STOP! If He is worthy of all praise, He's worthy of all praise. No other qualifiers are needed.
Would you "clap" and "dance" at the foot of the Cross as Jesus was nailed upon it to do for our sins?
The Mass is the representation of the sacrifice of the Cross.
That's strange. Father Juhas taught us that the Mass is The Lord's Supper. Now you say it's the about the Cross.
If you were never taught the connection between the Cross and the Eucharist, then you were ill-educated. You are not alone in this, the main effect of the post-Vatican II "spirit" seeming to be the failure to transmit the faith to the younger generation.
That's strange. Father Juhas taught us that the Mass is The Lord's Supper. Now you say it's the about the Cross.
The Last Supper was the mystical presentation of the Cross 18 hours ahead of time. "This IS my body which IS being given up for you." "This IS my blood which IS being poured out for you." "Do this in memory of me."
The Cross fulfilled these words, and the perpetual celebration of the Mass afterwards fulfilled them.
Christ really sacrificed Himself in the Last Supper, offering Himself up with His own hands under the species of bread and wine - thus he was a priest after the order of Melchizedek who also offered a sacrifice of bread and wine. The Cross actualized this mystical offering.
The Mass is the repeated offering of the Last Supper, which represents the sacrifice of the Cross in an unbloody and mystical manner.