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Joseph Smith's Sermon On Plurality of Gods
UTLM ^ | June 16, 1844 | Joseph Smith

Posted on 04/06/2002 12:22:31 AM PST by P-Marlowe

Joseph Smith's Sermon On Plurality of Gods
(as printed in History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 473-479)


Meeting in the Grove, east of the Temple, June 16, 1844.

Prayer by Bishop Newel K. Whitney.
Choir sang, "Mortals Awake."

President Joseph Smith read the 3rd chapter of Revelation, and took for his text 1st chapter, 6th verse—"And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father: to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

It is altogether correct in the translation. Now, you know that of late some malicious and corrupt men have sprung up and apostatized from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and they declare that the Prophet believes in a plurality of Gods, and, lo and behold! we have discovered a very great secret, they cry—"The Prophet says there are many Gods, and this proves that he has fallen."

It has been my intention for a long time to take up this subject and lay it clearly before the people, and show what my faith is in relation to this interesting matter. I have contemplated the saying of Jesus (Luke 17th chapter, 26th verse)—"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man." And if it does rain, I'll preach this doctrine, for the truth shall be preached.

I will preach on the plurality of Gods. I have selected this text for that express purpose. I wish to declare I have always and in all congregations when I have preached on the subject of the Deity, it has been the plurality of Gods. It has been preached by the Elders for fifteen years.

I have always declared God to be a distinct personage, Jesus Christ a separate and distinct personage from God the Father, and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit: and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods. If this is in accordance with the New Testament, lo and behold! we have three Gods anyhow, and they are plural: and who can contradict it!

Our text says "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father." The Apostles have discovered that there were Gods above, for Paul says God was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. My object was to preach the scriptures, and preach the doctrine they contain, there being a God above, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am bold to declare I have taught all the strong doctrines publicly. and always teach stronger doctrines in public than in private.

John was one of the men, and apostles declare they were made kings and priests unto God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It reads just so in the Revelation. Hence, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods is as prominent in the Bible as any other doctrine. It is all over the face of the Bible. It stands beyond the power of controversy. A wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein.

Paul says there are Gods many and Lords many. I want to set it forth in a plain and simple manner; but to us there is but one God—that is pertaining to us; and he is in all and through all. But if Joseph Smith says there are Gods many and Lords many, they cry, "Away with him! Crucify him! crucify him!"

Mankind verily say that the scriptures are with them. Search the scriptures, for they testify of things that these apostates would gravely pronounce blasphemy. Paul, if Joseph Smith is a blasphemer. you are. I say there are Gods many and Lords many, but to us only one, and we are to be in subjection to that one, and no man can limit the bounds or the eternal existence of eternal time. Hath he beheld the eternal world, and is he authorized to say that there is only one God? He makes himself a fool if he thinks or says so, and there is an end of his career or progress in knowledge. He cannot obtain all knowledge, for he has sealed up the gate to it.

Some say I do not interpret the scripture the same as they do. They say it means the heathen's gods. Paul says there are Gods many and Lords many; and that makes a plurality of Gods. in spite of the whims of all men. Without a revelation, I am not going to give them the knowledge of the God of heaven. You know and I testify that Paul had no allusion to the heathen gods. I have it from God, and get over it if you can. I have a witness of the Holy Ghost, and a testimony that Paul had no allusion to the heathen gods in the text. I will show from the Hebrew Bible that I am correct, and the first word shows a plurality of Gods; and I want the apostates and learned men to come here and prove to the contrary, if they can. An unlearned boy must give you a little Hebrew. Berosheit baurau Eloheim ait aushamayeen vehau auraits, rendered by King James' translators, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." I want to analyze the word Berosheit. Rosh, the head; Sheit, a grammatical termination, The Baith was not originally put there when the inspired man wrote it, but it has been since added by an old Jew. Baurau signifies to bring forth; Eloheim is from the word Eloi, God, in the singular number; and by adding the word heim, it renders it Gods. It read first, "In the beginning the head of the Gods brought forth the Gods," or, as others have translated it, "The head of the Gods called the Gods together." I want to show a little learning as well as other fools—

A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring,
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us up again.

