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It Was Us Against Them: Does Mahony Want A Priestless Church?
Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission ^ | March, 2001 | Robert Kumpel

Posted on 09/08/2002 7:30:52 PM PDT by american colleen

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Comment #221 Removed by Moderator

To: Polycarp
"The whole Church turned a corner after Dallas. It turned the wrong corner, and its dawning on us and troubling us and leading to these outbursts and fights even between orthodox Catholics."

Many have felt this before. You aren't alone Polycarp. Even my own father rambled through these thoughts in the early to mid sixties but the corner was counciliar and the implementation didn't seem to match the actual writings which made his generation feel more lost at sea.
222 posted on 09/12/2002 8:05:05 AM PDT by Domestic Church
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Comment #223 Removed by Moderator

Comment #224 Removed by Moderator

To: goldenstategirl
How could the Holy Spirit act or reside there? I think a priest/Saint's abilities are directly related to their own purity.

It's called "ex opere operato". I think the Catechism talks about it in par 1258? Without this, valid sacraments would be in question.

225 posted on 09/12/2002 8:23:41 AM PDT by ThomasMore
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To: sandyeggo
I have been in a number of churches where they seem to require holding hands, and I have been given some pretty dirty looks because I do not hold hands.. This is a personal thing and I don't believe that is is a requirement. I spent time in a very conservative parish in FL and we were told that it was a personal choice... Where we are now there is both and it has not been a problem....
226 posted on 09/12/2002 8:25:43 AM PDT by .45MAN
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To: Desdemona
Of course, Guiness converted 20 years or more before he met George Lucas.

Sad, isn't it, that a whole generation grew up learning morals from George Lucas and Jim Henson.

I'll say.

Though I admire the production values, I've never been a Star Wars fan. I remember seeing the first installment in the series -- was it 1977? -- and sputtering to my date, lacking the critical (not to mention philosophical) language to explain my instinctive antipathy. There was so much artistic dishonesty and incoherence, one scarcely knew where to attack first. One thinks of the homage to popular pieties about savvy, independent females (audiences swallowed whole the vulgar and idiotic notion of a "princess" with the speech and deportment of a suburban American teenager). Then there's the pandering to unthinking loyalties: the Empire is evil because its soldiers have frowny-masks instead of faces (implicitly soulless, they are non-persons, sub-humans who can be be killed off like so many cockroaches). The "Nazi-style" helmets (cleverly lampooned in Spaceballs) complete the manipulative cartoon treatment.

Nowhere is it explained why Empire is objectively evil and Federation good. Nor is the Manichaeism of Force vs. Dark Side resolved (probably can't be if Lucasfilms is going to crank out more sequels ;-)). Are they equal? If so, why are both not worthy of veneration? Is the Force a higher power (and why does something benevolent and anti-authoritarian call itself "the Force" anyway)? If the force is benevolent, why does it lend itself to manipulation and the clouding of men's minds, as it does when Obi-Wan Kenobi deceives the guards?

I realise this is just a movie (even if I pay it the compliment of approaching it seriously), and certainly don't intend to hijack this thread. But I did want to register my discomfort with its question-begging insinuation that "non serviam" is the proper model for human life.

227 posted on 09/12/2002 8:35:44 AM PDT by Romulus
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Comment #228 Removed by Moderator

To: BlackElk
The answer to your question is: Without those specific priests who are validly consecrated as bishops, there can be no Apostolic Succession. Without Apostolic Succession, there is no authority to ordain priests. Without priests, there will be none of the following sacraments: the Holy Eucharist (and the Real Presence of Jesus Christ: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity therein), Confirmation, Penance, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction. In such an event, the gates of hell will have prevailed which is impossible because it is guaranteed in the Peter passage of Matthew that they will not and the Scriptures tell no lies.

Christ promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, not your corrupt man-made organization.

Point by point:

Without those specific priests who are validly consecrated as bishops, there can be no Apostolic Succession

Correct, there is no Apostolic Succession.

