Unlike evolutionists, I can be objective and look to objective science as well as common sense to know that God created all we see and don't see. An evolutionist can't get beyond him/herself and don't believe in God. An atheist could NEVER accept that there is a God and that they inspite of their NUMEROUS hoaxes still can't find the "missing Link". They never will because it doesn't exist. I find it amusing. It's like watching a dog going around in circles chasing its tail. Their logic, if you can all it that, is also circular and defies the very laws of science that they worship. Evolution is good for a few laughs but this thread has me laughing even harder at the lengths an evolutionist will go to villify truth and how the idea of God, scares the crap out of em.
LOL to evolutionists! They are the most illogical emotional people you'll ever meet.
That is silly. Our omnipotent God used evolution to create the universe as it is exists today.
Men of limited imagination and faith like you try to limit God's abilities to something they contain in their small minds.