All this confusion among professed translators is for want of drinking another draught.

The head God organized the heavens and the earth. I defy all the world to refute me. In the beginning the heads of the Gods organized the heavens and the earth. Now the learned priests and the people rage, and the heathen imagine a vain thing. If we pursue the Hebrew text further, it reads, "Berosheit baurau Eloheim ait aashamayeen vehau auraits"—"The head one of the Gods said. Let us make a man in our own image." I once asked a learned Jew, "If the Hebrew language compels us to render all words ending in heim in the plural, why not render the first Eloheim plural?" He replied, "That is the rule with few exceptions; but in this case it would ruin the Bible." He acknowledged I was right. I came here to investigate these things precisely as I believe them. Hear and judge for yourselves; and if you go away satisfied, well and good.

In the very beginning the Bible shows there is a plurality of Gods beyond the power of refutation. It is a great subject I am dwelling on. The word Eloheim ought to be in the plural all the way through—Gods. The heads of the Gods appointed one God for us; and when you take [that] view of the subject, it sets one free to see all the beauty, holiness and perfection of the Gods. All I want is to get the simple, naked truth, and the whole truth.

Many men say there is one God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are only one God! I say that is a strange God anyhow—three in one, and one in three! It is a curious organization. "Father, I pray not for the world, but I pray for them which thou hast given me." "Holy Father, keep through Thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are." All are to be crammed into one God, according to sectarianism. It would make the biggest God in all the world. He would be a wonderfully big God—he would be a giant or a monster. I want to read the text to you myself—"I am agreed with the Father and the Father is agreed with me, and we are agreed as one." The Greek shows that it should be agreed. "Father, I pray for them which Thou hast given me out of the world, and not for those alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word, that they all may be agreed, as Thou, Father, art with me, and I with Thee, that they also may be agreed with us," and all come to dwell in unity, and in all the glory and everlasting burnings of the Gods; and then we shall see as we are seen, and be as our God and He as His Father. I want to reason a little on this subject. I learned it by translating the papyrus which is now in my house. I learned a testimony concerning Abraham, and he reasoned concerning the God of heaven. "In order to do that," said he, "suppose we have two facts: that supposes another fact may exist—two men on the earth, one wiser than the other, would logically show that another who is wiser than the wisest may exist. Intelligences exist one above another, so that there is no end to them."

If Abraham reasoned thus—If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and John discovered that God the Father of Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose that He had a Father also. Where was there ever a son without a father? And where was there ever a father without first being a son? Whenever did a tree or anything spring into existence without a progenitor? And everything comes in this way. Paul says that which is earthly is in the likeness of that which is heavenly, Hence if Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that He had a Father also? I despise the idea of being scared to death at such a doctrine, for the Bible is full of it.

I want you to pay particular attention to what I am saying. Jesus said that the Father wrought precisely in the same way as His Father had done before Him. As the Father had done before. He laid down His life, and took it up the same as His Father had done before. He did as He was sent, to lay down His life and take it up again; and then was committed unto Him the keys, &c. I know it is good reasoning.

I have reason to think that the Church is being purged. I saw Satan fall from heaven, and the way they ran was a caution. All these are wonders and marvels in our eyes in these last days. So long as men are under the law of God, they have no fears—they do not scare themselves.

I want to stick to my text, to show that when men open their lips against these truths they do not injure me, but injure themselves. To the law and to the testimony, for these principles are poured out all over the scriptures. When things that are of the greatest importance are passed over by weak-minded men without even a thought, I want to see truth in all its bearings and hug it to my bosom. I believe all that God ever revealed, and I never hear of a man being damned for believing too much; but they are damned for unbelief.

They found fault with Jesus Christ because He said He was the Son of God, and made Himself equal with God. They say of me, like they did of the apostles of old, that I must be put down. What did Jesus say? "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods? If He called them Gods unto whom the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken, say ye of Him whom the Father had sanctified and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest, because I said I am the Son of God?" It was through Him that they drank of the spiritual rock. Of course He would take the honor to Himself. Jesus, if they were called Gods unto whom the word of God came, why should it be thought blasphemy that I should say I am the son of God?

