There are several articles out in cyberspace that dealt with this subject. Hugh Ross tends to state the case better, but I don't think anyone had a better title than this one.
Tell me, RW, we are all in agreement that God is Omnipotent and Omnipresent. But would you agree that God is Omnitemporal-- capable of existing in all times simultaneously. If so, then what, if any, are the theological implications?
If true, it annihilates any possibility of a Synergist Theological Construct -- obviously. This is basic Freshman Logic... pity that Jack Carter hasn't yet reached that level.
See my #13...
Well... duh.
And what is more, Jack -- if God is Omnitemporally cognizant of all possible Timestreams (including every foreordained/foreknown interaction of Providence and Will therein) and the ultimate Results thereof, and God chooses which One of an infinite number of omnitemporally foreknown Timestreams will actually be the One which He will Create... then God's knowledge of the future can only be seen as Total Sovereign Control from all eternity past.
A point which I have illustrated time and again:
"The Epistomological Impact" of an Omnitemporal Foreknowledge enjoyed by God prior to Creation has the unavoidable effect of rendering any sort of synergistic metaphysical construct absolutely impossible, and of rendering Absolute Monergistic Predestination the only possible Rational and Sane Theology.
Arminianism/Synergism could survive in an environment where God's foreknowledge was limited to our Timestream; at least they could claim that God simply foreknew our free choices and that His Plan is therefore conditioned on those foreknown Choices. But in an Omnitemporal Foreknowledge environment, Man's Choices are the purely-dependent consequent results of God's precedent Decisions -- If God decides that He will ordain to perform miracles in Sodom, then Sodom will choose to Repent when the Time comes; and if He decides that He will NOT ordain to perform miracles, then they will choose to NOT repent. Their decisions have, therefore, already been predestined for them before they are ever born, by God's determinative Election of just which Omnitemporally Foreknown time-stream He is going to Create.
Ergo, Omnitemporal Foreknowledge enjoyed prior to Creation has the unavoidable effect of rendering Absolute Monergistic Predestination the only possible Rational and Sane Theology. As I said before... duh.
Sheesh -- Jack Carter did not realize this logically-obvious impact of Omnitemporal Foreknowledge against any possible synergistic construct?
And he's a doctoral student??
(Do you think that any of his Professors know??)
Case closed.