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To: ultima ratio
Dear ultima ratio,

"That you don't realize this is part of the current scandal these days--a sign of wretched catechesis designed to keep slavish neo-Catholics docile."

Forgive me for pointing out that you are eyeball-deep in hypocrisy when you criticize the verbal barbs of Catholicguy and then write this dreck.

If you were a traditional Catholic, you would know that docility to the Magisterium of the Church is a virtue, and you wouldn't use the word in a perjorative sense. I have heard many Protestants often speak perjoratively of docility.

"Rome WANTS you to believe every burp of the Pope is divine revelation--to distract you from the ongoing and deliberate destruction of the Catholic faith."

Ah, more insults. More hypocrisy.

"Encyclicals were meant to be understood by the faithful."

Very good. You have managed to write a sentence which is wholly true. Bravo.

But you misunderstand all you read and quote. So, I'm uninterested in your interpretation of the encyclicals of the popes. I prefer the the on-going authoritative interpretation of Tradition given by the Holy Father.

"The ordinary magisterium has no binding authority when it issues novelties. It is only infallible when it is aligned with the teachings of past popes and councils."

Actually, even if not infallible, the ordinary magisterium is binding. There is a difference between infallibility and the attribute of being binding. An individual may think to himself that the teaching on artificial contraception is wrong. It hasn't been formally proclaimed as infallible, and Pope Paul VI actually revised Humanae Vitae so that it was not promulgated as infallible. Nonetheless, the Church's teaching on artificial contraception is binding on all Catholics.

The ordinary magisterium is binding on you, too, ultima.

However, though in your interpretation, there are novelties in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, or Pope John XXIII, or Pope Paul VI, or Pope John Paul II (or whatever, I'm really uninterested in the particulars of URIOT [ultima ratio's interpretation of tradition]), I don't see any novelties. Why? Because the authoritative Magisterium of the Church has the authority from Jesus Christ to teach and interpret what is Tradition.

Paraphrasing BlackElk, 1. When the pope teaches, he is in accord with Sacred Tradition. It is his interpretation of Sacred Tradition which is valid. 2. If you think that the pope has misinterpreted Sacred Tradition, you are wrong. Go back to 1.

Anything else really and truly is Protestantism. And I say that with the deepest respect to our Protestant observers, especially drstevej. ;-)

"I'm the one who follows Trent..."

That's very nice, really, ultima. But you follow Trent as if you're living in 1602, rather than 2002. And you interpret Trent as if nothing has happened since. Which is why you disagree with the pope. Which is why you should return to 1., above.

We follow Trent, too. But we follow the First Vatican Council, as well. And the Second Vatican Council. And the encyclicals and teachings of all the popes who followed Trent, including John Paul II. If, in our limited view, we believe that Trent contradicts Vatican II or John Paul II, it is we who are in error, not Vatican II nor John Paul II. Again, apply rule 2., and return to rule 1.

"I'm the one who insists the Mass is a Sacrifice and not primarily a memorial meal, which is the Protestant's doctrine, not the true Catholic's and which had been unambiguously condemned by Trent."

* sigh *

How many times must your errors be corrected, ultima? It's only worthwhile to correct them again because this thread is developing into an entire syllabus of lefebvrist errors.

Here is where you live as if it is 1602. Indeed, the Mass is a sacrifice. It is THE Sacrifice. And Luther said it wasn't. So Trent's reform was to add extra heavy emphasis, bold, underline, and italic, to the sacrificial nature of the Mass, to counter the Lutheran heresy.

But, it is also a meal. Or at least Jesus thought so. Or perhaps you think that Trent overruled Jesus? In any event, it is a meal, as well. And the Church believed that that had been lost in the shuffle. You, of course, are evidence of this. So, the Church made a prudential judgement to change the Mass to remind us again that it is also a meal.

Now, perhaps you could argue that this was a poor prudential decision. I disagree, but you are entitled to your point of view. Perhaps you think the change went too far. Perhaps you think some adjustments could be made to improve what is already good. It would be rather arrogant on your part to think these things, but it wouldn't make you a schismatic.

But when you say that the new Mass was not permissible because it violated Trent, you are wrong in fact, and wrong in theology. It is URIOT, not Catholic teaching.

"If you weren't so docile..."

Again, docility is a virtue. It is the mean between contentiousness and subservience. A true traditional Catholic would know that.

But thanks for the compliment. A true traditional Catholic knows that it is high praise, indeed, to be called docile, in the context of submission to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

"I have said over and over that Tradition is no secret."

I agree! Listen to the Successor of Peter, and TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF TRADITION are yours!

But URIOT, or perhaps its LIOT (Lefebvre's interpretation of Tradition), or perhaps a broader SIOT (schismatic's interpretation of Tradition) IS esoteric and secret. Your interpretation is held by a few thousand folks throughout the world, whereas a billion Catholics submit to the authentic Tradition taught by the Bishop of Rome.

"I do not lack submission to this pontiff..."


Catholics all, I nominate this laugher for BIGGEST LAUGH OF THE DAY AWARD.

You directly disobey Pope John Paul II's direct instruction to all Catholic faithful to abjure from assisting at the Masses of the schismatic SSPX. "Ah, but I CANNOT obey THAT instruction, because it is the command to do evil!"

Yeah, right. Again, you have substituted your judgement for that of the Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church. That is schism, plain and simple. You have rejected the clear teaching of the Holy Father, prefering your own judgement, on a matter where the Holy Father has made plain is matter of basic unity and communion with the Catholic Church. You have chosen schism.

