In some things? Certainly. Heck, I'd even grant you that in most things he was generally on the right track.
But in ordaining 4 bishops instead of the 1 he was permitted, he gravely erred. End of story. No excuses, including amorphous appeals the emergency necessities. Rome has spoken.
When the Church brings the SSPX back in, I'll gladly attend their liturgies. And even before they are brought back in, I accept the laity in the SSPX movement to be brethren in the RCC, who if I am correct may receive the sacraments in any Indult or Novus Ordo mass as any other Catholic.
But those leading the SSPX and keeping it in schism are schizmatic.
I agree that there should be a general indult, that many Novus Ordo masses are illicit, that some are invalid, that the Novus Ordo liturgy does not do much in the way of catechizing the awesome reality of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Real Presence, that the ICEL and other translations of the Latin of the Novus Ordo are atrociuos at best, that the homopederast crisis seems to be the real fruit of the post-conciliar "spirit of V II" crowd...
we agree on so many things.
But on some things I will not and cannot agree, and on those things obviously I will say so.