Without Apostolic Succession, there is no authority to ordain priests.

Correct there are no "ordained priests". Christ is the only "priest".

Without priests, there will be none of the following sacraments: the Holy Eucharist (and the Real Presence of Jesus Christ: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity therein), Confirmation, Penance, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction.

Correct. Of this list, only Communion is Biblically valid. The rest are man-made. Communion required no priest and is not the "Real Presence". Few Catholics even believe that one.

Now my turn:

From Romans Chapter 1:

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

i.e. Those bringing idolatry and statue worship into Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) will be plagued with homosexual tendencies (Have you guys detected any of this kind of behavior lately?).

And from 1 Timothy Chapter 4:

1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Forbidding the priests to marry and abstaining from meat on certain days. Are these two of your demonic doctrines?

229 posted on 09/12/2002 8:37:43 AM PDT by Onelifetogive
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To: Romulus
Well, see, the first mistake Lucas made is that he actually wrote the screenplay himself, then started the movies with episode four.

As for the rest - I was too young to know any better.
230 posted on 09/12/2002 8:43:27 AM PDT by Desdemona
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To: .45MAN
"This is a personal thing and I don't believe that is is a requirement."

What it is, holding hands during the Our Father, is touchy feely. It's a personal thing, but some people are just not touchy feely.
231 posted on 09/12/2002 8:46:40 AM PDT by Desdemona
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To: patent
Superb comments, Patent.

and all the Catholics manage without me. How many even notice my absence? Few, I suspect, can name the last time I took an extended break. (This disappoints my pride to no end, of course.)

When you are not around, there is quite a large gap in our Caucus. I notice it very much, and noted your extended break too, as do others, and I hope you are able to resume your activity level, Mrs. Patent permitting of course.

232 posted on 09/12/2002 8:51:58 AM PDT by Polycarp
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To: Onelifetogive
Perhaps, instead of responding to threads about in-house Roman Catholic Church matters with intrusions as to your particular and not at all Catholic (as I assume you would agree) wrinkles on Scripture so that you may instruct the benighted, as you may see us, would you conbsider taking this tactic over to the Neverending Story thread where it belongs and minding your own business.

We ought to be allies on 95% or so of issues related to Christianity but noooooo, we can't have that because there are those who define their faith by its disagreements with Rome. Why is it necessary to constantly butt in on discussions such as this where you have absolutely no horse in the race? You are not a Catholic. None of us, even if aggravated, would accuse you of sharing the qualities of Mahoney, a genuine enemy of your faith as well as ours.

Have you ever considered the possibility that your attempts in such a fashion to share with Catholics what is most precious to you (your faith) will be received as an aggravation by Catholics who are perfectly conversant with the Roman Catholic Faith which, whatever anyone may fantasize to the contrary, was founded upon Peter and continues to this day? You can pick off a weak straggler or two, some "Catholics" ignorant and insufficiently catechized in the Faith (especially those with marital difficulty or similar vulnerabilities), some who have a need for exciting and emotional performances, some with a need for the simplest of explanations consistent with their own preferences, but, in religious terms, you'll never take Texas (i.e. the knowledgeable and capable and well-informed and catechized Catholics who would be your real prizes if you could get them). We will have our Mass. We will have our sacraments. We will have the Church of Jesus Christ as He founded it for us, together with priests, bishops, popes, all seven sacraments, the ancient creeds of the Faith and, yes, the Scriptures which we passed to those who are "reformed." That doesn't mean that we will not be annoyed by constant nagging to (hurry, hurry, look, see) what will never be a substitute for Roman Catholicism.

Sorry, you are my brother or sister in Christ via baptism but to the extent that you deviate from the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, I am going to view you as wrong. No amount of nagging will do other than give rise to a hostility that is utterly unnecessary. You are free to embrace the truths of Roman Catholicism. If you do not, that is your call via the free will that was your gift from God. In any event, stop picking at scabs.