Oh, poor, blind apostates! did you never think of this before? These are the quotations that the apostates take from the scriptures. They swear that they believe the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants and then you will get from them filth, slander, and bogus-makers plenty. One of the apostate Church official members prophesied that Joseph would never preach any more, and yet I am now preaching.

Go and read the vision in the Book of Covenants. There is clearly illustrated glory upon glory—one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and a glory of the stars; and as one star differeth from another star in glory, even so do they of the telestial world differ in glory, and every man who reigns in celestial glory is a God to his dominions. By the apostates admitting the testimony of the Doctrine and Covenants, they damn themselves. Paul, what do you say? They impeached Paul [p.478] and all went and left him. Paul had seven churches, and they drove him off from among them; and yet they cannot do it by me. I rejoice in that. My testimony is good.

Paul says, "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory. So is also the resurrection of the dead." They who obtain a glorious resurrection from the dead, are exalted far above principalities, powers, thrones, dominions and angels, and are expressly declared to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, all having eternal power.

The scriptures are a mixture of very strange doctrines to the Christian world, who are blindly led by the blind. I will refer to another scripture. "Now," says God, when He visited Moses in the bush, (Moses was a stammering sort of a boy like me) God said, "Thou shalt be a God unto the children of Israel." God said, "Thou shalt be a God unto Aaron, and he shall be thy spokesman." I believe those Gods that God reveals as Gods to be sons of God, and all can cry, "Abba, Father!" Sons of God who exalt themselves to be Gods, even from before the foundation of the world, and are the only Gods I have a reverence for.

John said he was a king. "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and His Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen." Oh, Thou God who art King of kings and Lord of lords, the sectarian world, by their actions, declare, "We cannot believe Thee."

The old Catholic church traditions are worth more than all you have said. Here is a principle of logic that most men have no more sense than to adopt. I will illustrate it by an old apple tree. Here jumps off a branch and says, I am the true tree, and you are corrupt. If the whole tree is corrupt, are not its branches corrupt? If the Catholic religion is a false religion, how can any true religion come out of it? If the Catholic church is bad, how can any good thing come out of it! The character of the old churches have always been slandered by all apostates since the world began.

I testify again, as the Lord lives, God never will acknowledge any traitors or apostates. Any man who will betray the Catholics will betray you; and if he will betray me, he will betray you. All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchisedek, which is after the order of the Son of God.

It is in the order of heavenly things that God should always send a new dispensation into the world when men have apostatized from the truth and lost the priesthood; but when men come out and build upon other men's foundations, they do it on their own responsibility, without: authority from God; and when the floods come and the winds blow, their foundations will be found to be sand, and their whole fabric will crumble to dust.

Did I build on any other man's foundation? I have got all the truth which the Christian world possessed, and an independent revelation in the bargain, and God will bear me off triumphant. I will drop this subject. I wish I could speak for three or four hours; but it is not expedient on account of the rain: I would still go on, and show you proof upon proofs; all the Bible is equal in support of this doctrine, one part as another.

TOPICS: General Discusssion
KEYWORDS: ldsdoctrine
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To: la$tminutepardon
All over the place in the D and C's.

Sorry the way you posted that it sounded like Adam was the God reincarnate(sp) but I grasped what you meant afterward. Yes, Adam was a god in heaven and is again, as far as I know.

41 posted on 04/06/2002 12:32:30 PM PST by CaliforniaOkie
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To: CaliforniaOkie
Adam was the God reincarnate(sp) but I grasped what you meant afterward.

I don't know about reincarnation but it's theology unlike any other. I don't want to read through it again right now, but maybe I will later. The impression I got was that God, Adam, Jesus, White Mountain all look alike and there will be no distinction between any of them in the next world. Now this is great heresy, and an affront to God, equating the creature with the Creator, and I will NEVER accept that.

