RnMomof7: "What does this gobbly gook mean?
DISCLAIMER: I BELIEVE THAT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH THE SON! There is no salvation for anyone who does not confess with his or her mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. Any view that is attributed to me above and beyond the above statement of faith is false and a lie.
Now, to address your question. God never desired for us to have a relationship with Him only within the confines of humanly constructed beliefs. This is not gobbly gook at all. Question: Does God desire a relationship with us? Of course. Now, are we to only be in a relationship with Him within the confines of humanly constructed beliefs: i.e. do we have to relate to Him only through the constructs of Calvin, Wesley, Arminius, Luther, Augustine, Benny Hinn, or whomever.
Disclaimer number 2: I am not, repeat NOT disregarding these men, their beliefs, their ideas or their accomplishments. I am saying, however, that God Himself is indeed much larger than John Calvin, Martin Luther, St. Augustine, et al. This does not, in any way, shape or form, mean that these men were wrong. Far from it. It does suggest, however, that even taken in total, all the great ideas and great accomplishments from all the greats throughout history, still comes up wholly lacking against the glory and wonder of God, and being in a vibrant and growing relationship with Him.
To really understand my point of view, let me give you a quick reading list of very good (and irrefutably Christian) books that, should you take the oppertunity and read them, will open your world to God, the true God, the real and living God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, in ways that will severly strain your current worldview.
Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich
The Cloud of Unknowing
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
either Word into Silence or Christian Meditation: The Gethsemani Talks by John Main.
God is bigger than most Christians give Him credit for.
Would you say that the experiential aspect of Christianity is more important than the doctrinal aspect?
No God never intended to have us have a relationship with Him through any way but Jesus Christ But I do not think that those that adhere to those theologies would say they Love Him through them..but rather the constructs (as Winston calls them) explain the form of the relationship..they are not the relationship
I still do not agree with you that natural man is looking for the one true God BTW :>)