservative movement. Adversity will make us stronger while the Socialists are a Paper Tiger.

The Republican Party is our only short-term avenue toward our purpose, but it must never be allowed to end there again. I am not optimistic that Republicans have the Principles nor that Conservatives have the skills yet to defeat our internal adversaries. That will change, and there are some positive signs, such as the threat by the GOP minority on the Hill to use all parliamentary procedures necessary to stop the flow of any and all legislation if the Democrats use the Reconciliation process to create the framework for a government takeover of the health industry.

That's a risky gambit, because the Democrats - to whom we have given too much credit for brains in their deceit - think to use this willingness against the GOP in the 2010 elections. By this, they demonstrate the feet of clay of the anti-president who clearly continues to function in the false belief that all men are fools.

While the grassroots Conservatives are being radicalized by our unpleasant situation, the GOP on the ground, on the state level, is somewhat surprisingly weak-minded.

Too few Conservatives have even mentioned the need to use the courts, for example, before the anti-president changes the dynamics of the Supreme Court, for example.

Just yesterday, at a congressional district convention in North Carolina the room was divided on the question of whether to allow Unaffiliated voters to participate in the state-funded GOP primary elections.

To me this is a no-brainer. Absolutely not. But, after last year's Media circus of a presidential primary, it seems outrageous that no one seems particularly concerned about a broken presidential delegate selection process. It's too late to change 2008, but not too late to change that process for 2012, though it may take a federal lawsuit.

If the Democrat and Republican Parties are private institutions, what business is it of the state to fund, and control, their primary elections? How many statutes and clauses are violated by allowing a handful of small states, even with a large one tossed in here and there, to decide for the rest of us who the presidential nominee will be?

I say it is illegal, and the law agrees. For one thing, it is illegal to submerge the voting power of people within the voting power of others simply because of where they live.

There are many such reforms that need to take place, but too many distracted into fighting over issues, however righteous, that are distractions from issues burning right under our nose.

Can anything be more obvious but that the presidential nomination process is dysfunctional and unfair (and I claim it is illegal, as well)?

All this is to say there are real battles to be fought but we need more Indians and less people seeking to join a mass movement for the essentially the same reasons Democrat sheep seek to bury themselves in a more popular mass movement. There are too many seeking an escape from responsibility and thought.

It's up to the thinking people to think, to consider whether ten years from now they can honestly say, without reservation, they did all they could when they could to save the Republic.

As awful as it is to watch, I'm beginning to hope the anti-president continues to over-reach, far beyond what I would have hoped after the election.

Stay awake, study, read, embrace freedom in your own life. There are millions of us who think just like you.

21 posted on 04/26/2009 2:31:11 AM PDT by Prospero (non est ad astra mollis e terris via)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Hear hear.

Seriously - some of you - put a bullet in your head already so the rest of us don’t have to listen to you. I mean really, if it’s that doom and gloom why bother going on? Stop wasting the space and the resources.

I don’t see the need to come on here and drone about it - unless you might have the agenda of infecting the rest of us with your negativity. Otherwise you might want to do some serious self evaluation as to why you feel the need to talk everybody into hopelessness.

The rest of us will pick up the fight and don’t have time to listen to your worthless dead weight. Lead, follow, or get out of the way - but most of all STFU.

22 posted on 04/26/2009 2:32:45 AM PDT by Free Vulcan (No prisoners. No mercy. 2010 awaits.....)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

I am with you on your positive approach (as europeans we are in a deeper mud).
But don’t be naive and don’t forget that it’s a worldwide struggle,even a cultural war against what we are used to call the “western civilization” and it’s judeo-christian and rational roots...
You and freedom fighters every where are facing big powers and unholy alliances(leftism,islamism,third-worldism,liberation theology,immoral high finance,totalitarianism)...

And last but not least you should not be shied by the “racist” argument as the so-called multiculturalists are playing shamelessly the “race card”...

Good luck

25 posted on 04/26/2009 2:43:40 AM PDT by Ulysse
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To: St. Louis Conservative
People who take the demographic argument are making a borderline racist argument.

Come back when you've more matured past the liberal sloganeering.


a grizzled and moronic bastard 

26 posted on 04/26/2009 2:54:46 AM PDT by JoJo Gunn (Stop the pirates in Washington D.C.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

I’m not American, and I’m not young, but I really enjoyed your Vanity. It was well-written and it shows the Intellectual Leadership your country is going to desperately need once you’ve kicked Obama and his sorry minions out of office. You lot in America are far from finished: your Nation’s best years are yet to come, and your History’s best chapters are yet to be written.

If New Zealand can get rid of Helen Clark and her liberal harpies and nanny-state harridans after nine long years of oppression, you Yanks can get rid of Obama and his motley crew.

