I commend you. My husband gets very uptight if the kids make even one peep. When they were babies (and generally slept through mass or laid quietly) if they made one little squeak, he told me to take them out. My girls were much better behaved at a younger age than my son, who goes nonstop from the minute he wakes up until the minute to goes to bed. I thank God that he's a good sleeper, otherwise I would have no peace! We decided when he's three we'd start taking him into Mass.
And you're right, there are some very well-behaved children. I don't blame myself, however, because my girls were just fine in church most of the time; my son is a completely different personality.
LOL I always said that my younger son had 2 speeds, hyper and comatose, I made him sit on my lap until he was about 6. My grandson is still fidgity and restless in Church (he's 6) and he makes sure not to sit by me because I give him "The Eye" and he hates that.