Now, now JM get it right. My criticisms are of the pope, this one, the grandstander of all time who oozes vainglory from his very pores and prefers being in the spotlight to cleaning up his own filthy floors at home, and of the modernism which has betrayed your church and is bringing it to its knees.
I liked and respected your church back when you had decent leadership and reverence in your liturgy. In fact I grew up in your church, pre-Vatican 2, back when it was about worshipping God instead of about innovation and little boys as prey.
Didnt the Church suppress a number of rites at the Council of Trent and insist on the Tridentine Rite? I wonder how the Traditionalists of that era reacted to that. Hold their breath until blue? Tight-fisted tantrums because they didn't get their way?