42 posted on 04/06/2002 12:38:09 PM PST by la$tminutepardon
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To: la$tminutepardon
The fact that the official religion changes constantly in order to become more and more mainline Christian, is the reason why I believe that the people have no idea what they believe or once did, or are supposed to now

Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God was once a really bizzare cult. Eventually the hierarchy of the church became mainline Christians, and it is my understanding now that they are essentially an orthodox christian church. It is possible that if the Mormon church keeps modifying its beliefs to conform to mainline Christianity, that eventually they will become mainline Christians.

The stuff that these LDS posters are posting here about having a personal relationsip with Jesus Christ, is something I had never heard until I was dragged kicking and screaming to a Billy Graham crusade in my senior year of High school.

It is really funny, but I felt a tug of the Holy Spirit at that crusade like I never experienced before or since. That was really the first time I had heard the gospel preached. It was awesome. Truly it was something that was NEVER taught at any LDS service I had ever been to. The Gospel that I had heard before was not the same Gospel I heard that night.

43 posted on 04/06/2002 12:42:11 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: la$tminutepardon
Well I have no way of knowing what they believe without looking at the texts and other historical documents. The fact that the official religion changes constantly in order to become more and more mainline Christian, is the reason why I believe that the people have no idea what they believe or once did, or are supposed to now. So how can we even discuss it?

Not true, you're just confused. Try praying for the truth.

44 posted on 04/06/2002 12:47:21 PM PST by CaliforniaOkie
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To: P-Marlowe
I believe you, and as I said, I think that in spite of the church and its doctrines some truly are saved, but not any who believe that they are or will ever be the equal of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

It's a nice day, thank you all for a polite and civil talk, but now I am outta here.

45 posted on 04/06/2002 12:47:28 PM PST by la$tminutepardon
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To: CaliforniaOkie
Sorry Okie, I have the real thing, and no substitutes required. You should try reading your own books and then I wouldn't have to.
46 posted on 04/06/2002 12:51:06 PM PST by la$tminutepardon
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To: la$tminutepardon
We will look like we do now. With either more beautiful or less beautiful features, depending on our degree of holiness. I was told that we will look about like we did in our twenties. Not everyone will look alike. Please, that is what the rapture people teach(everyone lumped into one). We will never become equal with God because as we progress he also progresses in inteligence and glory there is not end to it.
47 posted on 04/06/2002 1:11:31 PM PST by CaliforniaOkie
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To: CaliforniaOkie
Adam was not deceived, he had a choice to stay in the garden forever innocent or to eat the fruit and fall (disobey) so that his eyes would be opened to good and evil. Had he not eaten the plan of salvation could take place for all mankind. Remember, God did give them the choice.

But if he was a god..what promise would the lie that "ye shall be as gods?" hold for him..he was already a god

48 posted on 04/06/2002 1:16:55 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: CaliforniaOkie
There is an implication in your post that you believe that God has a "god" above him and that our "God" will never become equal with him because that god is progressing in intelligence and glory with no end to it as well.

Do the LDS believe that God has a God above him? A God to whom he has or had to answer?

If so, then who is Lord of Lords? Who is the First and the Last and who is the Almighty?

49 posted on 04/06/2002 1:20:38 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: la$tminutepardon
Thanks P_M. I have just recently read through Nephi 1-4, Ether, The Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrines and Covenants.

Good for you.

The most disconcerting thing is the revelation that Adam is God...

But nowhere in your list does that topic ever come up.

50 posted on 04/06/2002 1:20:51 PM PST by CubicleGuy
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To: RnMomof7
Mom, to be fair, the LDS church has never officially adopted the "Adam is God" doctrine. I think that most LDS members were as shocked by Brigham Young's statements about it as anyone would have been. It is not taught now and it was not taught 35 years ago, when I was still a member. For purposes of these discussions (specifically the reaction to the above sermon) the Adam/god doctrine is a diversion. I'd like to see this thing stay on topic, or else it will deteriorate into a "he said-she said" shouting match.

Lets all stick to the issue at hand. What does the Bible have to say about whether or not there is a plurality of Gods? What does the bible say about the nature of our God. Was he once a man before he became God?