Worse yet, ultima, you have chosen schism when you could have easily continued to obey. If attending the Novus Ordo contradicted your (malformed) conscience, you HAVE AN INDULT MASS AVAILABLE TO YOU. You could have EASILY continued in obedience to the Holy Father AND have had your Tridentine Mass, too.

If disobedience were truly and really necessary for you to attend what you believe is a good and holy rite of the Mass, you could be considered to be misguided, but in good conscience.

But any reasonably well-catechized Catholic knows that disobedience to the Holy Father for its own sake is nothing other than RANK REBELLION.

Your choice is not about assisting at a rite of the Mass you believe is good and holy. You are angry at the Holy Father because he exercised his right to discipline the FSSP in a way with which you disagreed. Even if his prudential choice was wrong, it was certainly within his prerogative to make it. Even if you disagreed with it, it gave you no right to directly disobey him. You have available to you the same rite that is yours with the schismatics. Your choice is about rebellion, out of anger. You are a rebel against the Catholic Church, acting like a teenager who does what is wrong because he feels himself over-harshly judged by his father. And by rebelling against PETER, you are a rebel against God. Repent, ultima.

You are angry how the Holy Father has dealt with the FSSP, and so you have said, "non serviam".

And I know that you are so far gone that there is virtually no hope that my feeble, inadequate defense of the Holy Catholic Church will reach your darkened heart, mind, and soul.

I will continue to pray for you. It's the only remedy for the spiritual sickness from which you suffer.


843 posted on 12/05/2002 3:19:01 PM PST by sitetest
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To: sitetest
***Paraphrasing BlackElk, 1. When the pope teaches, he is in accord with Sacred Tradition. It is his interpretation of Sacred Tradition which is valid. 2. If you think that the pope has misinterpreted Sacred Tradition, you are wrong. Go back to 1.

Anything else really and truly is Protestantism. And I say that with the deepest respect to our Protestant observers, especially drstevej. ;-)***

;-) back at ya! I appreciate the opportunity to eavesdrop and ask some questions.

Let me see if I can get this right.

What the Pope teaches is not necessary infallible (unless promulgated ex cathedra), but it is binding nevertheless.
Furthermore, what the Pope teaches accurately defines tradition in all cases.

Assuming I am right to this point, can a pope ever teach something contrary to tradition? Can a pope ever teach something that is doctrinally errant or even heresy?

Pardon if this is ABCs but these seem to be important questions underlying this discussion.

844 posted on 12/05/2002 3:41:41 PM PST by drstevej
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To: sitetest
s1. The hour for docility has passed. Too much docility is what got us where we are with a scandal by the hour.

2. The ordinary magisterium, even when not infallible, is most certainly NOT binding. Do you know what binding means in this context? I think not.

3. The issue of contraception is not a good example since it is aligned with all past magisterial teachings and hence is NOT a novelty but is an infallible teaching.
4. The papacy serves tradition, it doesn't create it. It cannot declare something to be traditional which is not. You speak of interpretation. Rome may interpret all it wishes, but if its interpretation is out of line with past interpretations of past popes and councils it would still be in error. Being pope doesn't mean you can invent truth and make something other than what it is.

5. Black Elk is as mistaken as you if you think the Pope is lord over Tradition. He is its servant. He may interpret all he wants, his interpretation must be in line with all other popes and councils. For instance, this Pope has stated "the dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil." This is a novel teaching out of line with traditional Church teachings of past popes and councils and is therefore wrong. It is an error, a mistake in judgment and cannot be made true, no matter how much the Pope wishes to make it so. It cannot be an infallible new interpretation on capital punishment, since it refutes and opposes that which has been affirmed in justice in the past.

6. It is disingenuous of you to claim the Novus Ordo is a sacrifice. This is always the argument of Novus Ordo liturgists who wish to disguise what they've actually done--which is destroy the sacrificial structure of the Mass by throwing out the Offertory and replacing it with the Jewish prayer for grace before meals, turning the altar around to face the people and making of it a table, and ignoring all references to Christ's Real Presence while emphasizing his virtual presence, even blasphemously prohibiting kneeling for Communion--which is now deliberately taken in the hands--to diminish even more any sense of adoration any honest Catholic would feel. Such trickery and deceptions are an abomination designed to focus solely on the memoral meal aspect of the Mass while suppressing the sacrificial aspect--something clearly condemned by Trent.

7. Disobedience for its own sake is indeed rebellion, but my disobedience is for the sake of the traditional Catholic faith and not for its own sake.

8. Your rush to judgment on the state of my soul, calling me "darkened" or a son of Satan or whatever other ugly epithet you hurl at those who disagree with you show you to be pretty much what I've always believed you were--a man full of malice. Such words are hate-filled. Whatever else I may say about you, I would never pretend to judge the actual state of your soul and assume to myself a judgment which is God's alone. But you don't hesitate to condemn to hell or outer darkness those you disagree with. You do this out of malice and even hate. This tells me a lot about who you really are.
851 posted on 12/05/2002 5:22:36 PM PST by ultima ratio
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To: sitetest; Polycarp
If you weren't so docile..." Again, docility is a virtue. It is the mean between contentiousness and subservience.

<> Damn, that is inspired. Brilliant, pithy,instructive, memorable. Ya know, sometimes you are pretty good:) I suspect you haven't copyrighted that phrase. I aim to steal it<>

883 posted on 12/06/2002 4:38:26 AM PST by Catholicguy
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