233 posted on 09/12/2002 9:06:25 AM PDT by BlackElk
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To: patent
I agree fully with Polycarp on your post! Your last paragraph sums it up.

Treat each other as you would Christ. Sometimes that necessitates hard words, but be clear about why you say them – you should believe they will bring the subject or others closer to God.

I would however add Polycarp's name to yours as being missed when your not around. It seems I look for one or both when I find a posting on Catholicism.

234 posted on 09/12/2002 9:10:32 AM PDT by .45MAN
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To: BlackElk
I will leave your discussion.

I answered the question in the title of the post my first reply:

Does Mahony Want A Priestless Church?

A Priestless Church was good enough for the Apostles. What is wrong with a Priestless Church?

Since my initial post I have been responding to questions posed to me and to insults hurled at me:


Sit up a little higher in your chair so the point doesn't sail so far over it. I'll spell it out simpler since comprehension isn't one of your strong points.

Again from SMEDLEY:

Your ignorance of Catholicism and Scripture is overwhelming.

As far as minding (my) own business goes: I have been responding to the 7-8 replies I have received questioning my beliefs (and intelligence, for that matter).

I do not wish to pick off the weak from Catholicism. I wish that those of you who are strong, who have the courage and intelligence to be on this forum debating the corrutpion of the leadership (such as Mahoney) that goes to the core of the Roman Catholicism Church would be "picked off" and would use your talent and energy to win others away.

Revelation 17, in discussing the organization based in the "city on seven hills" (Rome) says:

Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Short of replying to additional replies directed to me, I will not post anymore to your thread.

235 posted on 09/12/2002 9:35:15 AM PDT by Onelifetogive
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To: Theresa
A ban on kneeling would somehow be excused by a need for efficiency. Nonetheless, it suggests another step in the ongoing process of promoting nonbeliuef in the Real Presence. Granted that Christ is present whether we kneel or not, this comes on top of the effort to remove kneelers from the pews, place the tabernacle out of sight, etc. Face it we have a pack of liberal jackals running many AmChurch dioceses and, like most liberals, they suffer a neverending series of new itches that must always be scratched immediately lest our liberal bishops and their vacuous lay enthusiasts be ignored.

Furthermore, it is quite evident that most AmChurch bishops have absolutely no intrention of cleaning up their cesspool seminaries.

236 posted on 09/12/2002 9:47:15 AM PDT by BlackElk
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To: Onelifetogive
This little [post of yours alleging demonic doctrines of Roman Catholicism resolves any lingering doubt as to your bona fides. This is a Catholic thread. Begone!
237 posted on 09/12/2002 9:58:44 AM PDT by BlackElk
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To: Onelifetogive
Gee, wasn't the world to end on some specific day in 1841, er, 1843, no make that 1845? It was in all the papers.

Sorry, but all you get is the stragglers, the uncatechized, and the rest that I previously mentioned. Your wish for Catholic warriors to apostasize and lead others out of the Church just never does seem to materialize, does it?

No one would have been posting to you if you had not intruded on turf not your own in the first place chewing the the same old tiresome slipper. As for me, it was the first time I had noticed your existence.

238 posted on 09/12/2002 10:07:12 AM PDT by BlackElk
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To: Polycarp
I think JPII is still at the rudder, fighting the storm. But in a storm of this magnitude it sure feels as if we are rudderless...

JPII may be the admiral of the fleet, but some of the captians of his ships are plotting mutiny. And we're crewmen who suspect our captains of something, and are just waiting for them to make a move. If they start lobbing shells at the flagship, we may have to rise up ourselves.
239 posted on 09/12/2002 10:52:07 AM PDT by Antoninus
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To: Askel5
Yes I do. Maybe I'll post it. It would certainly make for an interesting thread....

I'll have to remind myself to do it though. It's at home. I'm at work.
240 posted on 09/12/2002 11:04:08 AM PDT by Antoninus
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