And so it is taught among his followers to this very day. An action such as that ought to be reprobated by all Bible Christians. What surprises us is the audacity of this man who could coolly change by a stroke of the pen a fundamental doctrine of the Apostle of God, St. Paul, who wrote, as all admitted, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But this was the outcome of the Protestant standpoint, individual judgment: no authority outside of oneself.
However ignorant (and you've seen examples), however stupid (yes, indeed!), however unlettered (have mercy), you may, in fact, you are bound to cut and carve out a Bible and a Religion for yourself. No Pope, no Council, no Church shall enlighten you or dictate or hand down the doctrines of Christ. And the result we have seen in the corruption of Gods Holy Word.
You are a silly woman who has bought into the lie of private interpretation. Despite 1500 years of evidence to the contrary including the writings of the ancients, you ignore it. Despite Church Councils that first defined both the Old and New Testaments, you ignore them because they don't fit your man made religion. Despite this, like the Pharisees, you are obstinate in your error, which is one of the sins against the Holy Spirit.
God help you because there is no one here who can.