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To: Catholicguy
Here is The SSPX as published in The Angelus January 1978, Volume I, Number 1 answers given by Father Carl Pulvermacher

Q. Aren't you being disobedient to the wishes of the Holy Father?

A. Yes, I am. However, you must understand that although obedience is good - Faith is better and is a virtue of higher rank. Our parents, our Priest, our Bishop or even the Pope cannot command me in obedience to do something against God or my soul. No power on earth is absolute. No one can command me to go to or partake of a Protestant service. "We must obey God rather than man." That was the answer of the Apostles when they were dragged before the Sanhedran.

Q. Why can't I go to the New Mass?

A. For some people it is obvious why a Catholic may not participate in the new service - the, so-called "Novus Ordo Missae." Others just can't see the reason. In Holy Mass we offer and worship Christ who is our sacrifice. In the new service is offered bread and wine, the work of human hands and the fruit of this world. In a word, the Novus Ordo Missae is a Protestant service which has been deceitfully handed to our non-suspecting Catholic people. Unbelieveably, it has been done by our bishops "in the spirit of Vatican II."

Q. Do I fulfill my Sunday obligation by going to the New Mass?

A. No. The Church obliges Catholics to keep holy the Sundays and Holy Days by hearing one whole Mass if they are able to do so. If there is no Mass available, but only the New Mass, I must skip it and keep Holy the Lord's Day by doing the next best thing.

13 posted on 06/04/2002 6:30:24 AM PDT by Catholicguy
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To: Catholicguy
Yes, I am. However, you must understand that although obedience is good - Faith is better and is a virtue of higher rank. Our parents, our Priest, our Bishop or even the Pope cannot command me in obedience to do something against God or my soul.

Oh, Oh. Sounds like a "personal interpretation" problem.

The Church obliges Catholics to keep holy the Sundays and Holy Days by hearing one whole Mass if they are able to do so. If there is no Mass available, but only the New Mass, I must skip it and keep Holy the Lord's Day by doing the next best thing.

What is the next best thing!?!?!

34 posted on 06/04/2002 7:41:41 AM PDT by american colleen
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To: Catholicguy
That guy or organization will be Orthodox within the next five years. And welcomed with open arms, it seems to me.
44 posted on 06/04/2002 8:43:08 AM PDT by MarMema
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