Loving them into the Kingdom is mostly acting as Jesus did--meeting their needs as best one can as led by Holy Spirit and handing them off as much and as soon as fitting and possible to The Lord--when they become believers--getting them baptized, rooted and grounded in the word and a viable, alive, warm, loving, Spirit-led Fellowship. In the meantime, loving them in all the ways God opens doors for.
Being new to this thread, I guess I wasn't in the "everybody" who knew your faith in Christ. Good to know and to see you have an active witness, particularly in a secular university. Thanks for the information.
Loving them into the Kingdom is mostly acting as Jesus did--meeting their needs as best one can as led by Holy Spirit and handing them off as much and as soon as fitting and possible to The Lord--when they become believers--getting them baptized, rooted and grounded in the word and a viable, alive, warm, loving, Spirit-led Fellowship. In the meantime, loving them in all the ways God opens doors for.
I have a little challenge with what you say, such as how one knows he is being led by the Spirit, which kingdom you discuss with people, and being baptized. Where does the Word of God comes in, especially before the person is saved? What gospel do you give when a person asks what must I do to be saved?