[1] I agree with your last statement regarding church discipline within a congregation. And I do not construe my office as an elder as bearing authority of discipline outside my local congregation.
[2] I do disagree strenuously with the statement,
"Thus, it is permissible to say a concept is "not Christian" and it is impermissible to say a person is not a Christian for believing in the unchristian concept.
An individual for example who says,
"I believe that Jesus was just a man, a teacher, I respect and follow Him as such. I do not believe his death on the cross or His ressurrection assuming that really happened, has anything to do with my eterrnal destiny. I believe all will go to Heaven who want to."
should not only be told that their views are un-Christian but that they are not a Christian if they believe what they have said. Period. It doesn't need to be harsh but it does need to be said. Speaking the truth in love. Not to confront such errant individuals is unloving to them and an abdication of our responsibility to be agents of reconcilliation.
I am just letting their "entirely santified"" sinless perfection" display it self in all its glory
I do not think any of us would disagree with point that we need to explain the truth to someone when they are in doctrinal error (like we NonCalvinists have to instruct you Calvinists, a thankless task I might add!) :>)
I believe what Winston was addressing the harshness of the rebuking in some posts.