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To: maryz
The previous attitude of “winking” at homosexuality in priests must end. Otherwise, all Church teaching on sexual morality is undermined. Also, complaints by priests of aggressive homosexual behavior in rectories and religious communities should be addressed and no longer ignored.

I don't know of anyone on this forum who would disagree with this. Why don't the bishops get it?

29 posted on 06/27/2002 9:41:12 AM PDT by ThomasMore
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To: ThomasMore
Dear ThomasMore,

"Why don't the bishops get it?"

Some do, some don't.

I think it's important to try to distinguish between those that do and those that don't.


30 posted on 06/27/2002 9:49:24 AM PDT by sitetest
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To: ThomasMore
Why don't the bishops get it?

I've read or heard a couple of theories on this bandied about. It was suggested on EWTN's coverage of the Dallas USCCB meeting that "the bishops are afraid." Now, what did this mean? Are they afraid of the pressure from homosexual activist groups? Afraid Dignity and "Act Up" people would disrupt Masses, as they have in New York in the past? Or "afraid" that homosexual priests would stage protests or leave in large numbers? It's unclear.

The other possibility is that some bishops who do support banning homosexuals from the priesthood were afraid that trying to address that now would detract from clearing up the ephebophile and pedophile abuse mess. In other words, the protests and unrest unleashed by speaking negatively of homosexuals would just drown out all other discussion. Hard to say.

They are going to have to take a hard look at the "elephant in the room" at some point. All you have to do is ask - "What is the charter protecting children from?" The answer? Being sodomized by homosexual priests.

32 posted on 06/27/2002 9:58:29 AM PDT by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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