Nobody else in our small parish has a clue, as far as I know. I used to teach RCIA with this priest at our parish, so I'm pretty familiar with the general level of catechetical knowledge.
The woman who prepares the invalid hosts at our church lives down the street. She hasn't yet returned my phone call from a couple of days ago. I guess she's in on it too. And I'm beginning to suspect that our parish council has been "packed."
As far as my bishop (Reilly of Worcester) goes, he gave the thumbs up to the performance of "The Vagina Monologues" at The College of the Holy Cross.
Does this make you want to puke or what?
I will call his office in the next week anyway in the off chance that someone there may actually do something about this.
I'll also try to pass the word along the grapevine. That might be my best bet.
If the bishop's office doesn't take corrective action, please continue to escalate the matter. Now is a prime opportunity to point out these types of practices.
I told a priest of an unfortunate experience I had regarding the sacrament of Penance and he asked me to write a letter to the Cardinal informing him of what is going on in the particular parish. If we just complain and avoid said parishes, how will those who can make changes learn of the problems (not to mention the souls they are harming)? Yes, there are some who refuse to address problems - that is why we must persevere and continue up the ladder.