51 posted on 04/06/2002 1:36:39 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: RnMomof7
52 posted on 04/06/2002 1:38:03 PM PST by constitutiongirl
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To: P-Marlowe
Well I didn't see it as off topic as we were talking about the " godhead" and number of gods Mormons believe in..Just one side question..wasn't Young considered a prophet? As such he would not be able to how can they just ignore that?
53 posted on 04/06/2002 1:44:24 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: constitutiongirl

Spoken like a true woman...hey ...everyone is right once in a while :>)))

54 posted on 04/06/2002 1:45:37 PM PST by RnMomof7
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To: P-Marlowe, White Mountain
My my WM, if you read the whole sermon look what else you find. You do need instruction in hermeneutics!

"Now," says God, when He visited Moses in the bush, (Moses was a stammering sort of a boy like me)

55 posted on 04/06/2002 1:47:35 PM PST by la$tminutepardon
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To: P-Marlowe
What does the Bible have to say about whether or not there is a plurality of Gods?

 Gen. 1:26 
¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Gen. 3:22 
¶ And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Gen. 11:7 
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

Or does God just think that using the "royal 'we'" is the cat's meow?

56 posted on 04/06/2002 1:52:02 PM PST by CubicleGuy
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To: RnMomof7
how can they just ignore that?

How can they accept what is in this sermon? To me it is just as unscriptural. Nevertheless they do accept the teachings of Joseph Smith in the sermon above. That should give you plenty of ammunition, shouldn't it? :-)

Perhaps I'll post the Brigham Young sermon on the Adam God doctrine on another thread soon. I would anticipate that such a thread would not last 20 posts. Look how far this one has gone. It's got to be a record for an LDS discussion.

57 posted on 04/06/2002 1:54:41 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: CubicleGuy
Who are the "us" in those verses?

Did our God have the assistance of other "gods" in making the Earth? Or is it an early alliteration to the trinity?

Didn't Joseph Smith publish a translation of these verses where it says something like "And they (the Gods) said; Let us make man in our image...?" etc. (The book of Moses or Abraham something?) And wasn't that book divinely translated from some Egyptian Papyri that was rediscovered in the mid 1970's?

Do you have those verses handy?

58 posted on 04/06/2002 2:02:41 PM PST by P-Marlowe
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To: White Mountain
I know how much you like Isaiah so I'm sitting in the sun catching up to you. Dig this stuff

Isaiah 43:10-11: "I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, and the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour." Isaiah 44:6: "Thus saith the LORD...I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God."

Isaiah 45:22: ...and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me....I am God, and there is none else."

Isa 42:8: "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."

Also, the Bible never equates Eternal Life with marriage and parenthood. It is promised to ALL who have come to Christ for salvation.

I John 5:12: "He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."

Luke 20: 35-36: "But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection."

59 posted on 04/06/2002 2:08:26 PM PST by la$tminutepardon
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To: CubicleGuy
I see nothing incredible about God speaking to Himself or about Himself..It is as easy to believe as a mother god that is no where found in scripture.

Three distinct persons in one God..a Trinity

Gen 1:26; 3:22; Isa 6:3,8; 11:2,3; 42:1; 48:16; 61:1-3; 63:9,10; Mat 1:18,20; 3:11,16; 12:18,28; 28:19; Mar 1:8; Luk 1:35; 3:16,22; 4:1,14,18; Jhn 1:32,33; 3:34,35; 7:39; 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7,13-15; 20:22; Act 1:2,4,5; 2:33; 10:36-38; Rom 1:3,4; 8:9-11,26,27; 1Cr 2:10,11; 6:19; 8:6; 12:3-6; 2Cr 1:21,22; 3:17; 5:5; 13:14; Gal 4:4,6; Phl 1:19; Col 2:2; 2Th 2:13,14,16; 1Ti 3:16; Tts 3:4-6; Hbr 9:14; 1Pe 1:2; 3:18; 1Jo 5:6,7; Rev 4:8

60 posted on 04/06/2002 2:10:06 PM PST by RnMomof7
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