How can you be sure which one that is? Scripture says that there are many false Christs.
Is the one you center your life around the one who meant what he said when he used the contrastive word, "rather" when he said this?:
"But Jesus said, On the contrary, (rather) blessed are those who hear the world of God, and observe it. Luke 11:27, 28
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible shows that the contrastive word Jesus used was menounge (prounounced men-oon-geh). #3304. It means, "rather". The sense is, "no, but" / "yea doubtless".
The primary particle "men" #3303 means "in fact" and is usually followed by a contrasted clause.
The translation that gives the sense that Jesus is contrasting what the woman said about Mary with what is in fact, the Truth, is correct. To wit:
"But Jesus said, 'no, but in fact, rather than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God, and observe it.'