Of that I have no doubt at all. None.

God Bless you, and
God Bless America
*DieHard the Hunter*

27 posted on 04/26/2009 3:01:06 AM PDT by DieHard the Hunter (Is mise an ceann-cinnidh. Cha ghéill mi do dhuine. Fàg am bealach.)
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Good to hear such a positive, aggressive attitude!

I am re-reading Witness, by Whittaker Chambers, who of course was the witness in the Alger Hiss case. He describes how the US government was riddled with Communists and even Communist spy-rings controlled from Russia, and how fanatically devoted the Communist party members and fellow-travelers were to Communism. He had been one of them, and then one day he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

He realized that Communism was basically a religion, the religion of man, and inevitably imposed slavery to the state on all its followers. He realized that freedom was the proper state of man, and that freedom could come only with acceptance of God and the understanding of man as created by God and ultimately responsible not to the state but to God.

I think that if we maintain our values and are outspoken about them, people who have unreflectingly accepted the unspoken Communism that is behind most of our current left-wing thought and activity will begin to wonder about it. One of the problems we are facing in making our message clear is that Communism has been very successful in shedding its name.

Bill Ayers, Emmanuel Rahm and Obama are Communists, whether they are official party members or not. But nobody even knows what that means anymore, and most people would laugh at you if you said that because they believe that Communism is something that ceased to exist years ago. But it didn’t; the desire to impose a life entirely controlled by the collective and entirely dedicated to the collective, the cold, grim, narrow but controlled and secure life of the Communist, is alive and well in our current government, and it is our responsibility to call attention to this and to fight it.

As for the immigrants, you’re right. Many of our Hispanic immigrants actually came here fleeing Communist movements in their countries, and in Mexico, Mexicans voted in a conservative government in defiance of their heavily socialist state and overtly violent Communist party (remember the riots as the Communists tried to prevent Calderon from taking office?). It’s important not to let this group fall into the soft left of the Democratic Party. One of the good things about the fact that the soft left is rapidly becoming the hard left, taking off the velvet glove, is that it is easier to oppose it and easier to point it out to others. I agree that we have to keep up the fight and that we shouldn’t give up either immigrants or young people.

29 posted on 04/26/2009 3:13:27 AM PDT by livius
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To: St. Louis Conservative

ping for later!!

31 posted on 04/26/2009 3:18:40 AM PDT by hilaryrhymeswithrich
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To: St. Louis Conservative
I am very gladdened by your optimism and spirit. Yes, I'm a 'grizzled old baby boomer' that has a very cynical outlook.

Sometimes the cynical doom-gloom talk is needed. For example, I regularly prod my son and daughter to get them to fight back with their values and get mad...mad enough to do something about this sorry state we're in. I want my daughter to be mad enough to take the time to go vote, participate in political discussion and grass-roots events. Mad enough to do it in spite of taking care of three young daughters. I want her mad enough to teach the same thing to her children and to stay true to her conservative values, the knowledge that hard work and individualism deserves reward, regardless of the rest of this country's leeches aside.

In that respect, mine and others' attitudes may piss you off. It's what we want to do. After all, it got you mad enough to stand up and profess, didn't it? We're not gonna be around in the next 20 years when this country will really need people like you. It's going to have to be you and all the other mad conservatives who value freedom and individualism.

34 posted on 04/26/2009 3:26:55 AM PDT by Gaffer
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To: St. Louis Conservative
Yes, the Dems have made an effort to institutionalize minorities into government programs, but they are doomed to fail.

They have been doing this since the 1960's. When is the failure going to come?

35 posted on 04/26/2009 3:28:48 AM PDT by raybbr (It's going to get a lot worse now that the anchor babies are voting!)
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To: St. Louis Conservative
I'm sorry, I won't accept that.

Accept it.

36 posted on 04/26/2009 3:30:13 AM PDT by SkyPilot
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To: St. Louis Conservative

Im with you - it is a pendulum swinging - and right now it has swung to the left a bit. It’ll come back to the right, regardless of all else. Things change, and this too shall pass.

37 posted on 04/26/2009 3:36:06 AM PDT by rudman
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To: St. Louis Conservative

You are 100 percent right. I am sick of this pity party that I am seeing here. It is actually very humorous how grown people are crying over spilt milk. Sad actually.

41 posted on 04/26/2009 4:19:47 AM PDT by napscoordinator
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To: St. Louis Conservative
old, grizzled, bitter men who are cynical bastards

Many described Solzhenitsyn so near the end of his life. Twain likewise. And General Sherman, and long before the end of his life.
46 posted on 04/26/2009 4:40:17 AM PDT by flowerplough (The Obama Doctrine: Europe Good, America Bad.)
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